Reviews for Star Trek: Primeval Civility
Bearmauls chapter 1 . 7/6
This is interesting, but the accent is really disrupting my reading enjoyment.
Blaze1992 chapter 7 . 2/29
And you just lost my interest.
Joe Lawyer chapter 7 . 2/26
I've been wondering what Ivan has been spending his money on. A hitman/mercenary of his skill, taking the missions he is taking, would be making a ridiculous amount of money. A small Ferengi shuttle would not be the chosen vessel for such a guy, but if he's devoting a lot of his money to a large scale research and design project, well that makes more sense. I'm curious what that could be.

So we finally got our first glimpse of Section 31. God only knows how their meeting with Ivan will go, or what they ultimately want with him.
wookie100 chapter 7 . 2/26
Story started out great. Weird AU PTSD Vibe. I don't care about your protagonist after the last two chapters. It's like reading about how a 80's super villains minion came to be. Egh.
Joe Lawyer chapter 6 . 11/27/2019
Cool non-standard technology, but well within what I think the Star Trek universe is capable fo producing.

I wonder why the visor said to eliminate the human first. Typical combat doctrine would require the elimination of the biggest threat in the group in the first surprise attack. You’d think that would be the Klingon or the Vulcan.

Wow, mentally chosen variable ammunition modes. Talk about Special Forces. Quite a lethal takedown. Like a ninja or an assassin.

I am loving the way you’ve created all this new tech and the way he’s using it!

This gun of his with variable ammunition is reminding me Judge Dredd’s Lawgiver II.

Headhunter. I like that title. It’s fearsome. And an extremely expensive hit man is going to have a lot of resources.

I have mixed feelings about the thing with the kid at the end. Regardless of his feelings, getting the gun away from the kid should have been the first thing he did, but we can’t expect him to be perfect or make no mistakes. He should have also vaporized the armor he left behind.

Shared apartment? His charge? He’s got a shuttle? I suppose a shuttle would be better for a lone hunter type. A runabout-class vessel would certainly be roomy for one person, and capable of being maintained by one person. So many questions.

I would bet you a 1000 bars of latinum that Headhunter has been hired by many galactic governments in addition to the Orion Syndicate. He may have even done work for Section 31.

I’m very much looking forward to more. There are way too few Star Trek SI fics out there and this is a very fun fic so far! Good work!
Joe Lawyer chapter 5 . 11/26/2019
At the beginning of this chapter I bet Ivan was thinking, ‘F#$K, I should have looked up the laws about phaser ownership by private citizens in the Federation.’ That stick is going to seem pretty insufficient, pretty quickly. Like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

HA! He called for the computer and it answered. Well, that certainly helps when he has no idea how to drive the hovercar. if Ivan’s descendant had a phaser, private citizens must be allowed to own them.

I’m glad that Ivan saved his family. I’m sure that will bring them closer together in a way far more than simple genetics could have.

Wow, the death toll on Ares and at Wolf 359 was pretty huge, and I think larger than in canon. did lead to some good things. The Federation, for a time, took their defenses more seriously, which prevented them from being nearly instantly beaten by the Dominion in a few years time. Q did humanity and the Federation a huge favor. It’s funny how no one acknowledges it.

More drunken antics.

Mind melding with Spock. That’s every Star Trek fan’s dream. But it’s a two way thing and I hope, like Piccard in canon, Ivan gets a lot out of it. Learning that there is a starship’s database worth of information in his head that he can’t access is a great start.

“ must become again what you always were, but learn to be something new.” – Ominous, considering Ivan was a warrior, one who fought nearly all his adult life. But we know shit is coming, don’t we. Getting training to be the best warrior he can be in this future time is certainly a worthy goal.

Seems like the Andorians are expecting a pacifistic human who eschews violence, man, they don’t know Ivan. Maybe he should tell that story with the Uson and blowing up a ship in orbit with a canon in true bombastic storytelling fashion. He’d have Andorian women trying to make him give them babies.
Joe Lawyer chapter 4 . 11/26/2019
A Martian comedy club does sound amazing.

When he puts it like that, it really is kind of sad. Data was actually pretty much the friendliest person on the ship. You’d think Guinan or Troi would have been better to him. I imagine most viewed him with a lot of distaste, a part of humanity’s past they wanted to forget or think never existed. Even saving the lives of Data and Sonya didn’t manage to change their minds; maybe his skill with violence confirmed their worst beliefs about humanity’s dark history. Kind of crappy of them considering the culture shock he would obviously be feeling. They even put him in the brig and would have likely given him jail time if he hadn’t been so useful. Why not cut him a break given the extreme circumstances of arriving in this universe and the extreme combat on the planet? He saved lives in a maneuver Ivan almost certainly expected to die from. They gave Sonya a much better shake then they did him, the prejudiced bastards. I wonder if any of them possess the level of self-introspection needed to feel ashamed at the way they treated him.

I really, really don’t like fade to black sex scenes. This is an M-rated fic. My philosophy is to write the sex in your story to the same level of detail as you do the violence. Don’t shy away from it. And remember, you had half a dude’s face blown off and his corpse strung up with his entrails falling out. No problem writing that.

The reaction to Ivan and Pen having sex felt extreme and really out of place. You’d think in the future, without the moral shaming of organized religion, foolproof contraception, and likely all the STDs being cured, that a fairly hedonistic and shame-free attitude would have arisen when it came to sex...even with the workplace aspect of it.

Saying weird alien words in his sleep he doesn’t know or recognize...seems like we might be seeing a bit of whatever that ROB gave him.

If untrained Vulcan hoodlums can beat Ivan up this easily, then he seriously needs to look into upgrading his physiology or doing something to seriously improve his chances.

Actually, Pen said that the medical services on Mars were so good if a heartbeat was out of place, medical services would be dispatched. Sure, I get that Ivan just arrived and therefore possibly might not be hooked into that system, but even that seems hard to believe given Federation efficiency. He arrived via legal and tracked transport. The authorities of Ares know he’s there. Anyways, even if he weren’t yet monitored medically, those kids wouldn’t know that, which would make them far more cautious if the chances for immediate detection and arrest were so high. I feel like this was a problem with internal consistency.

This alcoholism really needs to be dealt with. It’s weakness personified. I’d much rather he do something more fun than drink, like get laid a bunch. Self-destructive cycle is right. Get it together.

Porn still exists, right? HAHA!

Wow. A man who’s fought in war since childhood with a body count in the hundreds is going to gain the excited interest of the more clandestine security services of the Federation. Both Starfleet Intelligence and Section 31 would probably love to recruit a human capable of extreme violence for missions. Because regardless of how much canon Star Trek tried to pretend everything was awesome, I guarantee you that there were hard men and women doing terrible things in the shadows to keep the Federation from collapsing. A person like Ivan would be considered an excellent potential recruit. Hell, he might even come to enjoy the freedoms it would give him, and the excitement.

Huh...getting a psychiatrist of Asian descent seems like it was not a case of random chance at work. I bet you that guy works for or with Section 31 and they’re evaluating Ivan as a threat to the Federation.

I bet you that reaction to the memory recall drug was not by accident. I think he’s being tested. After a month of intense questioning though, I would bet even Section 31 will feel like there is no way this was just a carefully elaborate backstory created by an enemy power. That he really is from another universe.

A Borg cube? Well, Ivan is going to get a chance to shine.
frankieu chapter 6 . 11/26/2019
nice chapter thx for writing it
Joe Lawyer chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
Out of all the exercise programs Ivan could have chosen he chose that program, as a slave. Ivan has some super weird psychological shit going on...

I really like the improvisation here with these nerve stimulators. It’s a nice touch!

If Ivan is looking for something to do, find some companionship for the evening. There are a lot of women on the Enterprise who might be pretty damn intrigued by him.

Dude, Geordi was way out of line. How on freaking Earth is he legitimately claiming Riv’s death was on Ivan of all people? The guy was killed in a surprise attack like 3 seconds in! Ivan had nothing at all to do with it besides being there as an addon to the mission.

Wow, I never really thought about it, but a forcefield is actually a pretty stupid thing to use for a brig. I’m going to chalk that up to in the canon universe, those extra races led to some better tech that made it make sense.

K’ Very interesting choice to include her. She’s one of the hottest half Klingon women in all the shows, maybe even hotter than B’Elanna Torres.

Ha! Ridgeless Klingons... I’m curious if that means you’re incorporating the Enterprise Augment episodes into this AU to explain the difference.

If Ivan has a thing for K’Ehleyr and with all the shit going down in the future, maybe he should look into getting some genetic improvements and augment himself on the down low, or do some kind of cybernetic improvements. IT would certainly improve his chances for survival and make him a better match physically for K’Ehleyr and the other physically more powerful species around.

If he’s not feeling it onboard the Enterprise, then he should try to make some dough with his future knowledge and buy a ship of his own. And yes, the Federation sells ships to their citizens too, but yes, it might be better for him to buy one from one of the other powers if that means fewer restrictions on weaponry.

Well, Geordi is still kind of a dickhead it seems. That’s unfortunate.
Joe Lawyer chapter 2 . 11/26/2019
The shuttle’s “teleporter”? Really? Is that a purposeful change you’re making per the AU nature of this dimension, or was that just an error when you meant to say “transporter.”

I can’t tell if Ivan was one of the rare few who genuinely liked Wild Wild West or he was being just having fun describing that ridiculous plot.

How interesting that Ivan can connect more with Andorians than modern humans. He might want to search for a mate in an Andorian woman in the future.

I’m not at all surprised that Ivan handled this sudden combat situation with far more composure and presence of mind than that Starfleet ensign. He’s seen years and years of war and combat, whereas the average Starfleet officer has seen little to none.

The Iruujin-Human war, huh? Some long ago, but bloody war with humanity, likely before the Federation was formed.

It would likely be a great idea for Ivan to take in some holodeck programs allowing him to practice his aim using modern energy weapons. There are also likely programs there that he can used to learn how to use, disassemble, repair and maintain those weapons.

Badass move from Ivan killing that Uson.

“...they’ll bang a couple of stones together and somehow forge a warp coil.” – HAHA! Kind of true.

Damn...even more badass move to shoot that bear cannon in space to take out a ship in orbit! He seriously needs to get a holo-recording of that from the Enterprise’s or the shuttle’s sensors and use it to seduce Andorian and Klingon women in bars. There are going to be some operatives out there who are mighty impressed with that kind of kill. It’s super high on the crazy/badass scale.

I hope Sonya doesn’t get a court martial. I’m not really sure it was a failing on her part and more a failing of her training and Starfleet’s poor preparation for true combat situations.

Glad Sonya got off. I hope Ivan can keep in contact with her. People who have shared such an intense situation can often become lifelong friends and comrades.

Also glad the Enterprise crew recognize the great service Ivan provided. I don’t think there were many of the ship who could have pulled anything like that off.
vete chapter 6 . 11/26/2019
Well that was a nice surprise. Glad to see you are still writing!
Joe Lawyer chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
I'm intrigued so far, but a tad disappointed that the secret of your SI's origins couldn't last past the first chapter. Ivan better hope that Piccard keeps his mouth shut and doesn't write it down anywhere or else Section 31 is going to be dissecting his mind to get at everything he knows.

I'm also a bit disappointed that Ivan just kips out in sickbay, or in the shelter, or takes his medicine instead of at least TRYING to replicate a rifle and ammo or something. Sure, there are likely safeguards to prevent it, but trying would be something.

I'm also surprised he isn't sharing what the ultimate point of Q's actions are, or at least hinting at it. Q is humanity's greatest champion. Q put the Enterprise into the Borg's path to try to snap the Federation out of their lackadaisical attitude. Without that brief shock, no matter how little it did in the end, the Federation would not have been able to survive or win the Dominion War in a few years time. It prompted the Federation to finally spend time and resources developing new weapons, new planetary defenses, and to design its first ever warship. Q did the Federation and humanity a tremendous favor.
Blaze1992 chapter 5 . 4/26/2019
Okay it's both equally confusing and interesting at the same time, though I would've liked it more if it was based in archer's time but beggars can't be choosers here.
FractiousDay chapter 5 . 4/13/2019
It's a bit all over the place. Not really sure what to think as I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
Rangle chapter 1 . 4/13/2019
What a disappointing first chapter. This read like a senseless incoherent rambling. It left a bad taste.. very unsatisfactory.
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