Reviews for Moonrise (Story Game)
Kyra4 chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
Aw, I enjoyed the Jester/Rake interaction - poor Jester, still hurting so much and seeing a kindred spirit in Rake, in this regard at least, and wanting to change Rake's outcome since it's too late to change his own. Poor sweet boy! Jane belongs with Gunther, but it IS important to recognize that there's some collateral damage as a result of their relationship, whether intended or not (and of course it was not - but it's still there.)

With some coaching, looks like Rake will give Smithy a run for his money!

And I'm HUGELY intrigued by this new element of the pendant/amulet you've introduced! Oooh! So mysterious and dare I say dangerous! That's what makes this game so great/fun, you never know what people will bring to the table! Things are slow around here at present but hopefully will pick up. Thanks for jumping in!
The Lightning Flash chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
Copy pasta because you deserve recognition here too.

Go Rake, go! You can do it!

There's nothing wrong with the steady and devoted love that Rake can offer.

You did well with Jester, you did a great job capturing his character!

Well done.