Reviews for Monsters and Mechanical Angels
CitrinePiazzolla chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
I'd have to say, this one shot is well written. The information from what I know of Xenosaga is spot on. And well, i'm just happy to see this fandom still active. I also like how you portrayed Rubedo to how he would've acted around that time. The death of his brother will continue to linger in his mind until much later in his life(Episode 3) but still, even MOMO was portrayed how she would've acted as well and I like it. The spelling and grammar from what I can tell in my somewhat mentally awake sate is spot on. The spacing of paragraphs are like how I would space in my editing of my current project which hasn't been published yet. Anyway, keep up the good work my friend and don't let anyone discourage you from writing.