Reviews for Lost Cause
Caro09 chapter 13 . 7/20
I’m in love with this story!
Hstevens chapter 13 . 6/25
I love ... I hope to read more soon ;)
Kmpcarter chapter 13 . 6/14
Is there more?
kinnik chapter 13 . 6/14
So glad to see this updated! I've been following for quite some time. I love it.
kinnik chapter 11 . 6/14
Guest chapter 13 . 6/9
Omg I’ve been waiting sooooo long for an update that I almost threw my phone when it appeared haha! I’m super curious and excited to see how it plays out. Will we get to see the “human” jasper again?
MSA chapter 13 . 6/7
YAY! I was so worried that this story died. I really love the concept and the characters, so I'm happy I still have the chance to get to know them and see this story through to the end.
madmoxley1 chapter 13 . 5/27
This is amazing! Best thing I've read for a while please write more I absolutely love everything about it!

Lowkey kinda want her to like get hurt and whatever and be bleeding and all of them expecting Jasper to attack but he's purring and stuff and old-school tending to her wounds cuz I think back then as a solider he learned basic first aid. This is amazing I keep going back and rereading it! Hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 13 . 5/26
oh dear lord do i love this.
thank you hun,
Greenshells chapter 13 . 5/26
Loving this story! Very well thought out and written!
carlabordon92 chapter 13 . 5/26
gracias por volver, esta historia esta muy buena espero que la continues
Windwoman chapter 13 . 5/25
I plead and beg please come back and finish this tale for me!
Windwoman chapter 12 . 5/25
If your still a round I hope you finish this story. I have truly enjoyed what I have read so far.
Windwoman chapter 11 . 5/25
Getting closer to 13. Do you still hang out here? If this is not finished will you please complete it for me so I can know. Cliff hangers are fun for a short time but the end of the story is so much more fulfilling.
Windwoman chapter 9 . 5/25
I love this story I am drawing near the 13th chapter and truly hoping to find the end of the story not another abandoned story that is good and should be finished.
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