Reviews for Incandescent Wrath
13920249-Deleted -this-account chapter 1 . 8/9
Please update soon.
Azarath chapter 1 . 2/12
Hey. I think it’s been a really long time but are you still going to continue this? I would love to see Loki talk about how actually similar his situation was to Tony’s, and realize that he could’ve turned out the same way. I think Thor would be in the background, acting more like a diplomat from New Asgard than their old friend. Valkyrie would be off the the side chugging some liquor. I don’t think Steve would be very ready to see that. Oh, the opportunities.
AralineDelia chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
You know, now that they Rogues know that they are going to get their butts handed to them, I think that at least one of them is just not going to show up. I do really want to see the X-Men tear into them, because Charles Xavier is a telepath, and he and Wanda are probably going to have some very intense staring contests. Plus the Guardians are not going to make any sense to anyone in the Rogues at all. Their confusion would be so funny! If anything please write Pepper tearing into them. And maybe Thor, because everyone is kinda expecting him to be like a golden retriever, all bite and no bark. It doesn't work that way, but you know what I mean.
Anonymous00 chapter 1 . 1/7/2019
Hello! I just wanted to ask: how in hell hasn't this masterpiece more review?! I just love your serie (especially the one with Dr strange, Jessica Jones and all the gang!) Team cap is really pissing me off and I so hope you're going to continue this (can I hope for pepper next or will she be the final nail in their coffin?)
In short : so cool!
Please ignore the haters and keep posting! This is huge! *_*

PS I can suggest dls 's work on AO3 for us bitter souls after Civil War...
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
this was really good!
Hanaty chapter 1 . 10/21/2018
I love this series. Hope you will post more even if it’s been a long time. Thanks for this really good time!
elldorade chapter 1 . 8/4/2018
this is really good, please write more
ravi.tati chapter 1 . 7/26/2018
Will you write one for Pepper? Can’t wait to read them.
LeiaOrgana457HP chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
plz make this more than a one shot
Phoenixhp5 chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
Loved it! Now pepper is going to kick some ass, hahaha! Gotta day, Steve and Wanda are pissing me off. When are they going to realize what they’ve done?
doutlesslover223 chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
Oh God please write more! This is so funny! I want to know what the others will do to them!