Reviews for The Rat Kingdom
Mennina chapter 28 . 5/26
Good evening

The dreams of Psody are always exciting. Especially when he is aware that he is dreaming.
In this dream one or two things are wrong. If you know the first version, the scene in which he gets the cuts in his ears, you will notice that. Then again, it's a dream.

Also in this dream Bianka seems to be the preferred "victim" again.
And another thing is new. Here Psody is told that the Horned Rat wouldn't like his kingdom.
On the one hand; possible.
I mean, the Horned Rat isn't worshipped there yet. I don't know how all this will change if more Grey Seers are born. But maybe something like this upsets him. It would upset me.

On the other hand Psody has come the furthest of any Skaven ever. He' s populating/”conquering” the surface. And that's the Horned Rat's quest. Psody actually does what the Horned Rat wants him to do.

What was also interesting: as soon as Psody has turned his eyes away from Bianka, he seems to have discovered something important. And exactly then he wakes up. The feeling that he is being manipulated here is intensifying. I think you did a very good job of that.

Only that waking up is not really an improvement of the situation.
Here too I think it's great that you don't just let Psody wake up and everything's fine, but that the dream is still present in his mind. It reminds me of how I myself got scared out of a nightmare and didn't know where I was at first. Psody's desperation was palpable, as was the horror.

The social interactions of the characters are what I like most about your story. Heike is also a beautiful character. Although she can't fight, nor does she know magic and is a " housewife ", she is still very important. She's helping Psody. Psody in turn wants to protect Heike and face his problems alone.
Here the peculiarities of the individual characters come into play. It's the many different facets of your characters that make this story so vivid. At this point I would like to see Bianka and Gabriel appear more often, so that we get a better picture of them too.

But back to the rest of your chapter.

I must say, the revelation with the third white Skaven was not so surprising. So far, only one in two that we've come across has been actively done something. I wonder if one of them survived the shot in the stomach.
But a white seer with green eyes? This reminds me of Banka's dream again, although it's probably not connected.
But this also explains why the dream has some flaws. The white seer can't know how exactly Psody got the status as an adult. Maybe it's like that in his own colony, where you get your cuts in the ears in a temple, maybe he has made it up.

During the chapter you found a good balance and built up the tension. I found the sudden leap into the chapel disturbing at this point.
Maybe, if you make a change like this again, you can create a more secure transition. Perhaps by a larger indention so that one is protected a little.

As for the Horned Rat's vision... I don't really know what to think. Somehow I knew that this was not the Horned Rat. Maybe because the apparition spoke so much? Or because a few paragraphs previously he spoke of a trap being set for the Grey Seer.
And the trap has been sprung.

The last paragraph with the dinner had a certain, bitter aftertaste. Nobody knows yet that Kristofferson has taken a very unpleasant bath and that he may no longer is alive. I wonder if Sigmund will take it to heart when he hears about this. What if he remembers how he didn't want to say goodbye properly?
Now I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter in which you will solve the riddle about this magic.

And as for the painting, I would like one from Gabriel.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 27 . 5/23
Good evening

The chapter begins with a letter. I personally always like these letters because they give a good insight into the thoughts of the person. But this time the letter won't end. Will the letter ever be finished?

Putting Carolina in a situation with the Orcs was a good idea of yours. The characters have someone to whom they can explain the Orcs behaviour. So even readers who are not yet so familiar with the Warhammer- Orcs can follow well.

Actually, this chief confused me. After the bullet has not reached its target, he calls them all cowards and demands that they come down and fight with him. But when he is challenged to a duel, he turns away.
Strange creature.

The next obstacle is that there are no carrier pigeons. Now I would like to know exactly how long Kristofferson has been there. Hasn't anyone noticed in that time frame that there isn't one?
But you've created another problem. How should they call for help now?

Well, it remains exciting.

And Kristofferson will be the rider. Again, I think it's great that you thought about the tail. Some Eshins use it as a third arm too. The question is: Can the tail really replace a broken arm?
The distraction came quite unexpected. To be honest, I had already forgotten about Kreuzer. Nice to see you haven't forgotten him.
And so Kristofferson was able to leave.

I read with bated breath how he rode off. After all, I know that you'll let your main character die too, if it fits.
I gotta say, it was pretty mean of you. Fortunately he escapes the Orcs, and I could breathe a sigh of relief only to discover the next moment it wasn't over.
He escapes the Wyvern, but ends up in the river. When he lost consciousness and the chapter was over, I inevitably remembered how he said goodbye to Sigmund. Not every time you say goodbye it means you'll meet again.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Kristofferson, that he somehow gets lucky and is found in time.

By the way, this is a mean cliffhanger.
Best regards,
jamiemartin10 chapter 28 . 5/19
I was really wondering what was with Psody flashbacks about his family getting killed. and now I finally know it was a Grey Seer messing with him. I want to have the population of rat Kingdom would react to want the Grey Seer wanted to do with all of they get informed about x-rated stopping to dreams the accusations of raping with all feral Skaven Probably increase.
Mennina chapter 26 . 5/2
Good evening

First, I want to thank you. It's nice of you to mention my paintings and my fanfiction.

In this chapter there is again a look back. You've summarized the most important. At the same time it makes you want to read the first part. If you don't already know it.
And the way things are going, you'd think things would be a little quieter. The danger is averted for now, the country recovers. Everything seems to be getting better. Psody and Heike get some time together again and the Rat Kingdom expands its relations to its neighbours.


By now I already know that you only give your characters a breather, the next phase will begin shortly...

Bianka's nightmare was great. I don't mean that I like her now as much as your other characters, but because the atmosphere was awesome.
This could be from a horror movie, you know?
And a figure with green shining eyes, mhm? Did you hack into my PC and read my character list? ;)
If the figure really exists, is an Eshin, has a black fur and likes to be sent on diplomatic missions that can end in disaster; then it gets scary.

But now back to your fanfiction.

Bianka's anger is an expression of her fear, we already know that.
But what exactly does she want to achieve? Does she want to tell her father or her mother about the nightmare? What's the point of looking for her parents?
And in this tense mood she encounters the situation with Isolde. I'm glad she didn't dump her anger on Isolde.

Instead she chose Psody as her target.
But before it can come to a big channel, everything takes another turn; an interesting but above all unpredictable turn.
Another vision? Maybe. Here I find it surprising that it is the second scene with Bianka and Vellux.
That it ends with Bianka getting a book on her nose was amusing again. I just feel terribly sorry for Psody. Knowing you hurt your own child, that you love ... he'll probably blame himself for a while.
At this point, I'll paint you a picture too.

A quick question: Did I simply overlook Bianka's suspicion? Did she talk to anyone about the fact that her father might have been under a spell?

You have described the end of the chapter very well.
I feel a little sorry for Gabriel. But on the other hand, these are fears that probably every child has. Who doesn't know them, the monsters under the bed? Or the bogeyman who lives in the closets and drawers?
Here it is the feral skaven that scares him. Although the idea with the toilet and the sewer is not so absurd.

The next thing with Sigmund is... ...mean. And infinitely sad.

There's nothing worse than seeing your heroes fall. Especially for younger siblings, the older ones are often the heroes; like here.
First, you describe how Gabriel sees Sigmund, how safe he feels with him. And then he has to experience this scenario.

Does Gabriel know about Sigmund’s addiction? Or was this his first experience with his completely drunk brother? Well, I mean, he saw him drunk in a previous chapter. But there was a few floors between them.
Does he know when his brother tends to get drunk? I already know Gabriel is no fool. He will be able to put one and one together.
Perhaps he should write a letter to Kristofferson to get some reassurance? In any case, I am already looking forward to the new chapter. I'm curious if you solve one or the other riddle or if we jump to Kristofferson first.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 25 . 4/26
Hi There

So, let's find out if this one can be done without complications.

A great spring cleaning. Yeah, definitely.
Just something different than what we would do.

When you described the area, I had to smile a little. Before Clan Pestilens seeded its attack, I found black marsh grass in a garden centre. It looks quite beautiful, actually. If there weren't Plaguemonks involved in the whole thing, it would be nice in a bizarre way.
And the pollen has Warpstone particles in it?
That's genius!
For someone who has no idea how Warpstone smells, this would be an ideal trap. Poison your target without them knowing it's being poisoned.

The short look back on the event with the dryad was a good fit. Especially in combination with the description of magic. This Jade Magic, is it something that happens in Warhammer, or did you come up with it yourself?

I can understand very well why Psody does not want anyone to watch him during the ritual. The instruction to Sigmund to hit anyone who turned around made me laugh. Sigmund will definitely do that.

Speaking of Sigmund.
His apology was unexpected. And yet it also shows a further development of his character. I am curious how long his newfound sobriety will hold.

The ritual goes on steadily. Does Sigmund know everything?
I really feel sorry for Psody. But sometimes you have to do things that make you uncomfortable.

Then the scene jumps. I had hoped to hear something from Bianka after the three markings.
Looks like Larn accidentally kicked off a smelly avalanche, huh? Or was he just a figure, sacrificed for the chaos that is now emerging?

I'm sure we'll find out eventually.

Bianka is... Bianka.
She is still the character I would probably mourn the least.
Loyalty works both ways. And maybe if you like someone less, you will be a little more hesitant about your duties with them?
Reading through the chapter again, I realized that these signs might not have been directed against Isolde. Maybe this sign was deliberately attached to her bed to intimidate another person.

At least they are one step closer to finding the traitor. I'm curious about the prince's hunch.
Steadyhand was the elf, right? Yes, that Bianka didn't trust him was foreseeable. In general our pal here has a big problem with trust. Is there a reason for this or is it just a quirky character trait?

I am already looking forward to the new chapter.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 24 . 4/22
Hi there

This chapter begins with a discussion. Actually my idea for "Vector of Life" would have been water too. As it was said it was not personal enough, I thought of amniotic fluid. Only it would be hard for Psody to make.
I wasn't thinking about breast milk. May I ask you how you got the idea?

And once it was clear what the ingredient would be... well, I feel sorry for Psody. Let's just hope it works.

I also found it very interesting that Sigmund was allowed to come along again. On the other hand, it makes sense, because he already knows the country a little bit. And who knows, maybe there will be some nice father-son moments? In any case, these two can work through a few things. To be honest, I am very much looking forward to these chapters. I like the interactions Psody has with his children.

The scene jumps to Bianka. I think it's nice that we get to experience her that way for once. Friendly and caring.
And then out of nowhere comes this nasty surprise. It was clear that Larn would not remain the only one. But what do the three lines mean? A premonition maybe, to scare Psody? So he doesn't feel safe?
Or is it a marker that shows who should be the first victim? I almost believe that Isolde was not chosen at random. She's the youngest child and that would be particularly cruel.

Was it smart not to tell anyone and wait until morning? Maybe so. Maybe the assassin was counting on the panic. Since everything goes normally in the next section, Isolde seems to be doing well.

Sigmund can go home.
I don't know, but Schmetterling is really not someone I like. First he got all tangled up with Kristofferson, and now this. Well, I'm not obliged to like everyone in your Fanfiction.

As I have written before, I like the interactions that Psody has with his children. Especially with Sigmund, precisely because things do not always go well. There are conflicts and I enjoy reading about how they are resolved. Sigmund really tries to control himself. I'll gladly read what happens next to him.

It was right of Bianka to warn Sigmund. Will the assassins really strike on the journey?
Who knows.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 23 . 4/17
Good evening

So, here comes chapter 23. A Kristofferson- chapter.

It is good to read that everyone is still alive and not a second wave of Orcs attacked them. It seems… peaceful.
Kristofferson is in good company. And no on blames him for the village; except himself.
Bladur Gottwald… he seems like a rather likeable man. So from first impressions.

And Kreutzer is drunken? But he is still there. Call me paranoid or overprotective, but that could be even worse as long as he's around. Or maybe, he overthinks his actions. Well, let's see what happens in the future.

Ah sister Carolina. She seems to play a bigger part in your story. She is a nice person. She has hope in her heart and tries to communicate that to other people.
She comforts Kristofferson as he stands in front of this house.

You depicted the dynamics between the two very well. They harmonize with each other.

I could feel how they get closer to each other. Not as lovers but as friends.
And now we know Kristoffersons taste in females. The conversation came across as relaxed. A little abusive, a little teasing, but also full of sincerity.

But Carolina spoke from something that could be true. If the Rat Kingdom becomes powerful, and others followed their example… that does not mean that that is good. Change can frighten humans. But this is far away.

During this conversation, we learn a little bit more of Carolina past. She is friendly and has no problems with Skaven even with that backstory. That’s impressive. That’s a strong character and I would be happy to read more from her.

But the end confuses me. Kristofferson reads a letter that’s obviously not for him. What is he doing? Was the letter addressed to him by mistake? At least I would like to believe and hope so.

That chapter was very delicious. Although there were no fights and it was "only" a conversation between friends, it was a chapter that fitted very well into the chronicle. It shows how the friendship between them grows.
I think it is good that you also give your characters the opportunity to develop further. And, that you let us as readers participate in this development.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 22 . 4/16
Good evening

Here we learn more about Heike. I think it's really great that you give each character time so that we can get to know them.
Especially here with the female Skaven. It shows how good the female Skaven have it here in the Kingdom.
Heike was really incredibly lucky. Other mercenaries might have killed her, as they did with the adult Skaven.
The idea of an elf on all fours drinking from a bowl is quite amusing. I believe Heike that that impresses her much.

So, Heike is not sure if Sigmund will meet a girl and make a grandmother out of her? Dont say it Heike. The biggest surprises usually come from those from whom we least expect it.

The herbs… Psody uses them, because he doesnt want more visions, am I right? But he didnt speak with Heike about that. Of course she is worried.
If I would be in her shoes, I would feel the same way.

The conversation comes to Larn.
I am surprised Heike is against the execution. I mean, her husband was the target. On the other hand, she was never blood- thirsty. Has a good heart, the little Lady.
But I think, you cant compare Larn’s and Heike’s situation. Chitik makes more then clear that he would protect her. As she said, she would have tried to run away.

Then let's get this execution over with.

An execution is not a nice thing and yet it has a certain entertainment value for the citizens. I think you did a good job here. The speech of the herald was very stirring for the citizens.
And you think of someone who protects Larn from projectiles. May I ask you why? I mean, it seems to me that they dont want that Larn suffers more then he must.

As you describe the citizens, they are similar to the “feral” Skaven they hate so much. Thirsty for blood and death.
I have the vision of Psody in front of my eyes, in which his family was slaughtered. The clanrats where nearly the same.

The executioner seems to me, is a decent man. It's a job that needs to be done.
First I thought that Larns Clan may come to save him. But you surprise and shock me a lot.
Sigmund… even if I normally like him, that moment… well, he lost a lot of the sympathy he once got from me. Maybe another Eshin returns the favor? I am going to see that.

And in that chapter, I came across another suspect. How loyal is Schmetterling?

But back to Sigmund.
Yes, he deserves it. I agree with the Prince. Maybe it helps him, to recognize that he needs help. But I also think, he cant get out there alone. Lets hope the best for him.

And as I thought, it cant get worse, a shadow from the past appears. Are these really “Visions”? Or is it something different, something much worse?
The tension has not subsided with the chapters

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 21 . 4/15
Hi There

Starting the chapter with a letter is something new. We also find out whats going on in Carolinas mind. Besides we learn more about Lady Gottlieb.
The biggest part in this letter is about Kristofferson. It was really nice to read how this friendship between this two grow.
Interesting question; is it possible for humans and Skavens to mix? To lifer together as more then friends? Well, lets see, what happens.

The jump to Sigmund and Psody was a bit rough. As I read the first sentence, I first thought, Psody meant the letter.
Well, Sigmund trusted Larn and Larn used it to escape. Now he has to answer for it. I feel sorry for Sigmund. He just meant well. And I still think showing mercy wouldn't have been wrong.

The dialog between these two was good to read. Sigmund has his own view, and Psody his own. Of course there can be tensions. And to be honest, I am on Sigmunds side here.
“But I learn to be human, little by little” that’s the point Psody. Time is the secret. But maybe there comes another “feral”? Who knows?
I deeply hope, Sigmund dont change to much afters this.

Ah ha, so Isolde knows it. That's the problem if you don’t talk yourself with your children. They clever and attentive. Lucky Bianka was there. It would be different if Isolde would be now alone with this wisdom about Larn. That would produce nightmares.

Then we jump scene again.
Well I know what's waiting for Larn. Puplic punishment…
But I personal think, the Council of 13 is not involved jet. I think if they want Psodys head, they would get it in time. I think they would send Deathmaster Snikch, not someone like Larn. Or they would send an army to deal with the Rat kingdom.

But back to your next chapter. There is Larn.
His freedom was short-lived. Caught by an Elf.

The interaction between Sigmund and Bianka was really nice. So the younger brother wants to teach his sister to fight with a weapon? Why not? As we all know, you could die through a blade even if you dont know how to use one.
But it was interrupted before they could start.

Letting Sigmund get near to Larn was maybe not the best idea. Lucky the Elf interrupted him. With a flaming sword; impressive.
Ans he was ordered to follow Sigmund and Larn. Dare somebody say only the Eshins are sneaky.
Though sneaky is maybe the wrong word. Careful sounds better.

During dinner, the conversation is directed to Karl Franz. Does Karl Franz know that the Rat Kindom exists? And are they… friendly?

The conversation about the gods and elves was very informative. It was nice that he answered Isoldes questions.

And so, Bianka doesnt really like him? To be honest, I am grinning at the moment.
Lets see what happens between them. But maybe Karma exists in your Fanfic as well.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 20 . 4/14
Hi There

Starting the chapter with a letter is something new. We also find out whats going on in Carolinas mind. Besides we learn more about Lady Gottlieb.
The biggest part in this letter is about Kristofferson. It was really nice to read how this friendship between this two grow.
Interesting question; is it possible for humans and Skavens to mix? To lifer together as more then friends? Well, lets see, what happens.

The jump to Sigmund and Psody was a bit rough. As I read the first sentence, I first thought, Psody meant the letter.
Well, Sigmund trusted Larn and Larn used it to escape. Now he has to answer for it. I feel sorry for Sigmund. He just meant well. And I still think showing mercy wouldn't have been wrong.

The dialog between these two was good to read. Sigmund has his own view, and Psody his own. Of course there can be tensions. And to be honest, I am on Sigmunds side here.
“But I learn to be human, little by little” that’s the point Psody. Time is the secret. But maybe there comes another “feral”? Who knows?
I deeply hope, Sigmund dont change to much afters this.

Ah ha, so Isolde knows it. That's the problem if you don’t talk yourself with your children. They clever and attentive. Lucky Bianka was there. It would be different, if Isolde would be now alone with this wisdom about Larn. That would produce nightmares.

Then we jump scene again.
Well I know whats waiting for Larn. Puplic punishment…
But I personal think, the Council of 13 is not involved jet. I think if they want Psodys head, they would get it in time. I think, they would send Deathmaster Snikch, not someone like Larn. Or they would sent an army to deal with the Rat kingdom.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 19 . 4/12
Hi There
So it was Gabriel who invented this dummy? Who else.
I think that you thought of the grieving family as a great detail. The grief of the family, but also the anger of the oldest was palpable.
I think you caught the situation well. What happens to those you leave behind?
Really, a moving section.

A traitor... Interesting.
But does it have to be a traitor? Maybe it was also a piece of cloth that Psody lost during a harvest. Or; that's really nasty I know, it was Clarin and Sigmund was right.
Well, I will know at some point.

The precautionary measure and to not involve Gabriel and Isolde; this is actually something I disagree with.
Sure, you don't have to scare them. But children are smart. They will both notice, if there is something wrong.
They probably can't grasp it, but something will change and they will notice it. And that can scare children as much as the real danger. We adults always believe that we have to protect children, but we overlook the fact that children are very attentive.
And children like to look for the reason for the changes first by itself.
Imagination can be infinitely scarier than reality.

You were right, I really like these chapters too.
I wrote some time ago that I stumbled upon something that confused me. Do you remember? Well, that's here in this section.

Sigmund is very empathetic here. Although Larn has come to kill his father, Sigmund signals that he is ready to forgive.
Yesterday was yesterday and today is today.
The power to forgive is a great gift. And Sigmund is not only willing to forgive, he would also like to integrate Larn into the Community. It fits the character you've presented to us over the last few chapters.

The one who behaves strangely here is Psody.
Psody the white skaven. The one who some time ago depended on others to give him a chance. I have the picture in front of me where he is sitting in the cell. There too was dependency on others, as to whether it would be better to kill, or not to kill him.

Larn is an Eshin, just as Klur was. Maybe that's why Psody is biased.

But when Sigmund asks for it, Psody suggests integrating Larn, "... is impossible"
Is it really?
Psody relied on others to give him a chance. First when he was hurt in the swamp. Psody could only become the one he is today because of the helpfulness and kindness of someone. Something you don't normally show to a Skaven.

I understand Psody on one side. On the other hand, I'm very much in doubt about him. He wants to create a kingdom in which humans and Skaven can live alongside each other.
He was a “feral” Skaven. And it seems to me, he forgot that already.
On the one hand, there are the "feral" Skaven who do not want to move towards Psody, on the other hand there is Psody, who only wants to include the youngest in the community.

A shame and not what I expected from Psody.

Nevertheless, in the end, he gives Larn and Sigmund a chance.

I don't think Larn only lied when he was talking to Sigmund. But it takes more than words to change someone's opinion. No one changes overnight. Change is something that takes time. And Larn has lived on an entirely different mentality for all his life. Sigmund means well with him, but he overlooks the circumstances in which Larn grew up in.

Even if the conversation was beautiful to read, I knew that Larn would use the night to escape.
It's sad that this happened and I already know how it ends with Larn.
I was hoping that with Larn Sigmund could get his inner peace. By showing Larn everything new, he could have seen the beautiful too. But hope is fleeting, isn't it?

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 18 . 4/11
Hi There

So, we come to Larn.
As you already know, I have a great affection for Clan Eshin. For this reason alone, I really enjoyed this chapter.

But let's start at the beginning.

So far we have always seen all the chapters from the perspective of Psody, one of his companions or his children. In this chapter we experience everything from the perspective of a "feral" Skaven.
“The Skaven had fallen to become man- things” Maybe he's not entirely wrong. However, it is very unlikely that any of them would have voluntarily returned to the caves.
I think you worked out Larn very well. As you read, you feel his disgust and unbelief over the Skaven of the Rat Kingdom.
And his determination comes across very convincingly in this chapter.
His approach was clearly described. Especially how he analyzed the guards. While reading it occurred to me that Larn is not a normal Gutter Runner. He has to be a bit more experienced.

Fortunately for Psody, he made a mistake.

The situation is changing and yet we can still experience everything from Larn's point of view.
I was amazed that they didn't kill him right away.

What Psody says to Larn may be true. But he can't seriously believe Larn is cooperating with him, can he? Larn has never known anything else. Everything that he believed is portrayed as false by Psody.
Even though he makes this rather nicely formulated threat.

Now comes the torture. Play the flute? I remember you using this method in the first part as well. But it doesn't make him talk.
I liked the second method even more. What was in the pot? Cream? Milk?
I really had to laugh. But yes, Skaven are afraid of cats. This is also something that you already told us in the first part.
Yes, I laughed at least as much as the cat was on Larn as Heike did when Psody hid from the cat.

What we learn here is, that Larn comes from another colony than Blokfiste. That means, there could be multiple colonies turning against the Rat Kingdom. And Larn may have failed, but others will come.

Definitely a very exciting chapter and definitely one of my favorite ones.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 17 . 4/10

So now there is a break from all the bloodshed and violence. But that doesn't makes the chapter any less exciting. The chapter got a lot of social interactions instead. That gives the characters more life.
In addition, a deceptive calm builds up. A calm before the storm I would describe it. Neither the matter with the Orks nor with the "feral" Skaven has been solved.

But now to the chapter: Maybe I wasn't wrong with my guess?
You know, when the heart suddenly starts racing when a person shows up, and there is a smile too ... these are usually not just signs of friendship.
At least I share with Bianca the opinion about bouquets. Yeah, I'm actually also a woman who likes bouquets less.
And yes, books are indeed a much better gift. Much, much better.

If Clarin stays for dinner, Gabriel will probably hide again... yes, he does. And then he is awakened so rudely. First hunger and then Sigmund.

Yeah... Sigmund.
Everything has its dark side, doesn't it? So Sigmund suppresses his emotions in alcohol. And his whole family is woken up. But that was; the way it sounded, not the first time.
His longing, the desire to be human, his Skaven side wasn’t very tangible in this short scene.

The later conversation between Psody and Clarin was very interesting. Psody as father and Clarin, who just got to know Sigmund.
While reading it, a line from a song came to my mind. It is a German song but the text goes something like this:
"Only those who open themselves to pain let love in with them"
I really wish Sigmund found someone to help him find his inner peace. It doesn't even have to be a woman. I think more of a teacher who supports him.

In the conversation that follows, we see another side of Psody. From talking to the ambassador, we know that he understands Sigmund. And we know through the whole other chapter that he really loves him. But just because he loves him does not mean that he won’t show him any limits.
And he seems tired. It is therefore not the first time that they had this conversation.

But the really sad thing about this scene was that Sigmund frightened Heike in an outbreak. That was certainly a shock for Sigmund too.
Did I understand that correctly, after this conversation he went back to his room and got drunk again?

Sigmund has to be careful not to become addicted to alcohol. Skaven have a faster metabolism. Accordingly, Sigmund should get drunk faster, but at the same time become sober again faster. And therefore seek more alcohol.

My heart was really bleeding when he spoke to Kristofferson. Yes, older siblings can get on your nerves. That's what my two younger sisters always tell me. And sometimes the younger ones feel like they are being patronized. But Sigmund is so quick at the moment that he does not recognize that these words have not been said to hurt or attack him.
Not every farewell means that there will be a reunion. I don't wish them both that somethings happens, but actually I have the feeling that they won't see each other again. A lot can happen in half a year.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 16 . 4/9
Hi there

I always find chapters written from the point of view of "feral" Skaven very exciting. Even if it's just a short section here.
The idea of catching the Grey Seer alive sounded promising. But already when the group discussed this, I knew something would be going wrong. It certainly set the hare running. So Psody won't know what's going on yet.

Sigmund was very lively again.
Fighting events are always difficult to depict. But I think you did a good job here. We were allowed to look over Jochen's shoulder as he fought.
But the real highlight was the fight between Sigmund and Blokfiste. Until now, if you had the feeling that Sigmund was quite untouchable, we were wrong here. I still like Sigmund very much, but I also appreciate it if it is not made too easy for the character. And even though Sigmund has had an education, you can see that Blokfiste has more experience.
And as things stand, there will be a rematch at some point, in which the two will meet again.
That also appealed very much to me. Enemies have escaped here and can now start their revenge plan. Although it was a victory, it has a pale aftertaste. I think it builds tension. I will wait patiently until there is news about Blokfiste and the injured Grey Seer.

But now it's time to find an antidote for this soup.

Then the scene changes.
Now Kristofferson has to take responsibility for his mistakes. But he also has the opportunity to show his version, which I think is very good. The conversation and the description of the events were very apt. Everything went smoothly and seemed to be happening at eye level.
I believe that being responsible for the destruction of an entire village is the greatest punishment for Kristofferson.
6 months under Captain Müller do not seem to be a sham either. I am confident that he will grow with the new challenge.
I keep my fingers crossed that his arm is healed when the next wave of problems comes up.

And here comes an emotional part again.
Again we can experience a harvest. This time from Siegmund's point of view.
On the one hand, I agree with Psody. Minimizing the female Skaven to "breeders" may not sound nice, but there has to be some protection in this situation. On the other hand, one should always bear in mind that witnessing suffering too often dulls the mind towards it. If you experience it too often, it becomes a habit. This is not a new sight for Psody. He has seen the breeders often enough. Sigmund, who is more sensitive, is understandably distraught.

An ethical question is also asked here: Can one simply separate a child from his family? I agree with Psody's opinion. The moment the child's well-being is in danger, then yes. Fortunately, I haven't been in the situation yet. But you should never say never, shouldn't you?
Sigmund takes the situation very badly.

But again I can only agree with Psody. The little creature will have it better.
And in the last part, you can see how well the little one is doing. I hope now that you haven’t planned anything too chaotic for this small family.

Best regards,
Mennina chapter 14 . 4/7
Hi there

Oh ho, Sigmund with the "feral" Skaven. I still think that you created a very interesting character with him. Your other characters are also interesting, especially Kristofferson is slowly growing on me.
But with Sigmund...I simply liked him from the getgo. I hope you understand what I mean. So I watched closely what is going on in the camp. Although it's actually not a situation to laugh at, I had a lot of fun. Sigmund's behavior was pure gold.
It was also admirable that he did not lose control in such a situation. Especially when the little girl was killed. Here he shows self-control, which he otherwise does not have. Although one can perhaps compare his situation more with a corked bottle of fermenting beer, where the pressure continues to build up.
Then the pressure discharged into a fight.

However, I have to disagree with him about his view on the "feral" Skaven. He should never forget that his father was once one of them. Even if Psody is special in his thinking, his existence is a proof that not all Skaven are equal.
The possibility, no matter how small it may be, is that there's sometimes a "feral" Skaven who, like Psody, thinks differently.

And after the fight Sigmund makes a 180 degree turn. So many emotions. And it’s not over yet.
But first let’s take a look to Kristofferson and the Orcs.

Weird. That was the first thought that came in my mind. No leader? Maybe he hides somewhere.

There is an attack and the civilian population has not been brought to safety? Kristofferson, Kristofferson, that was a deadly mistake.
But it seems that he is not the only one who has made mistakes. But, later.

First comes the fight with the Orc. I am not sure if I would choose a Rapier against Orcs. The blade seems thin, especially compared to the heavy weapons of the Orc. On the other hand, he's probably faster than the orcs.
I was pretty sure he would survive those chapters. Even though he was injured.

I have the feeling that you are introducing a new character here too. I guess Caroline doesn't just appear here once.

Kristofferson made a mistake and others paid for it with blood. Here you can see how different he and Sigmund are. Sigmund was literally overwhelmed by his emotions. Kristofferson was hit exactly the same way, but still maintains a certain level of professionalism as expected from a leader.
Incidentally, Captain Kreuzer is a real bastard. And yet Kristofferson remains polite. Sigmund would not have been so nice.
It is a pity that none of the villagers survived. On the other hand, it may also be good if you don't hear what someone is saying about you. Especially since that someone was actually responsible for their protection. The captain proves he can't do his job and I think it's good that Kristofferson has pulled him out of office.
In the last section, I have to think of a book series that I read some time ago. Say, do you know "Codex Alera"? There is a race described in there, called “Canim”. They live in a caste system. And even if the peasants and artisans make up the bottom caste, in the eyes of the warriors they are the most important of their people. Even if the warriors are considered higher, they only exist to protect this other caste.

What would Captain Kreuzer be if there was nothing left to protect? Then why would you need a captain anymore?
But I think Kristofferson created an enemy here at the same time. I keep my fingers crossed that one obeyed his words and that Kreuzer should never give orders again.

Best regards,
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