Reviews for True Colors
Rival Argentica chapter 18 . 4/20/2019
Snotlout, child abuse, Spitelout being a dick, my Snottykins being whumped, and whumped /good/, his friends being there for him and helping him heal and smacking him on the head when he's being an idiot, Snotlegs, ASTRID- Astrid, she's, she's, she's my second favourite thing here, I love how Astrid was just throwing her axe around scolding Snotlout for being an idiot, and Hookfang...Hookfang. HOOKFANG.

Hookfang just caring for Snotlout is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Snotfang's become my new battlecry. You've officially made me a part of the Snotfang army. I would KILL just to ascertain these two emotionally constipated dudes will get to love each other forever and ever and ever and ever and HTTYD 3 did not happen, nope. Thank you so much for writing this perfection. I hope you do more. I really, really, really hope you do more. There's just not enough of this good stuff around!
MSweets chapter 18 . 2/24/2019
This fic is something else, I cried reading the part where Snotlout called for his mom and how everyone is there to support him
I'm gonna wait for the sequel, keep doing amazing works like this
JessicaLee22 chapter 18 . 2/9/2019
This is really well written, interesting story.
48je69 chapter 19 . 2/8/2019
Hello! I loved your story and I want to continue reading but you can find the continuation in archive of fourown. With what name is this or the author? I want to read it! I hope you keep writing soon, I love your stories
greetings from Chile
AnaWinchester-Universe67 chapter 18 . 1/10/2019
Oh gods, I just read this whole fic tonight and it’s 4:00 am as I’m finishing. This story was so well written and had me feeling all sorts of things. All the characterizations were spot on. I don’t read much Snotlout whump (I normally stick to Hiccup whump), but damn, I’m so happy I ended up clicking here because it was an amazing read. I’ll definitely be going straight to AO3 to read part two as soon you upload (no rush, take your time). Keep up the amazing work!
Aspylady chapter 18 . 12/18/2018
I’ve read stories on Archive of our Own. I’ll be looking forward to the sequel.
Aspylady chapter 16 . 12/18/2018
I was hoping Astrid would come in and give Snotlout an earful! She sure did! Sorry I haven’t reviewed until now. I was caught up in wanting to read what happens next. This is going on my follow list so I don’t miss anything.
Myherogal22 chapter 18 . 11/19/2018
Omg! This story has so much potential! Can't wait to read more! Keep at it!
Dragon Mayo chapter 18 . 11/3/2018
Ok, maybe I’m missing something here, but I genuinely thought that Gustav was Snotlout’s little brother.
Tahlibahli chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
I've never read snotlout whump before but hi make it freaky good
PeterPanNeverLands chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
“And f*ck” I loved that bit. You’re such a great writer!
wawa wishes chapter 18 . 9/2/2018
what happened to thursday? is something wrong?
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 18 . 9/2/2018
Heavy. This was heavy. Poor, poor, Snotlout. Injured, pretty much can't fly, and he's going to save his mother from his father. I can't wait for the sequel.
10Blue10 chapter 18 . 9/2/2018
The start of this chapter is great. So much for talking calmly and reasonably, XD.

But omg, this just underlines what an abusive ahole your Spitelout is. That bit about ‘the patriarch is law, order, justice’, and when Snotlout asks if it’s not okay for a man to rape his wife if she refuses to sleep with him, that’s messed up. I despise your Spitelout now so kudos, your writing is so good it made me hate a character. Did that even make sense?

Keep up the great work, and I’ll definitely keep tabs on the sequel on the AO3.
Meraki7734 chapter 18 . 9/2/2018
I have no words. ExCePt ThEsE!
This chapter really shows just how much Spitelout has poisoned his mind.
Awww, is Snotlout going to protect his ma? Eeeeeeee
Guess I’ll have to wait and see! Don’t rush chapters out, suspense is good but at the same time I NEED MORE XD
Anyways I’ll I can say is...
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