Reviews for The Weight We Carry Is Love
mollymaefarrell chapter 3 . 5/23
Thank you for continuing this Fic it's definitely one of my favorites.
libros5 chapter 3 . 5/13
I just found this! I hope everything is going ok and we see an update soon!
njpsemail chapter 2 . 4/19
I’ve got to say you are now my favourite author just because of this one line “Hell, I’d imagine getting a lap dance from Taylor and his megaphone while Kirk sang hit me baby one more time in the background.”
Not to mention the footloose references!
Love it
jordana60 chapter 3 . 3/30
I am so happy you updated! I understand that Rory should have told LOrelai about Jess, but I also think Rory was right in predicting how her mom would react, and she was right. I guess it’s hard for a mother and daughter so young and close in age to always know the boundaries, but LOrelai is just being so stubborn. I can’t wait for more!
PicklebyPie chapter 3 . 3/29
Loved the update. Happy to wait for your muse to partner up with you.
Stellaluna.3 chapter 3 . 3/29
Look at you! You did it, hooray! This was heartbreaking. Heartbreaking and frustrating and... Gah! The characterization is perfect, though. Lorelai is so dang stubborn. (something she and Jess have in common, hahahaha). It seemed like maybe maaaaybe she was starting to realize towards the end that maybe there's more to Jess than she assumed there is... We'll see. And that brings me to something that always bothered me, but I don't think I've been able to put into words until now... That Lorelai never really saw Jess as a PERSON, not really. Not as a human being with complicated feelings, strengths and weaknesses... he was always just a stock character in her mind, a representation of all her fears. And Rory's right, she DID think of Dean that way at first, but Jess isn't going to react like Dean did. To Dean, Lorelai's dislike was a challenge, an opportunity to prove her wrong. To Jess though... sensing her dislike automatically puts him on the defensive, and his trust issues are such that he's not going to make himself vulnerable to someone he thinks will use it against him. So it becomes a vicious cycle. It breaks my heart. Thanks so much for writing this!
RHatch89 chapter 3 . 3/29
Awesome update :)
ILikeToReadFanasty chapter 2 . 2/19
please continue this I love it so much
Laurmarcar chapter 2 . 9/30/2019
Ok, I’m interested. What’s next? I really want to see something with Jess at the dance marathon so, could that happen? Good luck on your research!
LeSass chapter 2 . 6/15/2019
Yay! I was so thrilled to see you’d updated and went back to reread FTLOH. I love that you’re continuing this. You have such an eye for detail and really embody the characters well. Looking forward to another chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Please update! This is one of the best fanfics I have ever read.
jordana60 chapter 2 . 4/19/2019
I understand that Rory should have told Lorelai aboutJess, but If Rory does something on her own or something that Lorelai isn’t a part of, she acts like a petulant child! If she sees that there’s a deep connection between Jess and Rory, she should trust her daughter , and if it comes to it, make her own mistakes.(although, Jess and Rory could never be a mistake!)
jordana60 chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
I’m so happy to see this story! I wish Jess and Rory had taken of their chemistry when they first met, like they’re doing in your story. I get that Lorelai is concerned, but she’s overreacting as usual! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for an update for Of Soul and Spirit!
256andeee chapter 2 . 4/19/2019
yesss ! i loved reading for the love of howl so when i saw the email about a chapter update i was beyond stoked! loved reading this
Guest chapter 2 . 4/19/2019
I'm probably in the minority here but I'm actually on Lorelai's side. Not about Jess and Rory being together because I think the two of them make a great couple. However, Rory's been lying for months about this relationship. She can't claim that she and her mother are best friends and then justify keeping something this big from her. I wonder how Lorelai will feel when she finds out that Lane knows about Jess. She even spoke to him on the phone. I also wonder how Lorelai will feel when she finds out that her failed engagement was discussed. I mean that's personal and Rory had no right to do that. Anyway, Rory should feel guilty. Looking forward to the next update.
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