Reviews for Reassigned
MM2020 chapter 15 . 9/2
Too much Bryce! Bryce and Sarah together was hard enough to stomach but having a baby was a bridge too far. Great story. Hope you will continue to entertain us and keep CHUCK in our hearts and minds. LONG LIVE CHUCK!
MM2020 chapter 12 . 9/2
Unfortunately YS was denied her Emmy for Handmaids Tale. IMHO I think YS is past Chuck and Sarah Walker and would not entertain doing a Chuck movie (will never happen). Although, she participated in the Script Read for charity she didn't look like her heart was in it but that may have been because of the episode that fans picked. She didn't really have a big part which again IMHO was unfortunate.
MM2020 chapter 3 . 9/2
Love Yvonne!
LycoXTheTempGues chapter 6 . 8/21
Until I started watching Dexter, I never caught the reference about the show until after. And re-reading this again
jpwood chapter 15 . 7/16
I love your stories, I have read a bunch and haven't commented on all of them, but I love all the different angles and humor you bring into your writing. Great Story
bigfan22 chapter 15 . 3/11
Another amazing story. When it comes to the Chuck verse, you are without a doubt the best fluff/heartwarming Charah writer on this site. I really hope you will one day decide to write an epic-length story that starts at canon and goes all the way to the end. Thanks for taking the time to write these amazing fics for the rest of us!
Richard76310 chapter 14 . 2/23
Ryker and Bryce together. Intersect really missing with Bryce.
Richard76310 chapter 2 . 2/22
WOW. Open it or delete. Need to go but want to read.
Richard76310 chapter 1 . 2/22
Sarah with Bryces child. So many directions you could go with it.
MyNameIsJeffNImLost chapter 15 . 1/4
A fluffy story with Sarah having Bryce's baby? I'm not sure I'd call this is completely fluffy. A couple cliffhangers snuck in. However, there's no Charah angst and the story is great.
Guest chapter 15 . 9/30/2019
Awesome story. Beautifully written and I absolutely loved reading every word of it. Thank you so much for writing this story.
toile grant chapter 15 . 12/23/2018
very good
cavemenftw chapter 2 . 11/23/2018
I am really glad I found this story. It is so much fun. Thanks for sharing.
michaelfmx chapter 14 . 8/20/2018
Yeah...I think, a few chapters back, I made a comment that I was worried about Bryce and that he was going to do something stupid due to his ego and jealousy. I didn’t anticipate Riker, but I knew this would happen as soon as you mentioned him.

I’m with you about Carina. In her own way, she definitely had Sarah’s back. I really wish she had been a bigger part of the story in canon, especially in those last few episodes. But we all know that’s just one of a long list of things that the producers screwed up. My favorite moment in the last few chapters had to be when Sarah comes out of the back of the OO and asks Carina how many more times she’s going to test chuck before she accepts that he’s legit. A touching moment that really shows that Carina really is looking out for Sarah. Great moment there.
RC1701 chapter 15 . 8/17/2018
This was gripping and very entertaining. Sarah's behaviour feels very real in this; exactly what I'd expect to see from her at this point in her characters development. She's guarded and unsure of her ability to be a "normal girl", but Chuck's influence and the pregnancy combined soften her up and prepares her nonetheless. Another great story, thanks for sharing.

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