Reviews for Of First Times and Most Welcome Surprises
enrimoe chapter 1 . 5/27
woww this is great! been so long since i found a good SS fic. thank you for writing this
applelam145 chapter 1 . 5/23
VanillaSalt00 chapter 1 . 5/20
They're so sweet and horny LOL! I was kinda hoping that Itachi will see them in action! And then Itachi joining them wait WHAT? HAHAHAHAHA I think I have enough fanfic for today. Anyways keep safe!
TheRedConverseGirl chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
This so good! I live non mass aus and this story made my day. Thank you so much:)
007 chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
Looooove it.
Ilegitim chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
Aww. The end was so sweet. And also big part of the end was hot and also the beginning was so funny and awkward. I love all of this. Thanks for sharing!
Birkastan2018 chapter 1 . 10/8/2019
Dear author, I loved this so much! Non-massacre AUs are my favorite, because we get to see how Sasuke and Sakura's could have developed without him being crushed under the weight of tragedy and obsessed with revenge. I love how they got to have a normal-ish progression to their relationship here - a stolen kiss at New Year's... experimenting in the months that followed; sneaking around so they're parents wouldn't find out; Kakashi's nonchalant "i don't know anything" charade... And I love how earnestly they were both written here - ahhh, young love! Sakura went through so much trouble to try and make this a special moment for him on his birthday, and I love how tender and reassuring Sasuke was throughout. This was so sweet, and such a fun read from beginning to end. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it with us!
Affectionate chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
I love this! very well done
Elegies for Shiva chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
Holy shit wow this is so fucking hot lmao but also very sweet and funny and moving. You’re a really brilliant writer!

And GOD you have such a way with descriptions! I literally tried to make a list of quotes of my favorite lines but I ended up trying to write the entire fic on a MS word doc lmao. You’re a really fantastic writer, you know how to relay information in unique and quirky ways that either give the reader a greater sense of the character’s psychology or narrates with a certain dash of comedic effect. You’re incredibly clever while setting the scene and giving us the storyline of Sasuke and Sakura coming together and exploring their sexual chemistry. It’s not often I find pieces that can write broader aspects of their story like that but still keep me engaged and SMILING like I had been with this fic.

Your characterizations that came out of all the Naruto characters has to be one of the greatest I’ve ever read, if not the greatest too. The way you incorporated facts of everyone was both hilarious and witty (Kakashi giving Sasuke and Sakura privacy to get nasty, Tsunade not even noticing alcohol missing from her cabinet, Kiba missing the trash can while dunking, and all of Ino and her saucy, but unconditionally supportive attitude towards Sakura. There’s a lot more, but those are just a few) and I felt it really helped to round out the world of the Naruto universe within the story, and as they all relate to our main characters.

And of course, your characterizations of both Sasuke and Sakura felt spot on and complex. I feel like I come across a lot of pieces that rob one or both of them of texture and life-like qualities. This piece is a short one shot, but I think you garnered a sense of development between the two. I like how you made Sasuke quietly simmering for Sakura throughout, basically eye fucking her with the heat of his focus, and giving his mostly nonverbal tells. And I liked the few lines that described him as originally opposed to getting intimate on missions, but giving in anyway because despite his aloof demeanor, he’s still a human too, and certainly one who WANTS.

Sakura is absolutely perfect. She is especially often jaded with poor development, so I loved how this was from her POV and how you made her felt wonderfully tangible and relatable. She’s bold, she’s nervous, she’s in love. I thought her wanting to prepare to please Sasuke the right way, dressing up, and freaking out during the penetration was spotless execution of how she would proceed in this AU. I thought it was a fantastic depiction of general nerves and anxieties that come with wanting to be a great partner, especially with Sakura who had a tendency to be nervous with Sasuke. But more than that, I thought it spoke to a larger narrative of women’s experiences with sex, and anticipation, and wanting to be great in bed, usually for shitty reasons, but often not too. It just felt very authentic and I loved it.

I also loved Sasuke’s gentle manner of comforting her and reassuring her towards the end. Again, he’s aloof, but not cruel. And he was always subtly supportive and acknowledging of Sakura in canon, and I felt that part of him coming out too. Even towards the very end, when he tells her he loves her. I think a non-traumatized, better adjusted Sasuke would have no reservations with giving her that reassurance when they’re alone and intimate.

Beyond all that, it was also just really fucking hot lmao. You had great descriptions that gave us a look into what the character was feeling while telling us what was going on. Sasuke’s playful, and domineering persona in bed was nothing short of hot to read, and I loved how you had him pay attention to her pleasure as much as she did to his. I loved the bits of descriptions that connected us to Sakura’s desire for him as well, like how she noticed his muscles and the way his voice came out when she was pleasing him. Not everyone can write smut so masterfully, and I can’t explain how pleased I am to have come across your profile. Thank god you commented on my angsty ass multific because I fucking love this!

Thank you so much for writing it, and above all else, thank you for sharing it!
kismetdarling chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
i really loved this! it was super cute and your writing style really seemed to compliment the overall vibe of the story, if that makes sense. keep up the great work!
Brittzy chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
Loved this! You have some great talent. Always lovely reading well written sasusaku. Looking forward to reading more of your stories. chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
I love this and I love sasusakuuu
xRhina-Chanx chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
This was great keep doing what you’re doing!
A Shadow Away chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
Such a great story. Greatly written, makes me remember my teenage years (I’m not THAT old I promise lol). Love the little quirks in this story!
MizuiroNeko chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
This was too cute, I absolutely loved it! And despite the fix being non massacre Sasuke is so in character it's Canon
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