Reviews for Here But Gone
Kim chapter 22 . 8/2
Guest chapter 14 . 8/2
Chapter made me smile
Guest chapter 11 . 8/2
Guest chapter 7 . 8/2
Really enjoying your story
Kim chapter 1 . 7/31
Peaked my interest
Atlasina7 chapter 27 . 4/26
I totally enjoyed this story. Eliie and Alfie are great OCs. This ending is heartwarming. Thanks for sharing.
Blondie 20000 chapter 27 . 4/7
I'm glad Dean is letting the others take care of Roman. He shouldn't have to be him and Sam all the time. I like that Sam isn't better straight away it's more realistic for it to be a gradual process. I'm so happy they went back to Alfie and Elise and I love Elise's picture of the boys they really are part of the family.

This was such an emotional rollercoaster that I enjoyed every second of. Well done for making such an amazing story.
Blondie 20000 chapter 26 . 4/7
Good Bobby is gone although it is hard to let him go it was the best option he is not the same Bobby. Exposure therapy yeah I heard about that it might be good for Sam to face the trauma head on. I'm hoping Sam is ok now and maybe goes back to doing the sessions with Platt. I hope we see Aflie and Elise.
Blondie 20000 chapter 25 . 4/6
Holy shit Bobby possessed Sam! Bobby has really gone dark damm he really is a twisted spirit. He even banished Cas! They need to burn the flask ASAP. Sam already has the torment of Lucifer he doesn't need another tramua of being possessed by Bobby as well!

You really do know how to surprise us.
Blondie 20000 chapter 24 . 4/6
Loved how you brought Sam back. Sam would choose pain instead of losing himself. Sam wouldn't want to forget his brother. Dean made the right decision and I love that he spoke with Elise asking for advice. Although Bobby is being a dick I gotta thank him for coming up the idea and thank Cas for making it happen. Uh the chapters just get better and better.
Blondie 20000 chapter 23 . 4/6
Bobby shocked me but in a way I understand why he is like this he is a vengeful spirit, the desire for revenge is strong, killing Dick is all he cares about it has consumed him. It is sad for Dean to see the man who he looked up to as a dad acting like this. I think Dean should have burned the flask that way Bobby would have burned alongside it.
Blondie 20000 chapter 22 . 4/6
This chapter broke me. When I saw the letter I just knew what Dean was gonna do. That part with lake I can picture it. This story has really took a turn I didn't think it would become this emotional. Yes Bobby is here he will talk sense into them. he back does he remember?

I gotta praise you your writing is so good in this story. I can really feel the emotions coming off the page. Well done.
Blondie 20000 chapter 21 . 4/6
Sam doing nothing and letting Dean be attacked really shocked me. Thank God for Cas. What shocked me was Sam's answer thinking they are all delusions and he is trying to find a way to get back to Jess. He doesn't want to accept she is dead he is in denial it's so sad to read. Already I'm missing Alfie and Elise. I'm glad Cas is gonna try again and help Sam.
Secretwrittenword chapter 27 . 4/6
That was an amazing story. Loved it!
Secretwrittenword chapter 26 . 4/6
I’m glad Bobby is gone! He was a douche wad! Fingers crossed Sams idea works. X
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