Reviews for Bella's Betrayal
Leafey chapter 27 . 4/23
This was beautiful. Thank you️
Zole chapter 4 . 8/18/2019
I can't understand why Bella is feeling guilty and what right Edward has to be angry at her. He was the first at the wrong. He hadn't just broken up with her and left her behind, he crashed her heart in the cruelest of ways and now he is expecting that everything will be as before. I couldn't ubderstand it in the books too. Original Bella is so masochistic
MiccaF chapter 27 . 11/2/2018
Bell 1 chapter 27 . 9/27/2018
This was an intriguing story, but I never fully got into the concept of Aro and Bella together. No, I am not a fan of canon Edward and Bella FF, but there was always something hanging in the background that didn't allow me to fully grasp these two as a couple. Yes, I have read other Aro and Bella stories, so I was open to the idea. Even reading this story, enjoyed the way Aro reacted whenever it came to Bella. It was apparent he was at least obsessed with her, and loved her... at least in his own way.

Now that I think about it, I believe part of the reason to keep me fully diving into this pair was Sulpicia still being married to Aro. If they truly despised each other as it seemed and Aro is in love with Bella, why did they not divorce in the vampire terms? Also, there was just something about Bella that kept this connection from fully forming for me. Although, this last chapter showed a little more of a connection, which helped and made me smile at their enjoyment of each other. Another thing that didn't help (for me) was the way Aro reacted with Bella bleeding so much... the way he lashed out at her. I know he was trying to get away from her and not kill her, but it was so harsh. Finally, the fact he never offered her the option of an animal diet. Since your story is based off what happened in the books up to the point of saving Edward in Voltura, I think my mind was still on the old Bella being okay with the vampire life because she didn't have to feed from humans. There was never a conversation between Aro and Bella about this aspect... probably because Aro didn't give Bella any choices if she wanted to become immortal with him, but it seemed like something he should have at least discussed with her and allowed her to decide (to me anyway). All of these things combined had something to do with this missing link for me.

I am happy Carlisle was willing to help Bella in this one last way. It saddens me a little to know the Cullens will likely never see Bella again, or that is how it seems anyway. An eternity is a long time though, so it could happen, but it certainly will not be the same connection it was with time apart.

Bella is so young, both in human years and vampire years. I also hope Aro allows Bella to leave the castle, or even travels with her, but something tells me they won't.

Please don't get me wrong, I did see a connection between Aro and Bella. I love the playful aspect of Aro with both human and vampire Bella. I enjoyed this story very much. I found Bella's comment about Caius funny when he went off to "enjoy" his wife. I loved how Athendora and Heidi were with Bella. They both seemed to really like Bella and welcome her.

Then there is the Edward and Heidi twist. I somehow see Edward eventually falling for Heidi, and then doing all he could to break her free of the Vulturi. It is apparent Heidi is looking for another way, but the bonds forced upon her by Chelsea are strong and preventing her from being her true self... which accounts for her reaching out to Edward as she did. She wants something else for herself... something more, but cannot fully accept it, or believe she does want anything else. However, there is another hurdle that could prevent this pairing from coming to be true. Would Edward accept a mate who feeds from humans? Would Heidi, who has fed from humans her whole life even be willing to change to an animal diet? Would Aro ever allow the false bond on Heidi to be broken and lose his fisher? Or would Aro insist Edward join the Volturi... and in all aspects? No, I don't see that last one being an option with how jealous he is of Edward, having been Bella's first love and first boyfriend. No matter what, I think this Edward and Heidi situation was an intriguing side story, which (as you can tell) has left me wondering of its outcome... and hoping for possibilities. :)

Thank you for sharing this story. It obviously got me to thinking quite a bit during this review. Again, I did truly love the story and enjoyed Aro and Bella together, even if small aspects added together created the missing link for me, I really did like this pairing and the story itself. Aro was so wonderful with human Bella (until she was bleeding so much). He was also so sweet with her when he was around everyone else, openly showing his affection for the young woman at every opportunity. :)
FourShot411 chapter 27 . 9/15/2018
Well, I finally finished it. Your story was lovely. I think you did a wonderful job! It was well-written and I loved the characters! I'm going to have to snoop into your other stories! Thank you for posting this. I hope others give it a chance. We need more Aro/Bella stories out there. Cheers!
FourShot411 chapter 24 . 9/15/2018
Again, you have amazing perception of characters. I'm just in awe. You write so simply, but I feel like I'm there. You have quite the talent. I'm a tad sad that it's coming to end... I hope Edward can be happy. It breaks my heart to see him suffer. Oh, well... Onward!
FourShot411 chapter 21 . 9/15/2018
Poor Heidi. Edward and her make quite the pair. It really bothers me that Aro can be so... manipulative. Personally, I could never love THAT. But, I like how you've stayed true to the characters. You've done a wonderful job. :)
FourShot411 chapter 19 . 9/15/2018
Aww... I'm glad that Carlisle is changing Bella. He's such a wonderful person. I just hope it all ends well. I don't want Bella to be miserable. [/sigh] And, I hope Edward can hold it together. This is going to be hard on him. Hopefully, it will give him some sort of closure... Any way, thank you! I'm off to read the next chapter!
FourShot411 chapter 13 . 9/15/2018
Aro is a little sneak. I really hope Sulpicia likes Bella. Gees... You have me biting my finger nails. Ha, ha! Well, I'm still loving the story! Your writing is fantastic. Thank you! On to the next chapter!
FourShot411 chapter 10 . 9/15/2018
Oh, Bella finally admitted her secret. I must say, I enjoyed it. I am still loving your characters. I only wish she hadn't had thrown Edward under the bus. After all, he's been a gentleman. (I can't believe I just said that!) Now, I'm wondering if he's going to change her. Are they mates? This is so juicy! Onward!
FourShot411 chapter 7 . 9/15/2018
Oh, Aro and Bella are finally going to meet. You know, I love how supportive the Cullens are. You have really painted a pretty picture. You have such a talent for character development and writing. It's simple, but intriguing. I can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks again!
FourShot411 chapter 4 . 9/15/2018
Hmm... Again, I have to say - Poor Edward. I like how you've written him. He actually sounds like a nice, understanding guy. Also, I think you've portrayed a good mating bond (if this is mating bond). I'm really interested to see what happens now. So, I'll keep reading! Thanks again!
FourShot411 chapter 2 . 9/15/2018
Oh, boy. The transition is jaw-dropping. I almost feel bad for Edward - almost. (Can you tell I'm not an Edward person? He just rubs me the wrong way.) But, so far, I think the story is lovely. Your writing style is fantastic. I cannot believe your reviews are low. For that reason alone, I'm going post every couple of chapters. So, thank you! You'll be hearing from me again.
Guest chapter 27 . 9/5/2018
Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 27 . 8/19/2018
This is such a lovely story.
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