Reviews for Broken Glass
Ayerim Herrera chapter 1 . 4/9
I truly love it I could totally picture this happening in the anime
Anony chapter 2 . 3/8
So good yet so sad
LeahMfkn'Clearwater chapter 1 . 11/8/2019
Ino is the realest and that’s why I fuck with her. I’m glad she mentioned their fathers deaths. It’s crazy to me how much the Boruto generation think they’ve had it the worst or are in bad situations when I’m reality- I’m not sure if they could survive what their parents endured together. I appreciate Temaris pov of Ino and how she acknowledges the importance of Ino in his life.

I love this version of Ino, the T&I Ino; intimidating, powerful. I love that she isn’t perfect that she actually has emotions and expresses them. Shikamaru and Ino will always be the biggest “should’ve, could’ve, would’ve” couple for me. They are the opposite of each other but yet compliment each other so well. It doesn’t help that her birthday is after his and she is literally his own shadow.

Anyways lovely story, Thank you for this. Hopefully I see more ShikaIno content from you bc this one put me in my feels!

yumehara chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
its late but im truly happy to see this. i wonder about shikaino and shikadai lifes next. is the chpter 2 tell the previous scene? im waiting for you to make it a whole fic. well done!
NilithDelirium chapter 2 . 11/25/2018
I thought this chapter was a flashback of what happened between them until I went back to read your notes. I feel stupid now. Jaja

Both stories are beautiful. They carry so much emotion with every paragraph. I feel like I know this Shikamaru and Ino, specially when they talk with each other and break apart little by little. Although they have different feelings involved, it'd clear that they are friends first, that they understand each other. That's why is so painful that they are not together. Maybe it was a possibility at some point, but after so much confusion and insecurities, they kept ruining it. And they both know it.

In the first story they are mature enough now to keep calm about it, though. Whatever happened is still important, but how much compared with the present? That's why it makes sense that this stories are connected, even if they aren't.

Anyway, thank you for writing this beautiful Shikaino.

paosu chapter 2 . 11/25/2018
Two heartbroken masterpieces that make me feel sorry for them. How great work you did. I enjoyed every line, every feeling, you made me feel their regret and love.
Hope you can writte more stories of continue them. Always enjoy reading you.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/20/2018
Thank you for the new fic! My shikaino heart. I hope youll continue the other one :)
aeraandawen chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
I love this. It was emotional for me and I can totally feel it.
Jamie Black 5 chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
OMG I don't know what to say, first of all my english sucks, but I'll do my best about that.
Wow you really took my ShikaIno feels and make me go there with them, feeling their tragic love story and I'm not lying, you made me cry like a baby ... I'm not going to forget this for a long time, obviously is part of my favorite list since now and I want to thank you for write about them, is no easy to find fics about ShikaIno anymore and that's too sad.
Btw did you publish this on Tumblr? because I think I saw it there a few days ago, but I did'n read it complete...I was a fool. Anyway if you think about an epilogue I'll be glad to read it too.
Thank you again.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2018
Really love this story! My ShikaIno heart :( Can you make an epilogue or after they got out?
13cosmos chapter 1 . 6/4/2018
aww man that was tragic i loved it