Reviews for Remnants of Dimensions
Theanimemaster9000 chapter 8 . 6/30
It makes no sense to me that you give Cinder a redemption, but not Adam. They both have killed a lot of people I imagine.
Deans1000 chapter 9 . 4/21
Also back then, majority of civilian japanese advocated war. Something about building an empire. in a nutshell, it was the jap gov fault for pushing the war. The US back then cannot be blamed for crippling the enemy country
Deans1000 chapter 8 . 4/21
Filipino here. ever heard of pearl harbor? How bout something more lowkey. US pow treatment during war with japan in philippines. US deserve that title.
Monster King chapter 32 . 4/19
Great job
demondragon14 chapter 9 . 4/14
I had Been looking Dark Science for everywhere
WHERE can find that fanfic
NoOneImportant chapter 27 . 4/6
This chapter to me was the best one and even though it was written by some one else, I think adding in the outside dialogue of the rwby cast made it just a bit better, it even made me cry a little at the end, in fact I’m tearing up right now while writing this, so good story hope u continue with this cinema story stuff see ya.
Dark shadow 82 chapter 10 . 2/18
Spirit garden not slave
flamelynx chapter 8 . 2/10
surviving pranking near every pantheon you have my respect
Guest chapter 32 . 1/15
1. RE3 with either Ruby or Pyrrha as Jill Valentine, and finally, what about Jaune as Leon and Ren as Chris (Ren Redfield) in RE6, Jaune and Helena fighting Simmons either on top of the train or at the end and Ren and Pearce either fighting the Ogromans or Haos in the end.
2. One Punch Man, maybe as Boros vs Saitama, or even Garou fighting S-Class/Professional Hunters, he could catch either Weiss' or Winter's rapier like he did with Spring Mustachio.
3. I have an idea on 2 good universes they could watch. Attack On Titan and God Eater. Both have monsters that want to destroy humanity, both have protective walled cities, and both are impossible to survive outside those cities.
Guikoi chapter 8 . 11/8/2019
Ummm... Excuse me? Did you not do even a MODICUM of research into the atomic bombs dropped on Japan? You just GUESSED!?

Well, let me tell you buddy, pal 'o mine! They weren't dropped to TEST them you massive faggot!

The Japanese were hell bent on winning, doing everything in their power with a zeal and fanaticism that I've yet to see from anyone else except anime protagonists and fucking Islamic terrorists!

So the first atomic warheads were developed, AFTER BEING TESTED one was dropped on Japan.
So the second bomb was dropped. And guess what? Japan surrendered.

Killing millions of innocents to stave off the suffering and deaths of hundreds of millions more.

DO NOT SPOUT FUCKING BULLSHIT! What you've said about the events of the end of WWII are fucking lies and you should be ashamed and DISGUSTED with yourself! At least have the god damn decency to look at wikipedia or something on what happened before lying to our faces.

Holy fuck... it's been a while since I've actually been that angry. But I just hate it when people spread lies without even bothering to check if they're right.
You had the GALL to say that the second bomb was dropped as a test... No, you fucking retarded brain dead troglodyte, it was not!

en. wikipedia wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki

Use the link, do some actual research.
HAIL KING DELIRIOUS chapter 12 . 11/4/2019
Your brother is amazing
Guest chapter 32 . 10/30/2019
So like what the hell was even the point in showing them those worlds were Jaune got with certain girls if he's just gonna end up with Pyrrha, like what was even the point on showing them those worlds with Dragonslayer and Knightshade if your just gonna have Yang and Blake get together.
Guest chapter 32 . 10/30/2019
Bumblebee ruined the fandom and it ruined this fic.
Guest chapter 25 . 10/30/2019
Fuck Yang x Blake, why is that even in a Jaune react fic.
Guest chapter 19 . 10/30/2019
You do know you ruined this whole thing by putting Bumblebee in it right.
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