Reviews for A Thousand Images
Once Upon a Whim chapter 1 . 8/9/2018
I so hope we get to see Future Wyatt and Future Lucy in this sort of relationship place when we get the 2-hour movie. The 2 hours is probably not enough to get 'our' version of them to much more than a tentative reconciliation, but the futures can show us the happy ending that awaits. I'd love to see them like you wrote here :)
angellwings chapter 1 . 6/10/2018
oh my goodness. My heart is so happy right now. This was beautiful. I love Wyatt POV but this Future Wyatt POV was exceptional. I love all his memories and emotions and the way Lucy comforts him. Breathtaking! Thank you for writing this!
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
MY HEART IS SO FULL. Well, actually, for a whole big section of this fic, my chest was literally aching with sadness for future Wyatt who was on an unavoidable collision course with his guilt ridden past. And man, it did hurt for real :/ But your descriptions, especially those little flashes of memories/flashbacks interspersed throughout, were so achingly perfect and heartfelt, making it clear that Wyatt’s foundation was so so solid with the Lucy he has at his side now. I seriously have so much love for the voice you bring to these characters! Wyatt’s small moments of spiraling, Lucy’s simple & unfailing reassurances, and then my favorite of all - when younger Lucy tells older Wyatt that she likes he beard and he bounces back with I KNOW YOU DO?! LOLLL. Best exchange ever hahha :) I adored all of this from start to finish!
juicywucy chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Loved it ! Thank you! Hope we see something like this in S3!
Shelly chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
This is AMAZING! I was only half way through when I was totally engrossed in the story. It only got better as i get to the end and read the shout out to Deadwood! I grew up there, my parents still live there! You have a wonderful writing style. Please write more!
future-fangirl chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
This story has it all. The quote at the beginning was so perfect at describing how much Lucy means to him. I think it's natural that his insecurities would come back on seeing the past again. Lucy is perfectly in character. She might be a warrior queen but she's kind and tender at heart. I love how comfortable their relationship is. They have no doubts about their future together.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Wonderful ️
Happy sigh
Gracielinn chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
Wow! Really excellent look inside future Wyatt's thoughts, and I think you might be the first here to do so-nice job! Hope you're inspired to write more for us soon :))
Lyatt1941 chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
Loved it!
lumirules chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
That was beautiful.
ecstaticallygray chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
The wholesome Lyatt content I'm here for.
PeachCheetah chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
Ive mentioned this before, how the show has this recurring motif of Wyatt, the badass with the fragile, lifelong broken heart, that Lucy holds together, sometimes literally, with her bare hands. And here again in your story, still moments of him being that raging hot mess on the inside, and Lucy being the antidote and everything he ever needs.
This was gorgeous and perfect, can't wait to read what you write next!