Reviews for How Easy Things Change
HoneyBear84 chapter 23 . 6/9
Love it
Hyuuga Mokame chapter 23 . 1/7
I have to admit that I was thinking "ah, I don't really like the way this is going" but it was just my mistake, I misjudged the path your story would follow.

Good story; dark, obsessive and mad, just the way I like them.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 23 . 10/6/2019
Enjoyed it.
gindensmi chapter 23 . 9/14/2019
Loved it!
Sakura Lisel chapter 23 . 5/25/2019
You should update this chapter, brcause either its the WRONG chapter and belongs to a different story, or you made a mistake in character names.

When Aberforth and some of the Weasleys were captured, you said that GINNY was captured with some of her brothers and would be given to Greyback to be 'played' with? The same Ginny Weasley whos been DEAD the entire story since she was 11?
Anon chapter 5 . 5/7/2019
Ok this is interesting. I want to read more but it feels like you are telling us what is happening instead of showing. While I can see that you are trying to avoid that, it's still noticeable. It feels like a big summary and I find it hard to connect with Harry. But kudos for the effort. It was a really good effort and I hope you improve upon it.
DarkDreamer1982 chapter 22 . 5/5/2019
There is no such thing as half assed and terrible when u put in any effort to get a chapter out. When life gets in the way and u still manage to write, it will always be welcome and awesome! Plus, babies are always happy! So just think of the big gummy smile of Harry's baby smiling at u and be happy! U have followers and favorites for a reason. This story is awesome and we want every chapter u can give us.
Sagilemiel chapter 21 . 2/3/2019
I can't wait for the next chapter !
MagickMosteVile chapter 20 . 1/23/2019
I love this 3 Their relationship is so sweet! I just love how you represented a sane Tom with 40s manners, the whole love crazy Harry, and the whole waiting till marriage with the respecting each other's bodies. Ah~ it's so refreshing to read about such love~ Please update soon, I can't wait much longer for more!
RoseBlue627 chapter 20 . 1/22/2019
Could we know what happens to dumbles since technically he's still on the run from the Ministry? Then maybe how everyone plans for the wedding and then the wedding and then children maybe? Please and thank you!
Mocc1 chapter 1 . 12/3/2018
I applaud your courage, developing a story from just your thoughts is a hard thing to do. Then again... considering how poorly written this is maybe your just stupid.
The formula you use is oft repeated "I'm going to write a fic where only the characters I like are rational enough to understand your silly plot so they look good, but the ones I don't like are inexplicably stupid or evil."
This shallow, dull, handicapped, lack of any sense of intrigue crap of a fic will never be read and enjoyed by anyone worth a damn.
Regardless, I do wish you the best of luck and hope you go on to GROW your skills and become a competent writer someone who can enrapture their audience with a GOOD plot, but as of now you suck.
TheBlueMoonRose chapter 6 . 11/13/2018
This is rushed
Gurgaraneth chapter 17 . 11/7/2018
Love it
Gurgaraneth chapter 16 . 11/5/2018
Love it
Gurgaraneth chapter 15 . 10/5/2018
Love it
Ron nd hermione trying to play footsie with harry nd tom
Yay neveilles fermly on harrys side wonder if snape will be loyal to harry
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