Reviews for Naruto: Path of Darkness
Tyrese chapter 15 . 4/18
I do hope he stays like this. Naive and trusting naruto is boring af. Hes litterally in a world full of ninja.
Amy Flannigan chapter 15 . 2/25
Hello. Yes I am alive. I’m still in hospital and will be for a while still. I’ll continue once I can.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/25
Are you still alive!?
JauneJoanArc chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
Blightfang chapter 14 . 4/14/2019
No offense to the writter but i really dont care for where this is going cause it feels like hes just trying to make naruto into cannon sauske and fuu into naruto
Po1 chapter 1 . 4/14/2019
A little too much OOC for me. So much is changed that it feels like everything was done solely for the sake of changing it and not because the story actually benefited from them.
More background is needed for having such drastic differences. Much of it can be inferred, but it feels like even cannon Naruto would have more negative feelings towards konoha than this one, thus making any change needless. Learning the specifics of his childhood would go a long way to understanding your Naruto's motivation.
It is also rather annoying that cannon knowledge is a necessity despite most things being different. We're having to fall back on things we learned from the manga/anime just to be told of yet another thing that's diffferent with your characters.
football78 chapter 7 . 4/13/2019
dude there is no way the cursemark would make naruto go beserk, he deals with the ninetails but can't deal with a cursemark seriously
pyre101 chapter 1 . 4/12/2019
Much better than last time. And welcome back. Take things slow to center yourself and get to a safe spot. Be happy for who you are and what you do. If you do not, then it may be time for change.

Be sure to have a cookie!
pyre101 chapter 15 . 12/13/2018
Hope you come back soon. Good premise and decent beginning.
Peter Kim chapter 15 . 10/22/2018
Orochimaru doesn't even have to do anything to Naruto since Konoha and Danzo is doing all the job for him and Since Orochimaru does have info on the Akatsuki, Naruto might ally,etc himself with Orochimaru or so and orochimaru doesn't even need the sound five to meet up with Naruto. I wonder what Sasuke's fate is now that Danzo is gone and will not train him and will Orochimaru will kidnap Sasuke so that he will get the sharingan and will he use the Sound Five to kidnap Naruto? Orochimaru has no reason to offer Sasuke any power up since Orochimaru is giving that option to Naruto.
Guest chapter 15 . 10/22/2018
Konoha and Danzo is doing all of Orochimaru's work with Naruto without Orochimaru lifting a single finger to do anything and since akatsuki is Naruto's enemies and Orochimaru will have infomations on them, Naruto would ally himself wfinger
Peter Kim chapter 15 . 10/17/2018
Naruto will hate Konoha even more and now Taki is going to be hostile against Konoha and I wonder if though Garra, Suna will end up ending friendly realations with Taki?
Guest chapter 15 . 10/14/2018
Oh yeah, any goodwill that remained for Konoha is now well and truly DEAD! Hinata can say goodbye to having a happy future with Naruto!
Guest chapter 15 . 10/14/2018
Will Danzo’s role in revealing Naruto’s status to the village be revealed to everyone else (that would REALLY crush Hiruzen’s Spirit, since he let Danzō get away with all that shit)!?
Guest chapter 15 . 10/14/2018
Did Danzō have an Uzumaki on hand!?
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