Reviews for A Tale Of Tails
JessicaFridge chapter 19 . 7/28
This is great!
Tony McNucklz chapter 4 . 5/20
mountain of problems. to many to list without being paid for the time.
find yourself an editor, or head over to darklordpotter. they're supposedly pretty brutal editors, but the end result are some excellent stories.
Tony McNucklz chapter 2 . 5/20
also, major plot hole: if they are all at this level at 17, and have been training since before puberty, it won't make any sense if they get stronger quickly now, when they took over 10 years to not even master basic shinobi skills like tree walking. making them older so you can write sex scenes fucks up the basic mathematics of their growth. if you want to write sex scenes, just write a porn omake of the story. artificially aging characters 5 to 7 years and still keeping them as academy students that whole time makes everyone involved fro. them to their teachers seem to be on the spectrum.
Tony McNucklz chapter 2 . 5/20
I'm beyond confused. you specifically made out that naruto won't kill people. disregarding the lunacy of training much less fielding a soldier that refuses to kill, why when he sees haku did you imply that he was going to kill her, except something about her being cute stopped him instead of the whole 'no killing' hogwashish buggery?
and why the fuck would a soldier to cowardly to eliminate his enemy learn techniques designed to rend flesh and break bone? i guess if they're just so maimed they'll just be lifelong cripples. but hey at least they aren't dead!
I'm struggling to maintain interest when you've seemingly deliberately made your main character a measurable moron that can't possibly be expected to win hard fights without the benefit of blatent plot armor.
Obs3rv4nt-Onl00k3r chapter 19 . 3/28
Wonderful chapter! I enjoyed the dynamic and setup of the scenes!
I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter!
Hufflepuffsuckeggs chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
Interesting take. I love the two's dynamic.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/7/2019
Bruv, please update.
Statess chapter 19 . 6/6/2019
PLEASE CONTINUE THIS STORY TT (when he reaches 9 tails he transforms into the nine tails and gets his own unlimited chocra reserve as well as the kybuui's 0..0 (and he cant be sealed.
ghostmarine51 chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
There are a lot of issues with this. The changing of the ages and the personalities for one, there are no explanations for why. the worst though is only chunnins and up allowed to do c-rank missions, like what the hell? Are Gennin expected to become chunnin by having no practical experience and do chores? it's shit writting and there is no thought or reason behind it. Doing something different just to be different doesn't make a story good, I won't be reading this any further as what I noticed in the first chapter is frankly terrible and needs so serious revision.
LunarValkyrieH2O121990 chapter 8 . 1/4/2019
You are really good at this... thank you
Ryan Gabriel chapter 1 . 12/24/2018
Good work
EPIC-FEIRYWOLF chapter 1 . 9/11/2018
please update
Guest chapter 19 . 9/7/2018
When are u going to continue dead fox story ?
bloodwolf1235 chapter 19 . 9/4/2018
great job man love what you have going here very original as far as i have seen keep it up
TigrezzTail chapter 19 . 8/14/2018
I've really been enjoying the twists and turns of this version of Naruto. It's not just superficial anger and such. I love the thought and dedication you've put into all of them. I can't wait to read more!
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