Reviews for Of Kings & Crowns
KingOfSummer 245 chapter 4 . 6/28
Love your story wish you luck
Greatazuredragon chapter 4 . 6/17
This has been a great read sp far.
Good work, keep it up.
Greatazuredragon chapter 2 . 6/17
This was a really hilarious chapter there at the end.
Great work.
sloksingh45 chapter 4 . 6/3
Please update
sloksingh45 chapter 3 . 6/3
Please update soon
sloksingh45 chapter 1 . 6/3
I like it please continue
Silver566 chapter 3 . 5/28
Hmm so Grey Wind can tell Robb isnt Robb anymore huh.
1Translator21 chapter 4 . 5/20
Fantastic chapter. Enjoyed the humor at the start and enjoyed the drama at end, especially the foreshadowing of a northern empire and revampent of targaryen laws. Hope to see the next chapter soon (hopefully not in two years).
Bruna B. T. Black chapter 4 . 5/7
Excellent story! I'm really glad you came back to it.
sagar hussain chapter 4 . 5/7
Awesome chapter. Keep up the good work.
forestreject chapter 4 . 4/28
Greenembo chapter 4 . 4/20
jeah new chapter!
Shortmike24 chapter 1 . 4/20
bit of a pussy.
scorched halloween chapter 1 . 4/18
I hope the rest of this fanfiction won't just be the MC monologuing in his head while ignoring everything going on around him, to the point that other characters have to throw rocks at him to wake him from his daydreams. Is it supposed to be funny? It's just tedious and cringe-inducing, while contributing nothing to the story...
Spacestrider chapter 4 . 4/17
This is the best. Please keep updating. Though I do think you're underestimating Robb's effect on the si/oc. Feelings blunted or not just reading a story can be enough to get emotionally invested having 16 years worth of memories is way above that. Also I really like where you've taken the politics. Division of humanity is clearly shown throughout got/asoiaf even in the "loyal honorable north". Which is really only ned stark the rest of the north has a reputation of barbarity and savage retaliation against southern intrusion up until the dragons. Kinda like the free folk with the Stark's leading them who ruled for 8000 years before dragons showed up. That's way longer than any kingdom irl's history so nobody is going to forget that or that the Stark's had what it took to rule while being loyal and fair only to their loyal underlings. Even if they didn't advance technologically. On a different note sending Bolton to the iron islands is perfect, at worst he throws his lot in with them and shows his hand while best case prevents northern invasion by iron born. Chances are fair considering how much wealthier the other kingdoms are. Personally in asoiaf I thought it was mostly just for revenge by Balon once they had no hostage and for the access to wood to build more ships. Also the benefits of one kingdom not out to get them and a non eunuch son could keep the squids at bay. Another thing is none of Robb's bannermen have Tully mothers why should they put their necks out for them. Annexation might be a bit strong of a word but overall not that far off. The north needs their crops reason enough to take over. Blood is needed for the weirwoods so killing their livestock draining them for the old gods and then eating them is perfectly acceptable, morally in the clear. Part of why Catelyn seems so horrified is that the north is reverting to their ways officially and away from the influence of the seven forced on them. Also the Stark's should definitely know the old tongue and maybe make it a national language. Always thought that was weird in the show as they are first men. Unless Ned's southern indoctrination and then Cat's influence on her kids education was more of a thing than I thought. At the least Robb should know it as heir. As for military decisions I'd get started with getting scorpions on all the North's major keeps. Not only is this common fucking sense, but it also could keep dragons away with the right ammo. Next Pike's Spears and shields for the infantry damn way more effective than swords unless one on one battles of nobility. Also the north is full of hunters and archers get them outfitted for war that alone is enough to make a huge difference in battle. Up to you of course. Considering you mentioned a mechanical degree I'm hoping you get a bit more into siege warfare things like engines and guns are too far ahead and would require too many resources, but possibilities abound.
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