Reviews for 02 05 Rise of Mickey, the Idiot
Shakespeare's Lady chapter 2 . 6/9/2018
I don't think Rose would have ever left the Doctor either. I mean, it really wasn't her world. She knew that.
Vortex2018 chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
I don't know why it was necessary to misquote me, i.e., "a big rift between Rose and the Doctor." I was polite to you in my previous review, so I would like it returned.

Overall, your piece is well-written, though I still do not entirely agree with how you've characterised Rose. As I wrote previously, I do not believe that Rose would kiss the Doctor after the episode, as it was clear that she did not fully trust him by its conclusion. (Nor do I believe the Ten would ever step outside of his comfort zone and make the first overture.) It doesn't mean that there was a "big rift" between the two characters, but that she WAS questioning him more than she had done. Kissing him - at least how it was described in the fic - would have implied that she completely trusted him. We can definitely see the subtle distrust the scene in RoC where she walks away from the Doctor, forcing him to choose between her and Mickey. The Rose from Series 1 and early Series 2 would never have willfully left HIM behind, yet now she does without hesitation. She does it again when she volunteers to assist alternate Pete Tyler in finding alternate Jackie in AS. Now, I'll agree with you that it may be subconscious on her part and a lot of her actions in the remainder of the series show a state of denial on her part; however, her independence comes through more and more in this arc and throughout Series 2. She's growing up and changing, whereas Ten wants a status-quo relationship. A lot of what he does and will do in the coming episodes is based on fear and control rather than love or respect.

The question then becomes whether you've resolved the issue according to canon. I would say yes, for the most part, provided that it remains in UST, which you've done. But does Rose completely trust the Doctor in these episodes? No.
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Ohh i like what you did nice
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
Ohh so far so good