Reviews for Atoning for Blood: A Skyrim Story
Ferynn chapter 48 . 9/26
I like how you're changing up the civil war storyline. The canon version is so static and hollow. The push and pull that you have created is a lot more engaging. Right now the Stormcloaks definitely have the advantage, but it's hard to say what will happen in the future. There are quite a few variables at play.
SpiritofJazz chapter 47 . 9/8
HAH! Such a dismal situation but that ending was such a contrast.
Great chapter as always!
Zeschi chapter 47 . 9/7
Dear Wi11der,

oh my gosh! Serana received a marriage proposal. I don't know if vampires have a word for "cute". But she took her head out of the noose quite finely. Captain Wayfinder got lucky in the end. Marrying a vampire you're in a lot of trouble. And poor Hadvar got burried alive. You really don't like the Empire, do you? Also I hope that Frieda will survive the assault of Morcass.

Many best wishes

Zeschi das Mondkalb
Ferynn chapter 47 . 9/5
And so, Captain Wayfinder lives to thirst another day.

Serana really came through in the chapter. She knows how terrifying this must be for Aelfwynn, and she not only swam her to shore, but reassured her the way through. It makes my heart warm.

It's cool to see how Aelfwynn and Serana are pulling each other toward each other, each changing and reflecting each other a little more. Serana is treating mortals with more consideration and less fear, while at the same time coming out of her emotional shell a bit. Aelfwynn, in contrast, is getting pulled to accept herself and chill on the self loathing by Serana. Aelfwynn's progress is a bit slower than Serana's, but she does have a bit of trauma in the way, both from her experiences as a vampire and her upbringing, so it's understandable.

Still she's taking little steps that are leading to change. She learned an interesting lesson about rebuilding your life in this chapter, about taking what you have and creating something new from it and not holding on to the past. It might not be the same, and it might be painful to accept, but it's better than dwelling on what's lost. So far, that's only been applied to Wayfinder and the amulet of Mara, but the concept certainly feels applicable to her situation. It'll be interesting to see if she takes it to heart.

Also, Wayfinder's proposal was really funny.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/13
Explore sithic’s story! I think that would be super interesting
Ferynn chapter 46 . 8/11
Interesting to see that Jon survived un-vamped. I wasn't expecting that, but I looked back and I saw the hint you left towards that which I missed the first time I read it. Falion's views on vampires seem pretty unchanged since we first read about them in his message to Wuunferth. It'll be cool to see how Jon will reconcile his experiences with the knowledge of the vampire "expert". He's already been unsure of the teachings he's been given in the past, so I wonder if that new skepticism will continue.

It looks like Sihtric had fun in Redwater Den. It certainly makes things easier for the Dawnguard. Too bad for them, Harkon is Harkon. It was a nice scene when he destroyed them. It was very clearly shown how outmatched the Dawnguard were, and how trivial the entire exercise was for Harkon. Celann ended up living, for now, but he probably already regrets that.

Thanks for the chapter. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
SpiritofJazz chapter 45 . 7/14
Ah, holy crap! Here I was thinking this was just a lovely/light family exposition chapter. Damn that was a good ending, and good work tying in Wynns traumatic experiences with water there. Really made me feel dread when she went overboard.
Ferynn chapter 45 . 7/2
The conversation between Serana and Aelfwynn was nice. Depressing for them I'm sure, but I liked it. Seeing them open up about their pasts to each other was kind of touching, and I can see them caring more about each other. It looks like Aelfwynn is about to have some more trauma, but at least they don't have to breathe, unlike the thirsty captain and his crew. Thanks for the update, I look forward to seeing what comes next.
SpiritofJazz chapter 44 . 6/26
Yay! A nice breather chapter, it was good to see an update on everyone as we move into the next shitstorm haha. Poor Frieda ugh, I don’t know if I feel worse for her or Wynn anymore. I’ve very very very excited to see Wynn and Sihtric interact again after so long! I can’t wait!
Ferynn chapter 44 . 6/28
I'm a fan of the story. I really love the characterization of the various vampire characters. Between Frieda, Serana, and Aelfwynn, it seems like the three big ways of responding to vampirism are represented, and seeing them play off each other is really cool.

This chapter it was nice to see Serana lean in to her role as a mentor for Aelfwynn. I hold out hope that one day Aelfwynn will learn to love herself and accept being a vampire, but I could see it going either way still. It sucks Frieda is stuck as a human though. While I could see someone like Jon maybe going for a cure, Frieda was pretty happy as she was. Not to mention, Morcar is still being a big dick even by vampire terms going by Serana's reaction. I hope that Frieda reunites with Aelfwynn someday and they can be a big somewhat happy vampire family again, minus Morcar.
SpiritOfJazz chapter 43 . 6/3
Duuuuuuude this chapter was amazing! Holy I love your action chapters, they’re so intense but still easy to follow, and the suspense and edge in this one was super palpable. It’s so hard rooting for both sides haha, you got me wanting both Hadvar and Ralof to win somehow. You really captured the sentiments behind their stance in the war perfectly, Ralof with his Nord pride and loyalty and Hadvar thinking of the Thalmor in the bigger picture. Ugh, Poor Hadvar.
Guest chapter 42 . 3/10
SpiritOfJazz here, fanfic wouldn’t let me log on (guess it’s been too long lol) so here I am.
Absolutely loved this chapter, the added illusions within the vampire den was such a nice touch. So freaking unsettling when you don’t know what’s real and what isnt, and that sights too horrifying to register can just be brushed off as “not real.” SO disturbing.
And Wynn has finally found a cure for vampirism! Yet I can’t feel excited for her because I have a feeling it’ll backfire haha, this poor woman.
Can’t wait to see what happens to Jon!
SpiritOfJazz chapter 40 . 9/16/2019
And thank YOU for continuing this amazing work, I didn’t realize how much I missed it until today. This chapter had everything that I love about your writing, atmospheric dread you paint so well, inner turmoils of regret and shame, and of course, a killer cliff hanger.
Really am so excited to see what Aelfwynn and Serana get into next, and everyone else. Gah, there’s so many good plots in here I honestly couldn’t choose who I’d want the next chapter to be focused on haha.
Corvoattano96 chapter 36 . 8/29/2019
This is quite possibly one of my favourite skyrim fanfics I've ever read, they story has a great flow that just keeps me engaged throughout,the characters are all extremely well written (I love that you've included Florentius btw, one of my favs) and it's just amazing! I sincerely hope you continue it and maybe even do some spin-off's like you said in a previous authors note!
SpiritOfJazz chapter 39 . 8/8/2019
Finally got around to reading this update! Thanks so much for continuing this story. You really craft that feeling of unease and dread so well, both in Falkreath and in Hjaalmarch. Everywhere is scary haha.
Also it’s so interesting reading about the change of vampire into human, I’ve read so much about the human to vampire transformation it’s not often I see the opposite. It’d be so hard adjusting to a mortal body again after years of power and living in shadow. Deadly fires are now a necessity for a hearth,, repulsive food is now needed to live. I’m very curious to see where the story goes from here.
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