Reviews for My Good Friend Buu
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9
Are you going to continue this story please because this year is 2020
Neuron0WARper chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
Lovely little story, wonder how far it will go.
Unanimous chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
Love this already! Please Update Soon!
DanteSparda12 chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
Kid Buu's outrageous power in DBZ:
So Kid buu's power is a hotly contested thing and has been for a long time, mostly due to differing opinions of what should be taken as literal, and what should be taken as hyperbolic, also due to unknown time frames for statements and feats. But in DBZ he has one feat of being able to destroy the Grand Kais planet in that instant with one attack, which is not ambiguous or hyperbolic at all.

The big issue with this is nobody knew the size of the Grand Kais planet. However I believe I have sufficiently found an accurate estimate for it's size, based on a direct side by side screenshot of the planet, and heaven (which is the size of the Universe), and a second screenshot showing the planets relatively tight orbit of Heaven, along with it being somewhat comparable in size to heaven, and not simply up close to the viewer, due to it being depicted behind the visible curvature of heavens surface, as the plane travels away from the viewer towards it after it came out from the horizon.

So by using some simple pixel scaling with Heaven being the diameter of the Observable Universe to be conservative, I found the approximate size of Grand kais Planet.

Heaven: 245 pixels

Grand Kais Planet: 9 pixels

9/245 0.0367

8.798e26m (diameter of Observable Universe/Heaven) x 0.0367 (GK Planet compared to Heaven) 3.228866e25m or 3,412,914,055 light years.

Now with the size of the Grand Kai's Planet out of the way, we can move on to the speed and power of Kid Buu's attack that can wipe out a planet 3,412,914,055 light years in Diameter!

We will simply say it takes 10 seconds for the attack to destroy the planet, to give it a conservative time frame as this was an immediate threat from a single energy blast, which usually takes mere moments to fully disperse.

3.23e25m(diameter of GK Planet) / 10s(estimated time frame) 3.23e24 m/s

3.23e24m/s / 299792458m/s(SoL) 1.08e16 (or 10.8 Quadrillion times ftl.)

This should also scale to combat speed because DB characters can consistently move as fast as their energy blasts and explosions from said blasts, as well as manipulate the attacks and accurately control them after being fired.

Energy needed to destroy
As seen here it is stated that Buu would destroy the Grand Kai's Planet.

Now a simple calculation to find how many joules of energy you would need to accomplish such a feat. We can easily just use the GBE of a Planet of that size with the same gravity as Earth for an approximation, even if it is a low ball. We can use a calculator for this to increase accuracy and give us an upper and lower yield. All we need to do is plug in the diameter in Km of GK planet, which is 3.23e22km.

As we can see here, the resulting numbers are

Low end (less accurate): 3.642E87 joules (Multi-Galaxy level)

High end (More accurate due to faster dispersion): 4.999E113 joules (Well above Observable Universe level)

SO to summarize kid Buu is actually multi-galaxy to Universe level in the anime, as well as about 10 quadrillion times ftl in a conservative estimate, due to being able to destroy Grand kai's planet with a single ki blast.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5/2018
Buu would shit on everyone in rwby, like legit. None of them are even planet level, while making buy is multi solar system level.
OldschoolPaul chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
Cozmiik Zix chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
Nice work man, you got my interest
I hope you could continue with this
I wish success
RHatch89 chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
awesome update :)
guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
You know what would be funny, if Jaune's Semblance allowed him to turn the Grimm into candy/sweets.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
Please have Buu train Jaune.
Limit-Breaking chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
This seems pretty interesting, though i hope we can get longer chapters.
LoamyCoffee chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Perhaps Buu could grant him training?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Nobody in rwby can stop majin buu.
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Short but interesting intro
Looking forward to more
rwbyfan0071 chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Yes! Please continue to update this story i'm really intrigue