Reviews for This was not supposed to happen
Bellaria chapter 2 . 6/17
I love your stories, and I hope you Feel better soon!
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 2 . 6/9
I don't think Draco is very happy. Good luck to Lucius. Thanks for writing
Pinkietoes chapter 2 . 6/5
Fantastic job writing! It’s so hard to find Hermione/Harry pairings that are good (which is how I found you) BUT then to actually read a Dramione? Never been one to ship them but I can’t stop reading your work. Oh and thank you for writing Harry/Luna they were my favorite ship growing up as Harry really could be himself around her but it’s hard to find any fanfics about them.
ReaderRabid2 chapter 2 . 5/18
This is so good! I want to know what happens next, what will Lucius do with the boo magic? Will they try to woo Hermione? They do have a stone, after all...
Aisti chapter 2 . 3/7
This is very well written and such a witty and fun story that I really hope you’ll find the energy to finish this!
Nebelschreck chapter 2 . 2/3
great story. I love the idea that there is no war.
I am in a few Facebook groups. maybe ask around there? they are really supportive
LovEToReadit chapter 1 . 1/28
This is so funny. I so hope there will be more.
CGinny chapter 2 . 1/26
I really hope you continue this story. It is quite fun and unexpected!
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 2 . 1/26

Don't quit!

Loved it!

Happy Writing!
isakey chapter 2 . 1/25
Brilliant! That made me laugh. Hope another chapter is on the way but you know, take your Time.
Yes there are storys that don't have a Second War.
xtrahotcheetos chapter 2 . 1/24
I am loving it so far, I love this Hermione trope the best, glamorous and cunning
Guest chapter 2 . 1/24
You have a talent for writing. Consider me hooked. Well wishes love.
Maybenotahufflepuff chapter 2 . 1/24
This was fun :)
I don’t know but I would love to read some more. I’ve only read I think one dramione like that. I’ve tried writing two different ones and Haven’t been happy with them. Hope to read more of your take on it.
Cecily Mitchell chapter 2 . 1/24
This story is awesome!
Msmalloryreads chapter 2 . 1/24
I would love for you to start a new no Voldemort group.
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