Reviews for Homecoming
Kim chapter 13 . 21h
Great story
Blondie 20000 chapter 13 . 11/2/2019
I am happy you left the hunters behind in the AU lol. I did not like the AU hunters in season 14. Now Michael is gone Bobby and the others can start rebuilding the world again they don't need to move worlds :)

Quick question what happened to Ketch? Is he staying in the other world permanently? I didn't see or hear about him?

Yes thank God Mary finally chose her boys. And Sam saying goodbye to Lucifer. :D ha ha I can just imagine Luci's face.

Lol Rowena you gotta love her. A wee bit drunk lol. I guess her and Gabriel can continue where they left off ;)

I know I said it so many times but it is truly an awesome story. You will hear from me soon I will checking out your other stories :)
Blondie 20000 chapter 12 . 11/2/2019
HELL FUCKING YEAH. YES GABRIEL! YES YES YES YES. :D Gabriel you fucking badass. Lmao bad buddy cop movie lol I love it! And Jack saving the earth thank you I was gonna say the fight between Lucifer and Michael is suppose to cause damage yet in the show...I don't know what the hell happened in the show the flying was kinda cheesy lol.

Awwwww this story has been fucking awesome. I apologise for the continuous swearing but I am just so happy this made my day. :D
Blondie 20000 chapter 11 . 11/2/2019
Gabriel taking Lucifer's Grace was so satisfying to read. I can understand Dean being pissed off at Mary but then I understand what Sam is saying that she just wants to help everyone it's her job to save lives. I suppose Mary can't come back after all these years and be the same mom her boys are men now she probably doesn't know how to act around them.

Can't believe this story is coming to an end. :( it was so good.
Blondie 20000 chapter 10 . 11/2/2019
I love that Gabriel was a good guy in the other world as well. I'm surprised about Tessa she is loyal to the rules. I was shocked that Gabriel killed Raphael in the other world but you know what I love it I hate Raphael. He is the archangel nobody gives a damm about lol.

I like Dean's thoughts about Mary's recent decisions and that part of him wanted Mary to see that side oh him to show her what the hunting life has done to him. But I think Mary would be both horrified and guilty to see that side of Dean.

Oh good choice Naomi. Castiel definitely needs to be there for that. Oh Cas found out about the other him being killed by Dean part of Dean would feel guilty that he didn't tell Cas. Naomi might be the top torturer and brainwashes people but Dean can break anyone he did learn from the best Alaistar. ;)
Blondie 20000 chapter 9 . 11/2/2019
Yeah you got Mary in character in this story she would choose the hunters over her sons. I can understand she has fought alongside these people and it's her job to save lives but eh it does piss me off slightly. Sam stayed because of her and Dean would be angry at her for that. Just like she chose the British Men of Letters over her sons she was thinking like a hunter saving lives. I get it must be hard for her to connect with her sons she has missed so many years with them but constantly going away is not gonna help. I'm always been in the middle when it comes to Mary.

Round of applause to Sam for standing up to Lucifer. It was awesome. Can't wait to see them in action I hope nothing goes wrong. Michael can be I'm thinking about his again :( I'm sure if he is gonna die in this story it will be a better death than what the show did.
Blondie 20000 chapter 8 . 11/2/2019
Ahhh I love it. I love the plan making Lucifer the thing he hates a human. Oh Gabriel yes he better not get killed like in the show. I love Sam receiving motherly love from Mary it must feel strange to him. I'm a Dean girl but Sam totally deserved a win Lucifer has put him through so much he literally broke Sam. After all these years Sam finally stands up to his abuser and says no to him I love it thank you for doing that for Sam. Homecoming and the Price you Pay is definitely your best stories I read so far.
Blondie 20000 chapter 7 . 11/2/2019
Oh man*sighs* I just knew Dean would consider needing Lucifer to defeat Michael. Sam is not gonna like this.
Blondie 20000 chapter 6 . 10/27/2019
Loved this chapter. I love Dean and Jack together in this story and I really like how you write Jack strong, confident I love it. I loved when they spoke about Zach lol. Oh Uriel and Billie I didn't expect them to show up and Castiel you know I actually preferred your version of Cas the show made him like a Hitler and I couldn't take him seriously. Yeah I think it's best not to tell Cas about his other self. Yay Sam is awake.
Blondie 20000 chapter 5 . 10/27/2019
That's my boy! Jack you badass knocking Lucifer out. I loved this more than the show's version of Jack meeting Lucifer. Oh Dean and Jack going on a supply hunt gonna be exciting!
Blondie 20000 chapter 4 . 10/18/2019
Uh oh Lucifer. Oh I'm dreading him meeting Jack.
Blondie 20000 chapter 3 . 10/18/2019
Interesting that Dean and the others were gonna stay in the world and fight Michael and the angels instead of going back through the rift and taking the hunters with them. I suppose Dean would have preferred dying in the same world as Sam.

I did like the Jack and Dean moment. Jack really toughened up in the other world becoming a leader to the people.

Damm I was shocked to see Sam so soon. Obviously he needs medical attention.

Now we just have to worry about Lucifer and will Dean stay now that Sam is back or will be wanna get Sam home?
Blondie 20000 chapter 2 . 10/18/2019
I really liked about Dean feeling hollow like he lost a part of himself back there. You know if the Winchesters do die in season 15 I think they should die together. One can't live without the other. I think Sam and Dean in heaven with John and Mary would be the perfect ending for them. They would finally be at rest.

Good idea taking Jack. But oh I hope they bumped into Sam and not Lucifer or Michael.
Blondie 20000 chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Oh I like this already Sam standing up to Lucifer and the whole chapter was badass Sam taking down those vampires was awesome. Did Lucifer bringing Sam back had an effect on Sam? Is that why he had all that energy?

I know this is gonna be a good story. :)
SkyHighFan chapter 13 . 7/17/2018
Nice! Their leaving scene seemed like something out of Sliders though. But here's the thing: I really don't think Jack is capable of opening a rift without a Dreamwalker like that. At the very least, if he could do that, they wouldn't have had to worry so much about running out of time before their rift closed. Jack could've just opened one for them once they reached Bobby's and everyone had the vote. His birth did open the initial rift, but that was a consequence of the immense power being released as he was being born. It acted sort of as an omen of his birth. That had nothing to do with Jack consciously using his powers.
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