Reviews for Azazel's Plan B Part 2: Friends
Natsy chapter 23 . 7/16
Disappointing that it ends there, but good story. I liked how the relationships are building. I never watched Saving Grace, but don't feel like I need to in order to understand this story.

I hope you come back to this someday.
NotaBookaholic chapter 23 . 6/19
Such an amazing story! Just binged both pets and couldn’t put it down! You did such a good job at balancing what an actual recovery would be like from a trauma, while still having a plot and moving it along. Can’t wait for your next chapter!
wolfsbane0911 chapter 1 . 5/12
will there be more? this hasn't been abandoned, has it? i hope not! your writing is very good, and this verse has grabbed me hard! please say there'll be more!
Amber Hastings chapter 23 . 4/16
well, I have gone through all part 1 and part 2 only to come to the surprise that part 2 is not over!
this is sooo capturing and so very well done, i love how every interaction is true to canon. the only thing that I thought was odd was how nobody wanted to get more answers from Grace regarding Earl, especially since Cas told them to not trust anyone who claimed to be an angel.

but now I'm dying for more! and. I know it's almost a year now since the last update. which makes me wonder how have I not come to know this story existed!? i will never know.
but seeing the dates I think this is it, is it?
would we ever know what happens? would we ever see Azazel going for another attack?

can this story still be alive?

either way! it's being amazing!
curlybean chapter 23 . 9/22/2019
Poor Dean, thinking he won’t be desirable to women anymore. I’m glad Grace set him straight on that.

Great chapter. Can’t wait for more.
Nissa-Cullen chapter 23 . 9/11/2019
She could have made those ready made cookies where all you have to do is cut the dough and put it on the cookie sheet and heat them up. That still counts right? At least John is talking about her to the boys now. I’m glad they all had a good visit with Grace and Rhetta.
Iowa Kat chapter 23 . 9/9/2019
Well! I fina!my got this finisbed, or at least up to date! I apologize for not telling g you before tnis how well written this is. I especially love your John W., as he seems consistent with canon. I wkuld, however think a bit more of Dean/Cas interaction would be nice. You seem to have that down well also. I will commend you on Cas' sense of humor. It's well done.
Shazza19 chapter 23 . 9/6/2019
Still loving this story thank you looking forward to more
ngregory763 chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
I seriously adore Grace with Dean. She helps him to remember who he is! Really enjoyed John reminiscing about Mary. I was heart broken that there wasn't more! Sending you a well deserved pat on the back!
Guest chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
What a lovely chapter.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
Love this chapter - but what happened with the car keys? Did Grace give them to Dean?
Beakers47 chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
I like the chapter! I love how Dean interacts with grace and Rhetta! And that end piece with John was super sweet! Amazing chapter and written really well amazing job!
Nina Ferraro chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
Great chapter! Loving this story!
Endgame65 chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
Excellent chapter once again! Honestly that hurt when everything dean remembered wasn’t necessarily true about his mom. Made things sad. I always liked that idea. Keep up the good work
Souless666 chapter 23 . 9/5/2019
Actually, please ignore what we've seen about Mary's cooking abilities in season 12. We saw, in the episode Dark Side of the Moon, that Mary did cook. I'm not sure why the new writers have this need to re-write history, but you don't have to follow in their footsteps. :)
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