Reviews for The Unsolvable Case
Guest chapter 4 . 7/16
I’ve been enjoying this up to now but chapter 4 seemed a little off. The dialogue seemed over dramatized and some of the actions didn’t make sense. When Rossi and the others were looking at the camera video, García would not have walked out while they were viewing it. It’s not like they were being slaughtered in front of her, they were just being kidnapped. I also believe Hotch, Morgan and Prentice WOULD have tried to ambush the unsub when he came back. Why wouldn’t they? And they would never assume Reid was dead without first checking. This chapter was just not up to par, but I do like the plot and will continue reading.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/17/2019
This was SO good! Just like watching a really well-written episode. Please keep writing, you are very talented!
AZCatmom chapter 18 . 7/1/2018
A most excellent story my dear. Well written, engaging, and with an uplifting ending that reaffirms that the team is a close-knit family. Excellent job, and I cannot wait until you share more of your talent.
spxxxxx chapter 18 . 7/1/2018
Aww... I love such family moments. It warms my heart. I also feel a bit sad that this is finally over. I have really enjoyed it from start to finish. Last but not least, thanks for finishing this amazing story! With Loves!
fishtrek chapter 18 . 7/1/2018
Loved this story.
spxxxxx chapter 17 . 6/25/2018
Great update! Everyone is going to be safe at least this night. Looking forward to new updates!
A Little Help chapter 16 . 6/22/2018
Hey, so I've been reading this story, and first off I want to say that I've been enjoying it quite a bit! Everyone feels in character, the bits where the team profiled the UNSUB seemed very well-researched (and if they weren't, you made it sound very professional anyway, lol), and the plot overall is very exciting and I read the first ten or eleven chapters in one sitting easily. But there were a few things I thought could be improved upon, and so I wanted to leave a review to help you out!

Firstly, I want to point out this chapter. For the most part, it was good. You mentioned the chapter having continuity issues before, and I'm pleased to say that now, there seem to be none! But there was the matter of the team. On Reid and Hotch's end, they seemed very well written. They're having nightmares, they don't feel like they're just ready and raring to go already, and I approved. But Morgan and Prentiss should be the same way. They were kidnapped too! They had to watch Reid almost die, and then Prentiss was almost burnt to death and Morgan had to watch that, too. The both of them should be having mental issues as well, and the rest of the team should be worried for them, too. Instead it feels like everyone's worried about Reid and Hotch's mental health (rightfully so) but not Morgan and Prentiss's (wrongfully so). I know in the end of the chapter you mentioned how JJ was going to be keeping Prentiss company, and the same for Morgan and Reid, and Rossi with Hotch, but it still feels like Prentiss and Morgan haven't been mentally affected enough. You could be delving further into the two of them in future chapters, but I can only critique what I've read thus far.

Now I wanted to go back to chapter 4 really quick. In that chapter you had the UNSUB return an unconscious Reid back to the cell. The team instantly assumed Reid was dead instead of checking for vital signs. In my opinion, they would have made sure Reid was dead before just assuming he was - they are trained for this sort of thing, after all.

One last thing. Now, I'm no medical professional, but I'm pretty sure Reid's symptoms were a tad too... extreme for what he actually went through. I could be wrong (again, I'm not a medical professional, or even an amateur), all of that could have been perfectly realistic and reasonable, but it just felt like it wasn't. Like, how come he was severely dehydrated while the rest of the team wasn't? I don't know, I could be nitpicking here, but I do feel like Reid was just in such critical condition for the whump. And don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy a decent whump story every now and again (mostly for the hurt/comfort that comes about afterwards), but if it feels like the symptoms don't match the traumas, it makes it more difficult to believe.

But anyway, those were my main complaints. Everything else I thought was well done and I truly enjoyed reading these chapters so far. I'm eager to see what chapter 17 brings. :)
Bohogal1998 chapter 17 . 6/23/2018
great chapter! More soon please!
pallyndrome chapter 16 . 6/23/2018
I like the realism of reid and Hotch not just easily recovering :)
Dextolan chapter 16 . 6/21/2018
That was such a sweet chapter, loved Morgan and Reid’s interactions.
Dextolan chapter 12 . 6/21/2018
Please be alive, please be alive ;D
Dextolan chapter 11 . 6/21/2018
Oh no! Amazing chapter! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Dextolan chapter 8 . 6/21/2018
So sad!
Dextolan chapter 7 . 6/21/2018
Awesome chapter! Good ole’ Hotch!
Dextolan chapter 5 . 6/21/2018
Nooo Reid!
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