Reviews for Speak Now
justlikeitwas chapter 8 . 5/2
I loved this so much! All the little references throughout the story, the plot was interesting, and this last chapter gave me serious “lover” vibes!3
hmionegrangr chapter 8 . 4/16
You combined my love for Taylor Swift, Jily and an AU fic so beautifully! This is amazing and so sweet and the characterisation was (as always) perfect! This fic also made me ship Fabian and Sirius - they were so believable despite Fabian being such a minor character in the books. Such a lovely mix of angst, fluff and humour!
LilyPifyouplease chapter 6 . 12/24/2019
just on my second read of this beautiful piece and Speak Now starts playing on Spotify 3 love this story btw!
dreamerlai chapter 8 . 9/6/2019
Oh, how I adore this. Seriously.
dreamerlai chapter 6 . 9/6/2019
Amilahchoux chapter 8 . 4/12/2019
Well that was bloody fantastic.
It was well thought out, and in character. I loved it and was hooked from the beginning.
LilyPifyouplease chapter 8 . 2/4/2019
oh my God, pockets! ROFL... I was going to wait till the end to leave a comprehensive review, but a dress with pockets? A Wedding Dress with Pockets? I wish that existed! Loving the story, btw.
AMProngs chapter 8 . 8/31/2018
That was a lovely ride! Thank you. I enjoyed this very much.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/19/2018
This was brilliant. I loved it.
Dumbledore's got style chapter 8 . 8/9/2018
Absolutely loved it! Can't wait for your next works!
headstudents chapter 8 . 8/1/2018
Jily living happily ever after is the best kind of an ending. I loved this story with my whole heart. But then again I love everything you do 3
SuraWaldelfe chapter 6 . 8/1/2018
I really like this story but in this chapter I noticed a lot of mistakes (no ', spellingmaybe you should go over it again or have someone beta it
headstudents chapter 7 . 8/1/2018
I love this chapter, I love James in this chapter. He's taking names and kicking ass but he still finds time to stop every few seconds to look at Lily because 'gosh she's so pretty'.

Also, Fabian is an icon, fakely engaged to Lily Evans and managed to hook up with Sirius Black. It's that Gay Power.
headstudents chapter 6 . 7/31/2018
Good to see that Skeeter continues to be a human embodiment of an appendix. Also, I'm sliding in with a petition to take Aunt Martha to Cairo and leave her on the desert.

I did not see Fabian x Sirius coming! I'm very positively surprised!
headstudents chapter 5 . 7/31/2018
"(...) she's getting married."
"Who's getting married?"
"Lily who?"
I love this entire exchange. James is like: "she can't get married without a groom, and since I'm right here, there's no groom."
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