Reviews for The GodTube Search That Saved the Multiverse
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4
This was great and funny one-shot. Really. I mean really. All it took to save the multiverse (both present and Future) was to have the unstable, inrational, narcissist, entitled apprentice god to watch Dragonball on god equivalent of Youtube. (Laughing my butt off) Oh the irony! I love Deagonball! :D

Although the idea of Zamasu watching the entirely of Dragonball and understanding how the mortal world works with Goku and his friends's lives/adventures sounds interesting. It sounds like a 'Watch it' fic story waiting to happen.
Baby Son Pan QueenoftheTuffles chapter 1 . 3/4
Well...that was anticlimactic, and yet strangely humorous. :)

Wait you left out somethings! if Present Zamasu reformed and changes his way of thinking. What happens to Future Trunks' timeline and Goku Black? Goku Black is from the present timeline after Present Zamasu stole Goku's Body and went to the Trunks's future where Gods weren't alive anymore. Would everything be undone? I don't know how time travel works in the Deagonballuniverse. :/
Awareness Bringer chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
Looks good. You just gave me an idea of how to prevent the present Zamasu from being as bad as his counterparts.
begone thotticus chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
The inner monologue reads exactly like Zamasu's voice-this was an enjoyable what-if I can definitely see happening under the right circumstances.
Mary Te Pupa Dulce chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
Interesting chapter dude. Great way in fleshing out Past Zamasu. As a sugestion have Zamasu stay close to Goku in order to remain the last of participants. Have a nice day