Reviews for Sugar and Spice
kathrianna chapter 3 . 1/16
I don’t usually review particular stories but this one just really hit me hard

The first one was very angsty, how did he eventually said sorry to Alice, I wonder what Akira must’ve felt when he did first met Soe Nakiri (having both of Alice’s parents as judges for his momentous cooking moments must’ve had him feel for something)

Anyways I was reading Sense and it actually made me tear up, Alice’s POV on things were so eloquent, almost like poetry, compared to Akira’s straight laced up tone, and having the importance of their senses really just made it very heartfelt, it was so vivid. I really do hope you continue writing not just this in general but in other things as well
Juni Onigiri chapter 3 . 1/14
ahhh this was awesome! in the first part i actually, physically flinched... akira was super harsh. i like how he described how 'fake' alice was, but the parts at the end made me go, gah u jerk what were you...!
Sense is a lovely character study on future Alice, i love all the allusions to the senses without it being very explicit? even though it's in an fwb set-up it seems to be more intimate from how you described it

and of course, i am all for u making a move to ao3 :D
Maclilly chapter 3 . 1/9

This first story nearly killed me. . ! All those feelings, all those emotions while reading it. It was really amazing. It was one of those rare stories where everything feels so real and you just want to try yelling through the screen at a character to stop moping around and follow her instead. It actually hurt … but in a good way.

And it fits so amazingly into the original story. It always felt a little bit confusing why nobody of Hayama’s “friends” ever asked how the Shiomi seminar was doing under the regime of Azami … But he just seemed to have scared away everyone … like a cornered, injured animal. Really, those emotions while reading this were so strong especially with knowing what is going to follow. You did a great job showing how Hayama’s devotion to Jun turned into a tunnel vision that blinded him for everything else and how he isolated himself from his classmates, even more, making it so easier for Azami to manipulate him. *shudder* Oh, all those feelings.

And then there is Alice. Oh, cute, little Alice, who might behave like a spoiled, narcissistic brat but acts like a good friend. She actually wanted to thank him and praise his contribution to their stall. And she put so many works into it … and then Hayama did what he did and … Ah, there those feelings again. Honestly, poor Alice here.

And then there is the second story, which is really different compared to the first one. The tone, the setting … it changed completely. And letting Alice summarize the bond was an interesting choice. I like the way she frames things. It’s nearly poetic.
And everything within this story was so fitting for Alice. Her scientific approach when trying to develop a scent that will give her an own spot in Hayama’s mind; how their relationship isn’t really a romance-love-story because that’s not what they do; and how she is affected by the sense of touches referencing to her cooking style, which focuses on the experience of different textures in one dish. It’s so fitting for her.

Generally, you did a great job writing their characters. Every action seems so natural for them.
Thank you a lot for those little stories. They made me so happy.

I’m not good at giving useful keywords … but since both of them are still students maybe something school-related like ‘homework’ or ‘study’ or ‘experiment’. :D

See you next time. (Hopefully, you will not make us wait until 2021 now.)
Madeline Axelle chapter 3 . 1/9
did fanfiction just cut off my review? rude af lol. but seriously though, whats creeping on me feels like an ACTUAL EMOTION with akira biting the fallen cupcake its just...
Madeline Axelle chapter 3 . 1/9
babyyyyy! i know i've read a part of these, but reading your stories could never bore me. i could just get lost in your universe! and wow the ending on Advice?! what is this creeping up inside me? is this... a ?
nakirierinah chapter 2 . 10/29/2019
Author-san, thank you so much for updating!. I love Akira and Alice's thought process in this chapter because it really shows you -who they are-. It's so uniquely "them". The integration of their strategic thinking, personality, talent/skill... Ahhh! And thank u so much for the mention Author-an! Thank u so much for the appreciation and for u to really remember a prompt from me which I gave 2 or 3 years ago is really heart-warming huhu. Ahh yeah, it was amazing seeing your improvement as an author as well, author-san, from the last chapter to this one! I can't wait to see u grow more and more with each chapter So yeah, thank u for this author-san! I'm just so happy and grateful that you're willing to continue this drabble compilation hdhdjdj huhu and for u to have my other suggestion as a drabble fic as well is ndndjd! Thank u! We're so lucky to have an author like u in this ship fandom!
nakirierinah chapter 2 . 10/29/2019
Ahhhh! I really can't believe that you updated this story author-san! Ahhhh! You have no idea how happy you have made me by updating this story of a rare ship!
Eternal Nexus Warrior chapter 2 . 10/22/2019
I got a good prompt idea: autumn. When I think of fall/autumn, i think of deep colored leaves, apples, cinnamon, and bonfires. Maybe you can use those for your prompt. I have to say, caramel is my favorite written prompt so far though! :D
Maclilly chapter 2 . 10/20/2019
Oh, wow, I wasn't expecting this drabble series to continue ... and now I'm super happy to see another chapter. I really love your short stories. Your drabbles show the dynamics between Alice and Hayama in a very good way. They may bigger, they may provoke each other, but they keep staying friends in their very odd, unique way. :) And you've chosen so many amazing moments to show in your drabbles. Your creativity is impressive btw. When Alice showed Hayama how to "to skate" ... hilarious. It made me laugh so much. And when she decided, he would be a great replacement for her aide ... :D It's so Alice to do stuff like this. You are writing her character so fittingly. She's just like her original. Love it. Same goes for Hayama as well. His grumpy 'I-don't-want-friends' attitude is just perfect. And how he slowly realizes that he might like her ... (and the shock of this realization. :D) Seeing their relationship starting to grow slowly within those snippets it's really exciting and fascinating to read about. Most of the time I wish I could read more about those moments because they are all so fascinating.

I also like your writing style very much. It's just perfect for these short stories showing the insights of the characters very well.

So I really like your stories and I'm really looking forward to the next drabbles. :D
IceColdSea chapter 2 . 10/20/2019
Ooh, I was surprised and glad to see this Drabble Collection updated and ahhh! What an update indeed.

The first one was so...beautiful. I practically heard Alice’s voice in it and Ah, just all of Akira’s emotions and Alice’s desire to help. I’m...Talk about making the Central!Hayama-Situation a lot better than in the manga, to be honest. I really loved reading it, it was so good!

Also then what you did with my prompt! AH, I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Everything about it! It was at parts hilarious (Alice’s note and how Akira could identify it so quickly) but for the most part it was just so insanely sweet and precious and adorable. I was smiling towards all of it. I absolutely loved how you were able to portray their banter with Alice not even being physically there in a sense. I am very impressed by your description of the sweets and all the things you took into accord to make this perfect! Also aw, AW, that ending. It’s just so cute !

Great work and also, I am always up for playlists !
Uchiha Zoro chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
OH MYGODDDDD ive been looking for akira x alice fics for quite some time now and im so glad i stumbled upon this! I love akira & alice so much because I really believe akira would keep her grounded since he doesn’t just let her have her way like ryo would & alice would help akira in forming bonds with their classmates & expose him to things outside his comfort zone too! I’ve always thought they were a great pair especially since they’re both science babies. They’re amazing really. If you’re still continuing the drabbles, then my words would be: (1) Science (2) Spicy (3) Equal (4) Attraction and (5) Attention. I really hope you do come back for this fic omg you wrote them so well! I’ll be looking forward to your AkiAli aaaa More power to you x
Yoonggi chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
Alright so 1st order of business: THAT, ALL OF THAT, WAS HELLA CUTE.

Well for writing prompts I have a few for Alice and Akira:
1. Chemistry
2. Cuddle
3. Nostalgia
4. Girlfriend
5. Advice
6. Olfaction

You know how spicy I could get ;) work your magic! I'll be here waiting for your next chapter of adorable goodness!
Ravegirl346 chapter 1 . 4/26/2018
I totally love it! :)
I also like the picture you know the cover of this story!
Gothicgirl chapter 1 . 4/26/2018
Ooh! I love this chapter! I can't wait for more of these!
Patches chapter 1 . 4/25/2018
Too short! We need more of this blush inducing pairing! Because as things are right now, this couple and your masterful writing needs to become a fully fledged page turner!
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