Reviews for Sacrifice
Sam chapter 3 . 6/18
I've never read anything like this before... Not the lemons, no, I've read loads, but the whole veela thing is quite new and unique, and though it's a 3 chapter story- rather short- it's well written and wonderful. Very creative, author. Keep it up.
Milkweed Monarch chapter 3 . 1/27
I would have minded if he grew a conscience and told her everything. It's great that he remains selfish until the end. I rather liked this ending. And I definitely would prefer this more than one where he transforms into something he is not.
Recommendations chapter 3 . 9/3/2019
Disclaimer: I'm a blunt person. I tend not to dress up my comments about anything to anyone. If it helps, think of the following being said in Alan Rickman's voice. (In case you're too young to have seen him in anything else, he's the one that played Snape.)

If you ever revisit this, some things to think about:

1. Verb tense. Pick one, please. You switch from past to present so often it's distracting. It detracts from the story. It destroys the suspension of disbelief required from readers. Subject-verb agreement is good too. Right above where I'm posting this review, you've typed "The last bit of lemons is just to emphasize how Hermione have" - 'have' should be 'has'. It's another thing that will throw readers out of stories and results in tales that are true gems being overlooked.

2. If your end game ends up being different from what you had originally intended, go back and fix the things in earlier chapters that contradict your conclusion. Her parents, the Grangers, worried about her "still being beautiful in a decade" knowing she would be the sacrifice - that's in chapter one. Yet here, in chapter three, she's lived for a millennium. (By the way, that's the singular of millennia. You need to fix that when Tom mentions how long he's been alive.) So that earlier bit needs to be fixed. One expects such holes to appear in 200,000 word stories that have taken years to write, but not in something under 10K that only took four days (going by your posting dates).

..2.b. And, yeah, I get it - PWP. You weren't really going for plot. But if you're going to try to incorporate one, at least try and iron out the wrinkles, yeah?

..2.c. In the event that this site slashes this posting in its next lemon massacre, would you consider posting to AO3? (or AFFO if you're over 18?)

3. You have an interesting premise. But I will note that in a story this short, you shouldn't feel like you have to add a TL;DR to the end notes because someone might have gotten confused by something. There really isn't enough to get confused about. If readers say they are confused, give it another read-through. Check for available betas and see if one of them is confused by it. If not, the problem isn't your writing. Sometimes, it really is just that a reader might not understand English well enough, or they might not have been paying attention (skimming to find the lemons, probably).

4. It's okay to ask for reader opinions - you're doing that anyway just by posting it on the Internet - but don't feel compelled to be self-deprecating when you ask for that opinion. "I dunno if that was a good ending or not" - stand by your work. You wrote what you wanted to read, didn't you? That's what most of us do. (Yeah, I have an account. I'm not logging into it, though. Not from where I am currently.) My point is that if it's what you wanted to read happening, then don't feel compelled to apologize for it.

I liked the idea. As far as AUs - and especially Veela fics - go, it was interesting. I'd love to see a polished version of it some time, if you ever decide to come back around to this.
Caro09 chapter 3 . 8/26/2019
This was really good! Haven’t read a Veela Tom before!
darth-sakura chapter 3 . 8/18/2019
spyrals chapter 3 . 9/2/2018
Very cool twist on Veela! Thanks for writing and sharing this!
AnnaOxford chapter 2 . 8/14/2018
I wonder what will happen to the Malfoys tho
AnnaOxford chapter 1 . 8/14/2018
So he’s kind of like a succubus? And he needs a new gal every 10 years because men are pigs who don’t find women attractive when they enter their thirties? xD
ShineGZB chapter 2 . 7/28/2018
So it
Valli1312 chapter 3 . 6/27/2018
Amazing story, I love it!
Arkytior's Rose chapter 3 . 4/25/2018
Just amazing! Excellent! Absolutely loved it! I know it's too much for asking but will you please write another chapter, a sort of epilogue - after their child's birth.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/25/2018
*Big thumbs ups* Excellent!..
Guest chapter 3 . 4/25/2018
Extra chapter after the birth of the bany?
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Thank you for continuing! Loved this chapter
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Interesting.. i like that you continue fhis story.. i am curious why she is special... and what happens next
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