Reviews for Behind the Mask
Crowdog chapter 1 . 7/14
I reread this fic a lot. It's so good.
Crowdog chapter 14 . 5/27
Sorry it took so long to review, I'll spare you the details... they're hardly relevant.

Depression sucks, it's stories like these that are so happy and easy to cling on to. Writing to cope, reading to cope. I don't want to read a sad ending, so I am glad Leo lives, it gets better, even if he has his relapses. He has his brothers and a supportive family which is important. A lot of people don't.

It was so nice to have that Raph and Leo moment in this chapter. Maybe I read too much into it but it's only when you realize there may have been a day you couldn't say something simple like "you're the best leader and oldest brother anyone could ever have" that you get the courage to say it. Or maybe he was just lowering Leo's guard to tag him.

I like to think it's the first one.

Thanks for writing.
TMNT Loving Leo the Second chapter 14 . 3/7
Aaaaaaaaa it concludes! This entire story was great, and I'm glad I was able to read it! Great job!
No Guns Only Roses chapter 14 . 3/6
Hurray! It’s finally done!
That was really sweet of Raph. :)
fireworksinthenight chapter 14 . 3/6
You did it! You completed that story!
Congrats :D

I'm glad Leo is back on a better path. It's good to see him having made his peace with what happened!
Thanks a lot for sharing.
Techno Dawn chapter 14 . 3/5
You gave this story a very nice ending. I think that Leo deserves it.
TMNT-Queen chapter 14 . 3/5
Well *I* loved the ending. And I loved the rest of the book, too. :D

I hope you write more books soonI love your writing a lot, and it has massive ability to brighten my day, which it has done several times.

Thanks for everything, my friend.

No Guns Only Roses chapter 13 . 12/1/2019
Raph can be a good bro sometimes

Crowdog chapter 13 . 12/1/2019
I'm so happy to see this updated! This was such a nice chapter I really loved it. Especially Raph making Leo say "okay" louder, it was perfect. There's certainly a lot of guilt with considering suicide and I think you tackled that in a great way.
Techno Dawn chapter 13 . 11/28/2019
The fact that Raph is usually the grumpiest character makes these intimate moments with him so much sweeter. It’s nice to see a chapter with an optimistic ending. Thanks for sharing.
fireworksinthenight chapter 13 . 11/28/2019
It's good to see Leo's family so supportive and non-judgemental, even if the situation is still touch-and-go.
The emotion you've put in your writing is tangible. Kudos!
And you're getting all the hugs. May the good days be more and more frequent!
Thanks for sharing your work. :3
Crowdog chapter 12 . 7/20/2019
Sorry, I read this chapter right when you posted, like we were about to go into the movie theater and I got this email notification and this story is so close to home for me that I literally pulled the "I have to use the restroom" line so I could read this.

I love this fic so much.

But enough about me, and how this fic is the reason I missed the first minute of Spiderman Far From Home.

This chapter hurt good, I have all of Imagine Dragon's songs on my MP3 player and that one specifically is like THE song for this scene... I was shook. Mikey's pain is palpable in this chapter and I just know know know he wants to help his big bro but it's so hard being on the outside knowing what someone is going through on the inside.

I hope they can both help each other and lean on each other. Especially with the concerning humor Leo has around suicide (not that making light of it necessarily means a person is planning an attempt but in a lot of cases making light of the topic is a serious sign). Leo's internal monologue about the roar of intrusive thoughts... have I talked about the lump in my throat. I read this chapter last week I think the lump never really left.

Just, seriously kudos on another wonderful chapter. Thank you for writing! :)
Guest chapter 12 . 7/13/2019
Sad and sweet at the same time, been where they are, the darkness swallows you. But you have to fight to find the light. But the fight is worth it in the end.
Techno Dawn chapter 12 . 7/14/2019
This was your best chapter yet! When you look below the surface, Mikey and Leo do have a lot in common. Their interaction was so sweet. I’m glad that they could be there for each other.
fireworksinthenight chapter 12 . 7/14/2019
I'm glad Mikey reached out to Leo. He's being so brave.
Thanks for sharing!
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