Reviews for The Unforgivables
Guest chapter 9 . 5/29
This is amazing! So excited for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/8
This is soooo amazing! Please update soon! Iove this story so much! The feels are indescribable and you write as the characters so well. Please, please update soon!
mydirt09 chapter 9 . 5/8
Once again a powerful chapter. Sorry for the late reply. This virus madness is mentally kicking my butt. I always love reading about memory charms because ever since the GoF, it’s shown to be a powerful spell but not permanent. Makes me wish I could go to Hogwarts to study on it
Almecestris chapter 9 . 5/4
holy shit. hands down best Lumione author ever.
jamesciscancelled chapter 9 . 4/27
SOOOOO WELL WRITTEN! I can’t wait for more the power Lucius has and the understanding between them both is beautiful.
Hermione4Life23 chapter 9 . 4/20
This was an amazing chapter! I LOVE powerful Hermione and I want her to embrace her relationship with Lucius because it makes her strong. The strength they have together is alluring and I want more of it. It’s awesome!

Ron and Harry are just catalysts for her to embrace this power and relationship with Lucius. They take her for granted and don’t respect her talent. Lucius is power hungry and will foster it. I want that.

I can’t wait for more! Xo
Hermeverus Snanger chapter 9 . 4/5
You're revealing a depth of character in Hermione and Lucius that I always desperately wanted to be there. Their interactions feel dark and terrible, but at the same time completely genuine to their characters. And I swear, every time you have him speak to her with his glorious barely restrained fury...I am in danger of passing out. I love where the story is going, and I'd love to see Hermione (or Lu-mione) play the hero/heroine of the story in the inevitable victory over Lord Voldemort. She deserves it! I hope you eliminate Ron from the main story quickly, his mere presence makes me irritated. He is no match for Lucius, and I can't picture them ever working together toward the same end. And as for Harry, I hope you are able to create an enticing character shift for him, and give his development a bit more focus as the story progresses. I've always shipped it hard for Hermione and Severus, so I can't wait to see how you handle their interactions! Overall, quite possibly the most exciting and satisfying Potter fanfiction I've read to date. I'll be on pins and needles waiting for another chapter!
Wynter Phoenix chapter 9 . 3/27
Absolutely fantastic!
NeoQBirdie chapter 9 . 3/25
Great story so far! Very delicious. I'm looking forward to devouring more when you next update.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/2
We've been waiting for it, and, boy, did we get it! Mhm. I liked it. Though I'm to be honest, I was a tad underwhelmed. Perhaps for me there could have been more of a build-up - have it continue, rather. The interplay between them whilst Ron and Harry were around (sleeping), the sexual tension...was stirring. It feels as if they gave IN too soon - their coupling, the way Lucius reacted - something was off. But maybe that's just me and my preferences, I don't want to discourage. For him to want to take Hernione in such a way that Ron and Harry might discover them may just be Lucius displaying his possessiveness. Though, I find him to be a bastard because of it. What if before they even joined they were discovered, what was his thinking on that? Also, for him to be her first is interesting and I wonder how Sir Malloy must feel about being so...So many questions!
Aid4 chapter 9 . 2/27
Hi! Thanks so much for this chapter! I love it! Love how the things are progressing between Hermione and Lucius! I honestly don't expect to Lucius and Hermione have sex so soon but in a way made sense because they are atraccted to each other and for their power too!
And I can't wait to read how their relationship will be more than sex and atracction soon, because they are perfect for each other, Lucius help Hermione to accept her power and Hermione will help Lucius in be more human, I can't wait to read more of this!
Again thanks for sharing this! Love it!
Guest chapter 9 . 2/22
Magnificent chapter! All the feels! Your characterisation is fabulous! I’m so hooked!
s m Neal chapter 9 . 2/24
Ok wonderful job. A great length that was not filled with filler. Great work. Please keep on bashing Ron?
Jecreads chapter 9 . 2/23
Hi! I just wanted to say I’m loving this plot and the chemistry is palpable! I find myself randomly thinking about this story during the day and hanging out for the next chapter. Amazing writing! Thanks for sharing it :)
emilusbaxter chapter 9 . 2/23
Oh my gods that chapter killed me! Absolutely amazing.
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