Reviews for Reignite
P.Self chapter 25 . 7/27
So that was the sweetest and most loving proposal ever!
P.Self chapter 23 . 7/27
Best revenge ever written, you got skills!️
P.Self chapter 10 . 7/27
This story is depressing but sometimes life is depressing, if shows real emotions. Love it!
Kelly Carberry chapter 27 . 6/1
Liked it.
Sflurry chapter 27 . 3/3
I'm just curious, what was wrong with Ana's back? It seemed like a plot point, and then just disappeared.
shellz71 chapter 27 . 2/13
wow amazing story i really enjoyed it thank you
vickiel2r chapter 27 . 2/11
Thank you very much.
vickiel2r chapter 26 . 2/11
One happy family two boys and a puppy, Christian and Ana are lucky to made through trials snd tribulations and enjoying what they have together.
vickiel2r chapter 25 . 2/11
Good timing about time a ring to seal their love and to keep her at Escala so Teddy can have both of them everyday.
vickiel2r chapter 24 . 2/11
Suspenseful chapter but Christian is winning and call it a revenge for the damage on Ana permanently damaged for anymore child bearing besides the trauma of two gunshot wounds it was not easy for both of them.
vickiel2r chapter 23 . 2/11
Jose is still alive wonder for how long.
vickiel2r chapter 22 . 2/11
Jose is useless now anyway and may even get a free pass and start all over again. He had killed and seriously injured people but the justice system is unpredictable and never know the outcome.
vickiel2r chapter 21 . 2/11
This will probably the last time Ana will be allowed to be on her own to any function.
vickiel2r chapter 20 . 2/11
Never know when a tracking bracelet would be useful. New York is so far away from Seattle.
vickiel2r chapter 19 . 2/11
Jose is now crazy. Where are they anyway that going out of the country would be that easy?
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