Reviews for An Unlikely Hero
Luxo11 chapter 81 . 4/24
Wait so at the end... he just becomes useless? Lame ending man.
Luxo11 chapter 56 . 4/24
Aaaaaaand I read that first sentence and I’m already pissed. Great.
Luxo11 chapter 49 . 4/24
The more I read about Hell the more irritated I get. At this point I think it’s the terrible name, or maybe just bad character design in general with the whole “evil twin” thing. What I’m saying is I hate this character and everything that surrounds him. This is just my opinion though.
Luxo11 chapter 48 . 4/24
Hell is honestly such a shabby villain, the story is fun to read until these parts. Future readers be warned.
Luxo11 chapter 31 . 4/24
I still dislike the whole “evil twin” thing, kinda just kills the whole thing but oh whale...
Wolf1741 chapter 81 . 2/10
Yes! It took me two days to read this whole book and it was amazing!
brandonmayham4 chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
Forshadowing*ding*, Cliche being Cliche *ding*, poor execution on entering Rwby *ding*, dude a moment ago you just said you would be fine waking up in RWBY *ding*, foreshadowing Being op *ding*, When he was talking to Ozpin he sounded like my friend Riku so...*Reverse ding*. Overall I like it
ProfesorGoblitz chapter 13 . 10/25/2019
...ummm, you wrote “Hazel grunts in pain,” in the same sentence as “of course doesn’t cause Hazel any Pain” isn’t that self Contradictory
Ray Yami chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
This is bullshit. You can't watch RWBY in one day if you have a life and not 15 hours of sitting in your own waste.
Guest chapter 81 . 10/3/2019
I know I’m late to the party but, thank you for this amazing story from start to took me awhile to read but it was worth it. You have done what so many people could wish to do and completed it. It was fun while it lasted and I wish you luck on the next ones so see ya!
Wittyartificer chapter 19 . 8/20/2019
Cherry should be the fall maiden
Guest chapter 81 . 8/3/2019
Traping an imortal in a dimensional nexus that would let her access far more magic than the two of them combined threw around in their final battle was a horrible idea. Even if she doesn't get out anytime in the span of the Rivers family's existence, it could be a disaster. Mabey you could do a one shot where she regrets everything and gets to die and come back as a better person. Mabey she could be reborn as a hero who goes on a quest to find the relics and save the world from a new threat.
Guest chapter 81 . 8/3/2019
What color did Summers eyes turn?
Guest chapter 81 . 8/3/2019
I still can't believe you made Ruby Rose a pedophile.
0-Avalon-0 chapter 6 . 8/3/2019
Now tell me...

What's a Jesus?
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