Reviews for The Way Back
animecraz85 chapter 19 . 6/17
I love this story! Can't wait for the next update.
OneWhoReadsTooMuch chapter 19 . 6/10
I'm so proud and happy that Nora and her father had a heart to heart talk. There's obviously things that she just cannot tell him but it's a start to mending things between them. I'm not sure how Nora's relationship with her friends are going to turn out by the end of this though. I'd also love to see more of Nora learning her new skills and using them.
IAmZeeChloe chapter 18 . 5/14
Hey! This is fantabulous! Nora needs a hug and a good cry, but I love this with all my heart so thank you for writing it! Can’t wait for the next update, but take as long as you would like can’t rush a masterpiece!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/22
i'm only four chapter in to this book and i've cried at least twice, i don't understand this review section at allll. if stiles and nora don't end up together i will truly be so heartbroken.
kuppcake chapter 18 . 4/17
Sorry for your loss. I loss my grandma last year so I know the feeling of the longevity of coping. Glad you're back. Quarantine cancelled my grad school graduation but I'm happy to be safe. This chapter made me want to give Nora a hug.
TheComprehensiveJellyfish chapter 18 . 4/15
Such a good update! I’m really excited about the direction Nora is going and I can’t wait for more! Thank you so much for writing this story
mykk47 chapter 18 . 4/15
Glad you're back, and hope you're well!

I haven't completely finished this chapter yet, I'm about halfway through, but I've been re-reading the whole story and just had to get these thoughts out first :)

I love Nora & Derek scenes. They're intense as hell. Their interactions, their POVs of each other, it's all so crackling and I definitely want to see a lot more scenes with them because they are fire.

Nora's possibly one of my favorite OCs. She has this strength, pushing through and making a way (through her learning magic) instead of letting it all happen it her, through sheer will alone. Idk but I'm loving this harder version of Nora. She's talking so much sense, in reality, about how she got dragged into this and about how Allison needs to be held accountable for some of the decisions she's made. I definitely get her perspective of the situation from where she's standing. Can't wait to see her expanding powers.

I hate everyone looking at Nora like she's a monster though, since in my mind she's only speaking truth and being pragmatic while trying to help, and both sides - Scott and Derek - are treating her like she's worse than they are. And her parents! I know Nora's got plenty of anger to go around, but I'm still angry on her behalf lol.

Can't wait to see more, and thanks for this amazing chapter, definitely worth the wait.
OneWhoReadsTooMuch chapter 18 . 4/14
I can't blame Nora for hitting her breaking point. I think she has realized that it's impossible at this point to please everyone. There's too many secrets between everyone and distrust going on.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. Hope you're doing well during this crazy time.
Odie.18 chapter 18 . 4/14
I read this. Made me emotional. Nice to have you back.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/13
why did i find myself shipping Derek and Nora istg their chemistry is unbeaten
RoniMikaelson chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
I can't believe this doesn't have more reviews. Just from this first chapter, I can tell this is a more unique story idea than I've seen in a while. I've never seen a fanfiction where the OC has already dated Stiles; they are always a best friend or a new girl like Allison that becomes friends with them. Besides the idea, I adore your writing style, the way we get to look into both Stiles and Nora's train of thoughts at different times.

Onto chapter 2 I go!
Guest chapter 18 . 11/14/2019
Just finished reading this, love it! Hope you continue the story soon.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/21/2019
Love this story! Can’t wait to see Scott and Nora make up. Excited to see what happens next.
The Killing Quill chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
Oh my god the level of angst and rage and just sheer realism (hahaha ironic) of this story has captivated me. While reading season two I just kept getting more hyped for season three and even more about the possibility of nogitsune and dark!Nora interacting. She is such a brilliant character by the way and I was totally YES GIRL-ing the whole time she confronted Scott about Allison and Nora holding people accountable? Sign me up. Seriously I read this whole thing in one night and I’ve never been so excited for a Teen Wolf fic. You’re brilliant. You’ve given your original characters so much agency and they are so tangible to the universe like they could really have been in canon. I’m so sorry about the difficulty you’ve faced and that I’ve struggled to properly express my excitement and gratitude over this fic.
TheComprehensiveJellyfish chapter 7 . 5/22/2019
I know this is probably going to turn into a Stiles/oc fic, but I gotta be honest, I’m really starting to ship Nora and Lydia together! Anyone else get the feeling that they would make an awesome couple? No? Just me?
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