Reviews for Born to Die: The 77th Hunger Games
wtfruk chapter 41 . 4/2/2019
Wow, this has been the best SYOT I've ever read. You've inspired me to try my own.
CragmiteBlaster chapter 41 . 1/29/2019
What a brilliant ending this was. I absolutely loved this final chapter. Honestly, easily one of the best parts of the fic overall. Such a strong, powerful note to end off on. :)

Spool reuniting with his family and becoming Tag, it was so feelgood for the most part. He's right, really, as no matter his name he's still himself. I love how in the end he's successfully gotten away with cheating the Capitol and landing Bellona in trouble. What a little badass, getting away with that kind of ploy and facing zero punishment to his family. The only sour note is Hessian's death, a grim and sour note for certain. The twins will certainly have to be careful from now on, but for now at least it seems like things might end up being alright after all. Well played, Spool / Tag.

Celia is interesting. On the one hand her Career mindset hardly makes her endearing to me - indeed, she comes off as a savage lmao - but it sure makes for good reading. The highlights of the Tour were fun to see and I feel they tied up some loose ends quite nicely. Spool getting a heroes' welcome to Seven, all the family drama and anger in Five, Grizelda's baby thankfully being saved in Nine, Nikki's parents being utterly furious over their kids losing the Games twice (and by a D8 tribute both times lolrip) and, really, everything just going well and seeming wrapped up cleanly. I found it to bevery enjoyable to read. :)

The stuff with Marcelle and Rowane has me really hooked. On the one hand they're truly awful people for gleefully working on a child murder game, but at the same time they almost feel... well, less evil than Bellona? I have to say, I'm rooting for them to get her back for demoting and disposing of them. I can see this being quite the engaging long term arc going on here. After all, with questions already arising the secret of what Spool did might come out in the end and land everybody in hot water. Consider me very invested for how this ends up. :D

This final scene... damn, nice stuff! Sombre and rather tense to begin with, but a triumphant rise and end with Spool / Tag basically telling Bellona to fuck off in not so many words. I have a feeling this isn't the last time they will converse, and I can only hope that my little guy keeps on smacking Bellona down each and every time. He's a Victor now, and the Games are truly just getting started...

Amazing story from start to finish. Honestly, being part of this tale was such a wild ride and a wonderful experience. Not only that, but to have one of my tributes actually win... simply perfect. You did awesome! :D Spool was written as a wonderful protagonist, a great mixture of heart and pragmastism, while Sock - may she rest in peace - was very enjoyable too, a truly brave warrior princess. I'm glad I entered into this and I eager to see how the sequel shall unfold. Overall, an easy 12/10 story. :D
CragmiteBlaster chapter 40 . 1/29/2019
Time to finish reviewing this story at last! Anyway, I really loved this chapter. It was well written all around and, really, a mixture of triumphant, surreal and rather depressing that Spool is our sole narrator left. The rest are dead in the dirt, several likely forgotten by the Capitol already. For every survivor, there are 23 deaths after all. I'd like to think Spool shan't forget any of them. Least of all Seb and Sock. :)

The interview was really well written, as was Spool's narration and personal thoughts on the matter. Home is near, the dreadful Games have come to an end for now and managed to keep himself under control for the interview. Nice to see that he's beloved by the nation, but nicer still that he succeeded in his ultimate scam against the Capitol. He'll have to watch himself, but as the years go by I have no doubts he'll become a very charismatic and wonderful man, kinda like Finnick. On which note, it was nice to see that Finnick sent him a message. I have to wonder how much is real and not real; after all, Finnick's with the rebels per canon and I have no doubt that Spool would be easy to recruit for their cause. If anything, he could easily be one of the faces of the second rebellion, if it happens in your fic's continuity. :)

Certainly a foreboding ending to the chapter. A contrast to Spool being triumphant and emotional, Bellona being smug and loving the Games makes her quite the foil to the protagonist. I'd say overall her POV was good, but the ending bit sure was full of fobodingness. Just 'we have a problem', four words that reeeeeeally do not bode well for Spool lolrip.

Amazing effort overall. :D
Greywolf44 chapter 41 . 1/13/2019
I'm so happy that you're doing a sequel! I'll definitely send in a tribute or two! By the way, you got the story titles from Lana Del Ray albums because two of her albums are born to die and ultraviolence. I only knew that because a band I like called the Amity Afflction did a cover of born to die.

Back to the story so Rowan found out Spool's identity. So far Snow had one of his friend said killed but I'm sure that as long as Spool keeps quiet or not do anything rebellious or dangerous his family should be fine. Born To Die was a phenomenal story and congrats on finishing your first story! I can't wait for Ultraviolence!
Greywolf44 chapter 40 . 1/13/2019
Spool is really going to make a great victor. It's also great that he's finally the youngest victor taking Finnick's crown on being the youngest. The interview was great and I loved the interaction between Spool and Caesar. I'm definitely impressed how well he well he's able to impersonate Tag. At the end, though I wonder if Snow knows that Spool is not Tag.
haydesx chapter 41 . 1/12/2019
A great end to a great story! It's been a long journey through this story and I'm glad to have followed it from its beginning to its end and I'll be doing the same with your next story aswell!

I am a bit worried about Spools future as if it gets revealed that he switched his place with Tag then I feel that the Nylon twins will be in a whole lot of trouble, and for some reason I feel that President Snow knows about this already

I'm looking forward to the next story and I'm going to try submit three tributes for it.

Well a big congratulations from me as this story is definitely one of the better SYOT's out there and it gave me something to read throughout 2018 which prevented me from getting bored to death.

I'll be reviewing as often as I can in your next story so until then, take care! - haydes
MaxMan667 chapter 41 . 1/12/2019
That was a great Ending!
Again, congratulations on finishing your story!
I will be crossing my fingers for your everlasting
improvement ;D
xx deactivated account xx chapter 40 . 1/11/2019
Omg, you updated yay! At first, I thought this story would wound up like many others, dead and unfinished, (in your case,just about two chapters short of the completion line), but then you updated, which I'm happy about. Good job for sticking with this story all the way to the end.

Now onto the chapter.
It's great to see how Spool is doing after he won the Games. I'm just glad he won! Overall, I like him as a victor. This was also a nice chapter showing us the victor's interview with Flickerman as per the norm.

Overall, great chapter and I can't wait until the next chapter!

P.S: It would be great if you would create a sequel. I'll for sure submit! Unlike last time, but I won't let this opportunity slide by.
Bilbo Baggins chapter 40 . 1/10/2019
YAAAAAS! Thank you for posting. I thought you had abandoned the story. And nice of you to leave us in a cliffhanger!
MaxMan667 chapter 40 . 1/10/2019
... I don't really think I can be of much help anymore here XD
So I just wanna congratulate you to your amazing story, the chapter was great
and is the strong beginning of a good epilogue and I am of course still reading it and excited for your sequel
haydesx chapter 40 . 1/9/2019
That ending has got me very intrigued and also a bit worried about whats in store for Tag. It seems like Tag will be a generous victor and hopefully he doesn't get influenced by some of the other not-so generous victor although it does seem he will be able to pick up on that sort of stuff.

I'm especially looking forward to your next story and hopefully I'll be able to submit a tribute for it, and maybe I will actually remember to use my sponsor spoints that I forgot about.

Another great chapter and I'll see you in the reviews of the next, take care! - haydes
domgk115 chapter 39 . 12/5/2018
I'm so sorry for my late review! Finals man... finals at school kill you lol. Also it's my fault for working retail during christmas xD

Wow... i can't believe that it's finally over. I have been with this SYOT since the very beginning and i'm sad and excited for the very end of it! I remember the first time read Tiffany's reaping xD I have never read a SYOT to where i vividly remember every single reaping, and felt connected to every one of the tributes. You had a great way of weaving each tributes unique story so that even the ones who died in the bloodbath or on the first day were memorable and i was sad to see go. I also loved how you had the 'main villian' of the story shift. At times we felt it was Hadrian, then Tiger, and in the end it was the cool calm collected Tiffany that was the ultimate villian.

I loved the vivid descriptions of the arena and action sequences of the story. All of them from the arena, the tributes look and how they were feeling were fantastic. I have never come across a SYOT (and i have read a lot) To where i actually go and read through the inner monolouge of the characters multiple times. Normally for me at least they drag on and i find myself skipping over them to the action of dialogue in the scene. Bravo for keeping me engaged the entire time, and making me interested in EVERY tributes story and thoughts.

The only very very VERY small thing i didnt like to much was towards the end i think we can all admit it got a tiny bit predictable. I have no problem with Spool winning at all, i think he deserved it. However... i think after he got gifted that crossbow, we all knew he was going to win xD I would have preferred to see him win and make the final two kills with his wits and quick thinking like when he cut Hadrian with the poison tooth.

That's a very very small problem i had but it didnt take away from my experience at all xD

I am SO looking forward to the sequel and i can't wait to get my new characters to you for the sequels! I think that you and everyone else will seriously enjoy them!

Now onto this chapter itself!

Tiffany: Like i stated earlier it was a huge surprise to see her end up being the big bad of the entire story. She slowly spiraled into madness and it was very entertaining to watch. At first i will admit she was my least favorite career. To me she had a very simple backstory, and seemed like a stereotypical career but as the games started it became more and more apparent that she was much more then that. I'm sure that she has yo be fuming that she lost in wherever we go when we go, especially being killed by a 12 year old. I never thought that she would win, but her slow spiral into madness was sad and hard to read. I am satisfied with how her story was, although i am kind of sad that Nikki wasnt the one to take her out xD

Nikki: So she went down... for the reasons you listed in your eulogy i think she was okay with not winning. What would she had gone back to if she won? A life sent alone in her victors viliage house missing the one person who got her in her entire life. That's the character i submitted a hardened girl, who has had a tragic life, and was meant to find her one true moment of happiness in life in the games with Jason. I obviously wish that she had won, since you know every creator wants their character to win. However, i am more then happy with how she turned out. Like i said i submitted both Jason and Nikki to SYOT's long ago but they were both abandoned, and i never got to see them come to life. However thank you so much for taking them and following through and letting me see them to fruition!

Spool: Like i said earlier, i knew Spool was going to win deep down as soon as he got that crossbow xD Like is said the fact that as soon as he got that we all knew he was going to win is my only small problem but it didnt take away from how i thought he should win at all. Spool deserves this, he was smart, resourceful, and played his cards right. He has a deep backstory, and he truly deserves to be the first ever 12 year old victor in the history of the games. He was underestimated the whole time, Hadrian, Tiffany, Nikki they all thought they'd have no problem with 'the little 12 year old from 8'. And now seeing the end of the chapter has me worried. He was handcuffed? Does the capital know? Do they know he's not Tag, if the do what are they going to do anything about it? I can't wait to see the next two chapters of this, and see how my all time favorite SYOT ends!

Again sorry for reviewing so late xD I promise i'll try to keep them on time from now on haha. I can't wait for the sequel! LETS DO ITTTTTT
Bob bo chapter 39 . 12/2/2018
I think you should write the first hunger games. That could be really cool. Also, the sequel sounds great
0Chirp0 chapter 39 . 11/30/2018
Aww, Tiffany died. Oh well, there can only be one Victor. I want to see how Spool fairs in the next chapters. Now that he's a Victor, are him and Tag going to have to pretend to be each other indefinitely? Did the President already figure out that he switched places with his twin? If so, how will that go over? I have so many questions. Now I really need to see what happens in the upcoming chapters! You did a really good job with this fanfic. It did become a bit predictable at the end, but I guess that happens in most storys (it's better than backing yourself into a corner that you can't write yourself out of, so then you make up something far out just to keep things unpredictable). Also, when someone gets sponsored a crossbow, it's kinda hard for them to lose I guess. Again, I can't wait to see the next chapters! I will definitely be submitting to your next SYOT.
MaxMan667 chapter 39 . 11/29/2018
This was a wild ride!
I hope my reviews helped you, especially the climax ;-)
I liked this story a lot and I am exited for the final chapters, as well
as your SEQUEL!
I am so pumped!
And the pacing in this chapter was pitch perfect!
I am so proud of you ;-) XD
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