Reviews for Harry and Draco Break Hogwarts
Guest chapter 15 . 7/21
Loved this. So funny and they are just sooo cute!
Kootenay Chick chapter 5 . 7/15
Take my big Dragon! LOL I died! Hahahaha
Hotaru no Kaori chapter 15 . 6/22
The bonus chapter is quite funny !
np7077477 chapter 15 . 3/31
You know ... THIS IS THE BESTEST DRARRY FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ ... I have read many fanfic in just one month ... There are some good ones , I won't deny but whoever tried to write a medium sized story also used some sex scenes or something ... But your ones is the best ... The comedy part was spot one and the romance was still juicy ... (hehehehehehe)

Please write more ... ly ... 3
Key-Idea chapter 15 . 3/10
this was great! it was so cute, and i loved the buckbeak appearance at the end!
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 15 . 3/6
I love it! There couldn't be a more fitting and satisfying conclusion to your story. Thank you for writing
nicodiangelolovah chapter 15 . 2/12
Phanatically chapter 5 . 1/3
I feel like McGonagall would be more likely to dismiss them rather than run away. It's a minor detail, but it just seems more rational to me
Guest chapter 15 . 10/26/2019
Hii! I absolutley love this story! I didn't have any particular idea in mind, but if I do I will send it your way, I love the way you write and I've read almost every Harry/Draco story you have! I was also glad to find someone that still works in 2019 cause most people stopped in 2018. Wishing you the best of luck!
Loftcat27 chapter 15 . 10/24/2019
That was superb!
nice2Cyah chapter 15 . 10/19/2019
A TREEmendous story :)
SkyeMoor chapter 15 . 10/14/2019
Lol! I love this!
rule breaker chapter 11 . 10/13/2019
Omake of Draco serving his detention:
Whilst in detention Draco asked Filch what exactly was that large muggle looking device in corner of classroom. The one with Alpha & Omega symbols on it..
The caretaker told him that Arthur Weasley had confiscated it from a couple of strange types; one with what looked like badly burned skin & really long robes, and another who seemed to have been partially transfigured into a gorilla. He'd sent it to Dumbledore that morning to see if the headmaster could figure it out?
After Filch left Draco could swear he could hear ticking coming from it. Curiosity got the better of Malfoy & he went up & put his ear to it..

.. just as the 500 megaton nickel-cobalt salted fission-fusion-fission device exploded in his face...

Very fortunately Hogwarts's magical wardings and powerful reality shielding managed to push almost all the energies into another dimensional plane & seal rest in trinitite like magical glass.

Argus Flitch returned some four hours later to find where previously the classroom doorway had been, was now a perfectly smooth blue-black rectangle of polished obsidian like glass .. that was slightly warm to the touch..
Hogwarts wasn't broken but component atoms that had been Malfoy certainly were!
lttlelola chapter 15 . 10/12/2019
yay! I got the wedding chapter! Love it!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/14/2019
Draco wasn't hiding in a pile of blankets, they just had accepted him as one of their own, and he was afraid of losing their trust if he walked away.
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