Reviews for Split
wolf girl123098 chapter 2 . 1/18/2019
I am really loving story. Love the characters, plot, and lessons coming through. I hope you update this story and continue because this is skmething great.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/11/2018
Why is it that all these Fanfiction writers who did not get their favourite Pairing in the books always relie on bashing?
weirdbutquiet chapter 2 . 5/17/2018

So far I really enjoy this story, hopefully you can update soon.

I like the dynamic between Blaise and Neville, are you going to do any flashbacks between them?

I always thought Ginny and Neville were a good idea and I'm happy your'e making them a couple.

I never would imagine Neville would have a big temper, but I like how you showed it.

Do you plan to have Neville get into a fight in this story? or even better Ginny! (she could be defending Tyler?)

Hopefully chapter 3 comes soon.
ReadingReadererReader chapter 2 . 5/17/2018
Wow, I like.
iAmAMarauderAtHeart chapter 2 . 5/16/2018
I still love the originality of this story. I like that none of the people there seem perfect in any way. The way Neville parents Tyler is very understandable and realistic which is really nice.
iAmAMarauderAtHeart chapter 1 . 3/27/2018
This is a really different story. I love it and the controversy it has to your other stories. Neville is a really over looked character and I think you are right in that the Trio did not have it worst off.
Remustonkslupin chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
Interesting. I love it so far. It is nice to see Trio bashing even if I don't read bashing much. I can see it and like in this. I am not sure about the pairings, but I am willing to give this story a shot.