Reviews for Uncontrollable Variable
xLaBellaVita chapter 15 . 3/24
Please update!
deathb4beauty chapter 15 . 7/19/2019
What a unique way of introing an oc character! I look forward to whatever you are willing to give!
gr8rockstarrox chapter 15 . 4/28/2019
Heyyo, I miss this story — just letting you know!
laraceleste chapter 15 . 2/26/2019
This is a grest story!
iwaizoomi chapter 15 . 2/1/2019
This is so good! I can’t wait to see hat you’ll write next! I love this! :D
bridget237 chapter 15 . 1/4/2019
I really enjoyed reading this! The writing is very good, I love how easy Sera and Harry’s relationship flows. I hope sera finds some sort of code to tell Harry at least a little bit of what’s going, if not I hope he isn’t too angry with her when he get to headquarters. I hope to read more:)
p for pseudonymous chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
I think her father is definitely Sirius and I’m interested to see how everything plays out as Sirius, by book timeline, should’ve gotten out of Azkaban last year so it’s curious if my guess is right that he hasn’t seeked her out yet
GiannaG chapter 15 . 9/14/2018
Guest chapter 15 . 9/2/2018
I’m in love with this story!
Topone chapter 15 . 8/21/2018
Nice story, hope you'll continue.
xenocanaan chapter 15 . 8/8/2018
I think Harry would be able to get the hint that Sera is trying to tell him stuff and someone is keeping her from doing so. Thank you for this amazing story! I can’t wait to read more!
Guest chapter 15 . 8/7/2018
Ahhh when is the next update! It’s been over a mo th now! I love all your stories!
Roarasaurus chapter 15 . 7/5/2018
It seems to me that Sirius is showing more affection towards his daughter than he's showing Harry. Given that Sirius is the only real family Harry has, and also the relative newness of their relationship, I feel like Harry should be feeling at least a little upset, and threatened(?). Maybe that's not it, I can't really pin-point it, but something about Harry's response-or lack thereof-drew me out of the narrative a little.

I'm also extremely angry on Harry's behalf. Sera gets to live with her father, but Harry, who lives in an abusive household and was invited to live with him, isn't allowed to stay with his Godfather, the man who intended to raise him. It's grossly unfair and feels like betrayal on Sirius' part.

All-in-all, a great story so far. I found myself extremely absorbed. Absorbed enough that I completely missed any grammatical errors-something I'm usually very pedantic about-or they didn't exist in the first place. Either way, kudos to you, mate!
ravenclauses chapter 14 . 6/30/2018
I left this fan fic for a while while backpacking and oh my god? It’s so good. I forgot how awesome of a writer you are. Actually in tears wow
Purplestan chapter 15 . 6/30/2018
I think it's so good that sera has refused not to tell harry where she is and stuff. If she didn't tell him he'd probably feel like she betrayed him.
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