Reviews for Impact
Scaietzel chapter 9 . 8/24/2019
I physically and mentally UwU-ed at the end of chapter 9
Scaietzel chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
You know what’s better then sleep? Crying at 4 fucking am!
dhfjgkj chapter 9 . 8/18/2018
Guest chapter 9 . 6/14/2018
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 9 . 6/14/2018
Oh boy. Good chapter. Keep up the good work!
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 8 . 6/13/2018
Good chapter. Keep up the good work!
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 7 . 6/4/2018
Good chapter. Keep up the good work!
totallynotachicken chapter 6 . 6/4/2018
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 6 . 6/3/2018
Good chapter. Keep up the good work!
Caraline Fisher chapter 6 . 6/3/2018
Really like this story
Pyra chapter 5 . 5/5/2018
Spoilers Ahead!: I cannot recall the last time I cried while reading a fanfic. Holy shit, this was a very well written chapter! The scenery, the emotions, even the smallest details like Pepper stroking Peter's back felt raw and impactful. My heart was, and still is, literally hurting for both Peter and Tony, especially after Peter confessed his feelings of abandonment and wanting to die. I know what it's like to be in Peter's place because I've dealt with suicidal thoughts before and him admitting his true feelings made me feel less alone. I also feel very sorry for Tony because he never had any empathy given to him after the death of his parents, so it's understandable why he's so scared. I know he'll be a great parent and I know that Peter will get out of this alive; I just hope they'll both get the counseling and closure they deserve. Please continue writing this for it is one the best fanfics ever written!
Nayrsamoht12 chapter 5 . 5/2/2018
Give me another chapter plz I need it
poohbear123 chapter 5 . 4/30/2018
Oh poor Peter. Tony grow up and take care if your kid.
Mei fa-chan chapter 5 . 4/30/2018
Great chapter!
TheWordThief chapter 4 . 4/23/2018
Love this so far, it's so well done. So glad Ned told Tony, love the parallels with Tony's own experience
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