Reviews for Love In The Midst Of Chaos
MJRL chapter 25 . 13h
I hope they can talk and fix it soon.
Philly Girl52 chapter 25 . 9/21
Awww. I feel so bad for poor shy idiot Rick. He has no idea what he did. Lori already ripped his self confidence to shreds, Michonne being mad at him may kill him.
Thanks for sharing. Stay safe.
viva12151 chapter 25 . 9/21
Awesome job
BLKGURLSMUSE chapter 25 . 9/21
Hi! I've been meaning to drop by and review this wonderful story for some time now. I love the thought you've put into the dynamic of Richonne and the complexity of divorce and single parenting. Great job!
Fleur2019 chapter 25 . 9/20
I'm confused, what did Rick do?
mar02 chapter 24 . 9/16
Rick needs to get out of his head. Thanks for the update.
demeter11 chapter 24 . 9/14
I hate Mike like a day without sunshine.

I mean who the hell does he think he is? I am glad Michonne is not an idiot about him anymore.

Rick needs to quit being shy or"indecisive." Just kiss her already.

I am glad she's mad. She has self worth now.

Great update.
Richonne4Life chapter 24 . 9/13
Let's get the obvious out of the way... Mike is awful and I'm glad Michonne is over him. He gave her Munchie, but that's the only thing he is good for.

Michonne was really hurt by what she thinks is rejection by Rick. I'm glad her friends talked her down from holding a grudge, but Rick needs to make this right. He's not going to have a choice once he sees how gorgeous Michonne looks! :)

Thank you!
MJRL chapter 24 . 9/12
How I have missed this story. I wonder what Rick did and what Michonne will do now. I am so corious and I cannot wait to know what will happen.
Fleur2019 chapter 24 . 9/12
thank you for the update but I miss my favorite character, Carl..
viva1215 chapter 24 . 9/10
Hmm I cant wait to see what happens next. Rick really messed up.
demeter11 chapter 23 . 7/20
Rick is such a dipshit. Really? I don't care iteration if Rick exists- he is always just as cowardly as he is brave. And oblivious. I want to shake him like a Polaroid picture. Great update.
Richonne4Life chapter 23 . 6/22
As much as I want Rick and Michonne to kiss, I didn't want it to be orchestrated by Lance. I was very relieved when Munchie interrupted because their first kiss should just be theirs. And Lance needs to keep his Negan ideas to himself. That man is doing the most and trying to force things he has no business forcing. But I also did kind of love Rick and Michonne all dressed up and looking so perfect together, although they could be wearing garbage bags and still look like a perfect match.

Rick needs to stop letting his doubts over his age and his divorce and his two left feet come in between him and Michonne. Everyone can see they're meant to be. Those two need to embrace the obvious so they can start embracing each other!

And Michonne's description was truly delicious... I too hope she licks Rick all over. Lol.

Thank you!
Soren Taline chapter 19 . 6/7
I'm guessing English isn't your first language. I like the story, but it's been way too hard to get through it with all of the grammar and spelling issues. Not sure if you have a beta, if not you should get one...or just use spellcheck.
emeraldislegirl chapter 1 . 6/4
What a tease, they oughta been doing it for real.
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