Reviews for Fire And Oxygen: I'll Fall With Your Knife
Silexwitch chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
Beautiful little stories that help me when I'm feeling the worst of it. I don't think I say thank you enough.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
So everyone splintering after Splinter's death is kinda a big deal. For having him for 17/18 years of their lives, being just the five of them loosing one of them takes away from the whole. There is a void now where Splinter resided.
Now with their building powers that link between the four of them will be stronger, it will help make them safer more self reliant but they all have to get it under control.
I can see Raph's powers like a big growly dog he has to keep under control with a leash. There will be times when it's so big it drags him along for the walk, other times he'll be in control. Hopefully he can learn to be in control all the time. If he does then I can see Raph, overall, evolving emotionally into the rock that he can be for them.
Celeste38 chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
This is such a beautifully raw piece, I absolutely loved it!

As I'm sure I've said before, I think it was a brilliant move to have Mikey's power awaken powers in his brothers like this. I'm thrilled that you've decided to explore that in the Lifegiver series. You've been doing a wonderful job with it, and I think it really makes the Lifegiver series stand out more.

The way you wrote Raph and his struggle with his power here was so intense! I love how you portrayed it, how ramped up and anxious it makes readers feel when he's getting caught up in the emotions and losing control.

I love how more in tune with each other the brothers are in these fics. How well they've learned to read each other, how they communicate with each other better now, and take strides to try to help each other out emotionally instead of just physically in the heat of a battle.

I loved Donnie and Leo's interactions with Raph in this chapter just as much as his ones with Mikey.

You've done a fantastic job, as always!
Ryo-chan wolfgirl chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Aww, this was really sweet. I love the brotherly love between the turtles. I also like how you gave each of the brothers their own abilities through their bond with Mikey.

The moment between Raph and Mikey was really precious. I loved it.

Well done. Keep it up.
danielle0516 chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Aww they’re such precious, hurt beans! Mikey is a great teacher and I love the idea of Raph with empathetic powers like Mikey. It’ll bring them closer and they all need it so much.
No Guns Only Roses chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
I love how Raph and Mikey are always there for each other. The definition of bromance. Wonderful work here.