Reviews for Silent, (Blaring)
DarkeDragonBoss chapter 1 . 6/11
I cried.
RenegadeSon chapter 1 . 6/10
This was so well written! Wow... but so sad . Just wow.
KookiePie1025 chapter 1 . 5/22
Piece of art! Tugs on my heartstrings. I felt bad for Naruto. I’ve always char a thing as well for GaaHina pairing. And all were in character here. Poetry. That’s every word, sentence and thought you write. I loved reading this. Short yet full. Write some more please.
orange.leaf.hokage chapter 1 . 9/25/2019
This fix is so beautiful and heartbreaking.
I’m so glad about Hinata blossoming and finding her path and Gaaras happiness but narutos loss always leaves me a little sad.
It’s still a beautiful fic thank you
FlaminKitten chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
"...Because loving who you wish to be is not the same as loving who you wish to be with, " This is profound as fuck in hit me square in the chest. Outside of that, your writing is positively luscious. Thought this was gonna be an ot3 fic and im still reeling from the unexpected delight that not many other love triangles inspire. Keep up the great work!
H A M B O . 1 7 chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
Wow. Just.. wow.I really love your style.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
I can't believe I didn't find this sooner. Gaahina is one of my fave hinata ships. I really love the story progression and how naruto is involved in the story.
Luciferlovehina chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
It’s so beautiful that almost takes my breath away.
oneklm chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
your writing style is so beautiful
Aries Druella chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
Your words are lovely
Gomizia chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
this is just beautiful and...and breathtaking. how did you do it?!
chichee chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
Your characterisation is the most beautiful thing in this fic.
What I adore is the complete human-ness of them- I can imagine them so well and
I've read this fic 5 times in the past month alone- probably an unhealthy addiction.
What I love is that you don't write them with tons of actions and PDA, but with incredible depth which makes what moments they do share seem all the more realistic. The way you portray Hinata's quiet strength and resolve, the difficulty of gaining Gaara's trust and Naruto's slow uptake and how he still manages to cope with loss and grief- it all really shines through in this love triangle. Speaking of which, I typically abhor love triangles, but with this I couldn't resist- it's so much more than I just "she's-mine-because-I-love-her-more-than-you" and none of that juvenile fight for dominace between the two male leads with a grief stricken female that typically lends itself to Hinata-centric triangles. This fic is an exploration of all their characters, and this triangle was almost used as a tool to do so (Especially naruto, the comment about how he paints his face with amusement and gets away with it- has been getting away with it for years knocks the wind out of my lungs- and I think it perfectly depicts the dichotomy of both crippling loneliness and sunshine-y optimism and hardiness that is Naruto)

The style of writing is unique and heart- wrenching too- the use of the brackets, the long winding sentences that suddenly come to a halt, and the absolutely gorgeous imagery and metaphors (the tea spilling in a fine arc took my breath away and how Gaara said her name), combined with the characterisation made it feel all the more real and pulled me into the heat of the moment. One thing I find with Naruto fanfics is that there doesn't seem to be much attention to experimental writing styles, and I'm so glad to find that this isn't one of them. People tend to underestimate what a good voice can do for your story.

Lastly, I love this pairing (a well written GaaHina fic is something to die for) and your sophistication in dealing with this pairing absolutely blew me away. Love this and will keep updated for more of your Naruto fics!
ForgetMeNutella12 chapter 1 . 4/27/2018
Simply beautiful. I'm not used to this style of writing but after rereading it I was able to finally grasp the symbolism.
reeroy chapter 1 . 4/15/2018
reread it because I CAN and it still shocks me to the core how beautiful it is.

you're honestly one of my favourite authors in this fandom. please keep blessing us with your work!

JAFootnote chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
Your prose is so beautiful. I'll admit that while I was somewhat disheartened at the way things turned out, I was so captivated by the way your words flowed that I did not stay disappointed for long.
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