Reviews for J-172
Knightowl 4183 chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
Eurgh, I hate how they tried wrestling in shit that didn't fit, and then warped people to fit said irregular narrative.

Like a dark haired woman that looked like Cortana, called the Spartan's exclusively by name, and learned their quirks and such as a form of penance. Suddenly for Homecoming became blonde, very tan, and clinically calling them by their Spartan Designation exclusively. But then they felt they 'had' to legitimatize that since they added John in to give her back the Teddy Bear Keychain.

The fact that the numbers didn't add up because of it, that the escapees seemed to of broken out of what looked like a land based facility, and so on and so forth didn't bother Bungie one bit. They just shrugged and crowbarred shit in there, I am surprised they didn't crowbar in the Super Strong weird Spartan II from that one tale.

Honestly Daisy, Ralph, and the others fit more into a secondary ONI run Spartan II program, with a fake Dr. Halsey rather than the mainline established line. They coasted along with so much tomfoolery that they had to revise the Fall of Reach book...

I am not going to get into magic journal fuckery that was used as an excuse by a writer who made the Kilo whatever series based off- I shit you not- gossip, she read nothing, and played nothing related to Halo. Her entire run on the Halo series was based off what she heard, her own bias that Military automatically means good, and something must be blamed for everything...

For fucks sake Traviss introduced Rape Camps in her Gears of War books and saw nothing wrong with it, at all...
wolfpackx92 chapter 4 . 6/17/2019
Need moar! please please please please please please please!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/19/2018
Really good job man!
projectshadow06 chapter 4 . 7/24/2018
I have a question. Does Jaune even end up going back to Remnant when its about going to be invaded by the Covenant? Because that will make a badass story arc. You could end it as the Covenant Glassing it or you could end it with Remnant becoming a UNSC Colony.
Mailm4n chapter 4 . 6/9/2018
I love this story, great job.
freddy.lane.1 chapter 4 . 6/3/2018
ooh, this going be good!
Shonisto chapter 1 . 4/24/2018
absolutely love how Jaune took charge there at the end.
willcraftNEX chapter 4 . 4/24/2018
i think i just had my very first addiction, this fic is it

it is the ONLY fic to ever make me think "this should have happened, cuz this is awesome"
CheesusChrist15 chapter 4 . 4/24/2018
So does the ship end up exploding in some slip space bullshit and he ends up in remnant? A little too predictable and overused, that is if that’s what happens. I’ve seen the gimmick too many times already
Doren1 chapter 4 . 4/23/2018
Alright wish there will be many marines that will survive or none of them will die although that will be imposible this is war
Toaneo07 Ver2.0 chapter 4 . 4/23/2018
Guest chapter 3 . 4/10/2018
If he ever gets back it should be after the war and finds out were he came form and maybe change the order for him to make him the oldest in his siblings so he can meet the rent crew
minecraft93 chapter 3 . 4/6/2018
I think that Jaune should be in his mid 20s/ late 20s before he goes back to remnant because by then his augmentations would be fully developed and he would be in his prime.
John Lanford chapter 1 . 4/5/2018
Jaune fanboys and fangirls.
Story would be so much better is Jaune stayed on Remnant, and the main character was an OC.
Jaune would not have his aura work in space, he would be better off on Remnant.
Either rewrite the whole fanfic, or just delete this.
This fanfic gets a 2/10.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2018
ONI most probably will not send Jaune to remnant due to his back ground and the fact that his family is still alive. Did ONI operative replace Jaune with a flash clone? I mean the clone that they have when kidnapping must have look different from jaune.
Plus ONI must be aware of the location of remnant, and sent their operatives to gather intelligence and for infiltration. They must have known of arua and dust but kept Dr Halsey from knowing about it.
Did ONI kill jaune family to protect a secret?
Or Jaune father blaming the vale government for kidnapping his son in a government conspiracy and attack the government. Dying or being captured while doing so.
Semper Vigilans
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