Reviews for Revenant
Toffeecat15 chapter 1 . 9/22
Zwei is best dog
angeldude chapter 3 . 9/17
With Cinque being a cyborg herself, that means my headcanon is still safe about Ruby being weapon-sexual. (Guns & Roses and Nuts & Dolts were my favourite Ruby ships by the way.) While Rosenkreuz may not be her sweetheart anymore, she's still her baby.
ShugoYuuki123 chapter 12 . 9/4
Any update on what's happening?
wolfy48 chapter 12 . 8/30
please update soon I love this story and can't wait for Ruby to be reunited with her wife in the story it will be funny to see how yang will react to their relationship please don't give up on this story it's an amazing piece of work
Spellflame chapter 12 . 7/11
Nyamu chapter 12 . 5/7
Just here to laugh at your definition of 'soon'.


Now back to waiting patiently.
maartenvervloet chapter 2 . 3/7
Not translating German works better if the person reading it doesn't know German (which I actually do)
Heavyarms150 chapter 8 . 2/9
I get the feeling the place yang took ruby was either a bar a strip club or a remnant version of chuck e cheese.
Ghost of Los Angeles chapter 9 . 11/4/2019
So upon rereading revenant in chapter Seven he kept mentioning Hayate five other knightsAs in Signum Shamal Vita Zafira and One other and reinforce zwei not been mentioned at all So that makes me think the original reinforce is still alive any thoughts Senpai
Heavyarms150 chapter 11 . 10/18/2019
Ive read this a few times and got to wondering something. Was ruby found on midchilda like subaru was or was she there much earlier? Unless i am remembering canon strikers wrong and it wasnt midchilda that was burning in the first episode. I just thought if ruby and subaru are close in age they would have been found in a similar place considering the info you dropped of ruby training in the grand cathedral on midchilda and she presumably dissapeared at 3 years old if there were no time descrency from when she vanished from remnant and arriving there. Unless that is a spoiler answer. Either way its been bugging me too much to not ask even if i dont get an answer.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/27/2019
Guest chapter 12 . 9/19/2019
Yes an update (sees new “chapter”) WHY?!
PreciselyDefined chapter 12 . 9/9/2019
Great to see this fic is still being worked on, just found it and keen to see where it goes.
Kurosu Cross chapter 12 . 9/5/2019
at last

a confirmation
Lasre chapter 12 . 9/4/2019
Thanks for the status ()
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