Reviews for Don't Swoon
DarkPhantomlight chapter 1 . 8/29
Really enjoy this fan fic you capture them perfectly. wish this was part of the. show or a mini extra scene. Thank you for writing it. God bless.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
Awwww yea real good! Plz write more!
Anonymoose chapter 1 . 6/11/2019
Seriously, you need to keep writing Helga.
LP Luna Phantom chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
You had me giggling and sighing and swooning me too, ha ha! Great job!
Des-C-Kudi chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
Loved this. Maybe this could be the perfect sequel to the jungle movie. Your characterisations of Arnold and Helga are always so on point. Thank you for sharing!
DannySamLover20 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
awww nice job!
Whirlwind18 chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
I really like this. The parallelism of Helga worrying that everything was a dream in the same way that Arnold does at the end of the movie is so smart and in-character to me. The way you wrote Helga is perfect: as her usual bipolar self but elevated up to fever pitch, alternatingly elated and confused and anxious. That’s exactly how I would imagine her handling stuff.

Plus, this is one of the only Hey Arnold pieces I’ve read where Helga sharing her poetry and/or going on a monologue in front of him hasn’t made me cringe in secondhand embarrassment. I like that Arnold is his usual accepting self, but also is kind of uncomfortable and doesn’t quite get her yet, which I think is very true to his character.

Anyway, this is great and I thoroughly enjoyed it :). Thanks for writing it.
MikeyMoo23 chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
This was so cute I love it so much! They’re so awkward and amazing and ahhh you write them so well I love it so much!
Em Pataki chapter 1 . 4/24/2018
That was sweet. I like that Arnold wants Helga to open up, but is also willing to let her be herself around him.
Leen Ananzeh chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
Laylion4869 chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
Commander you sure have a way with words
Shahrezad1 chapter 1 . 4/2/2018
Awwwww! This was lovely! Very “Helga just exploded due to love” but that’s pretty normal for her, so I’d say that you were spot-on when it came to her Arnold was wonderful, too! I love that his questions were so insightful, and that they all came back to his desire to learn about what motivates Helga.

Nicely done, all around!
DeepVoice'06 chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
Man! I have not seen your name a long time in this fandom! I definitely had to give you this review after reading this masterpiece. I love the part where Helga said he was good kisser and Arnold said so are you, the whole concept that Helga believe he would dismiss it as either a dream or Heat of the Moment like he did with the FBI building incident was definitely an interesting take on it. I like how it's Arnold trying to convince Helga that it really happened instead of the other way around like Helga wanted to do at the end of the first movie. overall, this was very enjoyable to read and very cute. The fact that Arnold isn't put off by Helga swooning and Love Sick Behavior is an added plus to it. Please write more! I think I have all your stories on my favorites list then again I would have to check...
Call Me Nettie chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
"His eyes sucker-punched her" I really liked that line, and I enjoyed this story very much. Nice piece of work.
Kotali chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
Yaaas! This is beauty!
I'm so happy too see more HA! from you.
You right so wonderfully. I live for fluff and this was fantastic.

I'm really glad that you had them handle it the way that you did, and that it wasn't just Helga doing all the talking and confessing. You have a solid commitment to the characters and it shows.
I appreciate her ruminations toward the end as well.

Truthfully, having them approach it this way, makes me excited for Helga to grow more trusting and emotionally healthy from this point. I can only imagine the kind of wonderful person Arnold will get to watch her grow to be, and what a wonderful team they'll be. As passionate as she is, in a healthy relationship, I can see her being the supportive, tenacious and unwaveringly emotional responsible partner to Arnold's more pliable, compassionate heart. I love it. I love them.

If I could write it, I would [I have a talent for drawing], but you've given me inspiration for a few fan art ideas at the vey least.
I look forward to more of your writing.
Thank you.
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