Reviews for The Hills Have More Eyes
Guest chapter 15 . 8/17
I very much enjoyed reading this story. There’s not enough like it out there and I can’t wait to read more
Guest chapter 15 . 7/28
I love this story. Would you update soon please
mwagner3 chapter 15 . 7/7
I think your choice for having Rocco not want to go is perfect for creating a bit more drama. They will either have to force him to come, take time to talk him into it, or find a different way to help Jug. However, because either of these would take time it forces Cassidy's buttons to be pushed. So hopefully we will see more punishment to Jug. It would be interesting if Betty somehow managed to talk her way into the cabin as well though. She could say it was to check how injured Jug was since they don't trust Cassidy, and she would be one of the only people Cassidy wouldn't feel threatened by. Not that you have to go that route, but I would appreciate more bughead and protectiveness from both Jug and Betty for each other.
TheLMAriel chapter 14 . 7/5
I am so sorry to hear how the pandemic has been treating you and your family. I work in a doctor's office, so I get it. It's an insane time that we're living in right now, but hopefully we can all get through it! I wish you and your family the best!
mwagner3 chapter 14 . 7/5
Thank you for updating. I love the background we got in this chapter and the Fred/Fp dynamic. They have been friends for a while, so I like that you showcased that through their conversation. I also enjoy the bits and pieces of reality like showing that they were getting sleepy, and needing food in one of the last chapters(I laugh a little at wondering whether they would let Jug use the bathroom). I do hope that we get a little more Betty and that we get to see what the phrase "smack that feisty side out of him" entails or just possibly what Cassidy would do if he doesn't get his way.
Anyways, I hope that you will remain safe and that everything will get better.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/2
I think this story is very interesting and good. I would enjoy more Betty in the story and to see Jughead’s protective side for her if you can. I hope you are safe and will continue to update soon
fairytailsouleater chapter 9 . 6/18
Just a note, it’s “Mija” not “meha”.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/27
Can’t wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 13 . 3/8
Thank you so much for updating! This was a great chapter. I’m a huge bughead fan, so I would definitely like more Betty involvement. One idea could be to have fp call Cassidy asking to let someone go in to check on jughead since the gunshot went off and he would naturally want to. Betty would be the perfect person to do so since Cassidy wouldn’t perceive her as a threat and would give a great opportunity to have some great leverage over jughead if Cassidy somehow forced her to stay. Not that you have to use all of that idea or any. I do love to see jughead get hurt protecting her.
mwagner3 chapter 13 . 3/9
Great chapter! I hope we get to see a little more of Betty's involvement. I love Betty and Jughead's relationship soooo much. I would also like to see Jughead be protective of her if she was suddenly brought up again to Cassidy. Maybe she sneaks in and gets caught or somehow gets permission to check up on Jughead. I would think that making sure he is okay after the gunshot would be something that Cassidy would let happen, and he already knows Betty and believes that she isn't a threat.
I do love FP in this story though. You can tell he really loves his son.
Can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 12 . 3/2
Please update!
Abby chapter 12 . 1/20
Did jughead die
Guest chapter 12 . 12/28/2019
Really cool story. Hope that you can update soon
mwagner3 chapter 12 . 11/10/2019
Great chapter! I can't wait to see what's next! I hope we get a little more of Jughead's protectiveness of Betty possibly. I love that side of him, and love their relationship!
Guest chapter 11 . 11/1/2019
Can’t wait to see what he does to jughead!
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