Reviews for The Courier's Revenge
DmCrebel25 chapter 16 . 12/9/2019
And... the truth is revealed. I knew but assumed with how cruel Martus always appeared to be that she'd created the Divide maliciously. Still... she knew what the thing in her hands would do. I'm not for condemning those who follow orders, but there was nothing really stopping her from taking the package and running. Taking it far away and destroying it. The Enclave may come for her, but she has a chance to escape and even if not she'd have saved thousand who would have died if the Enclaves original plan worked in reality the hundreds or so that lived in Hopeville/Ashton.

So, I can't really blame Arcade for his original intention of killing or leaving her. Nor him blowing Veronica's leg off, she earned that a while ago. Though in defense of Megan... really should have just walked away. But I agree with Ulysses about her being a daughter to him, in some way. And he just can't do it, few could.

Overall, this story was just dirty. But it truly had to be, given where it went and ended up. You had to take it to some dark places. And you handled it all brilliantly. The characters have all fallen to their lowest lows, even Arcade. Despite his attempts to do good, he's run his reputation, and morals through the dirt all for someone who should have never climbed out of her shallow grave. And Megan, well, she's written excellently, no question. No matter her likability, which is pretty shredded at this point. At least for myself. But you've done great work here again, and I'm sure the next parts will continue the trend.
DmCrebel25 chapter 15 . 12/9/2019
Rawr is an interesting character for Megan to talk to. Similar to Lily, but actually cognizant unlike Lily who was off her rocker. Kinda sad how he wants to be smarter, to learn and make Goris proud. Even going so far as to learn his name. More likely he'll always be a disappointment to him no matter how hard he tries. But maybe Goris isn't as callous as his actions make him seem.

Ulysses finally get's his time to talk. You've captured his voice well enough, and even threw a little bit of curve in with his sickness. I do wonder just what it is he hopes to gain by getting her confession. Making her face whatever it is she's done? Though that doesn't quite explain what it has to do with the NCR and how she can convince him to leave them be. But I suppose all will be revealed next chapter. Been a long time coming, and there's even more to go when it's done...
DmCrebel25 chapter 14 . 12/9/2019
Goris, I have to agree with Alexeij on, he's both the Monster, and Frankenstein himself. Aside from his motivation, desperation, he's almost reached the Enclave's level of mad science. It's not an easy place to be in, but I would say it would have been best for him to just let it end. Now they're more like his perverted Legacy than the survivors of his species. I don't think he's malicious but as can be applied to Megan, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

And Arcade being forgiven for his own legacy. It's too bad he's in too much of a rush that he can't have a moment to feel it. Forgiven by a victim of that legacy, it's pretty much the culmination of his character arc. Arcade is just... man it sucks to be him. I don't see a happy ending for him despite his efforts to do good. Sure this shouldn't be labeled as a tragedy?
DmCrebel25 chapter 13 . 12/9/2019
...Well, didn't see that coming at all. This is certainly an interesting twist, and wow is it not a direction I was expecting. I guess we gotta meet the family, whatever that consists of.

Arcade I could see you becoming a Ben Kenobi and exiling yourself to the middle of the desert to atone. Granted I don't think Megan would allow that as we've seen. And speaking of her, boy is she just absolutely morally bankrupt. I didn't realize how close I was, calling her a rabid animal. And I amend what I said, she needs to be put down. Letting someone like her run around is dangerous for everyone. Whether Megan would hurt an innocent person, I suspect she would and without much concern, Martus I suspect would willingly hurt innocent people just because she was bored.

Martus strikes me as the sort to pull the wings and legs off a fly and watch it struggle. And that there's nothing stopping this beyond the phase of the moon or way the wind shifts that's just... I don't think liability is a strong enough word. And Arcade easily ripped any justification apart as he shredder her. I mean, the best way I could describe Arcade's role is that of a parent. One who's child is a danger to everyone, but still their child. Very few I could see actually being able to pull the trigger on their child. Arcade is just not one of them. That's the only way I can explain it anyway.

He found his breaking point, but it's simply futile for him to try and wash his hands of her. The Divide truly ripped them open and broke them. And they haven't even reached the end yet. Where who knows how many nukes wait. I suspect Megan is going to make the exact wrong choice when there...
DmCrebel25 chapter 12 . 12/9/2019
Arcade... how the mighty have fallen. This chapter is just... Jesus. I mean, there's no redemption really. Megan's little more than a rabid animal that should probably be put down. Arcade has finally crossed the line where he's basically complicit for every crime Megan commits. Sure, he could have easily been argued to be, even before this, but now there's just no going back. Veronica, somehow ends up being the one with any shred of moral fiber, and that's pretty shocking after the things she's done.

Like, I almost can't even blame her for being willing to throw them to the wolves. Even when I could see it actually being Ulysses who launched the missile. After all the Eyebot was still alive, but as Veronica said, it's exactly the sort of shit Megan would do. At this point just, damn, you've torn these people apart, and with such written... grace? No, brutal reality would be the only way to put it. But put as simply as I can, great writing. Hooked in to see this terrible train wreck reach the final station. And with how hard it is to find any sympathy with the characters anymore that's amazing. To keep the hook set in so tight. Bravo, to you!
DmCrebel25 chapter 11 . 12/9/2019
Well, that's what I expected, another kudos to you for throwing another curveball. Not only is it the BoS, but it's the East Coast BoS. I gotta wonder who this new Sentinel is. And it seems Lily get's the short end of the stick more often than not. At least so far in stories I've read, poor grandma get's ganked, usually unceremoniously. And you wrote just so that even though I know she couldn't walk away alive that I thought just maybe she would.

Arcade is once again proving why he's damn near the main character of this story. Standing up to a squad of Brotherhood in full armor, that's just something else. Sure it took blinding rage to do it, but hey, you take what you can get. I did get a chuckle at his relief over his tooth rerooting. Can't blame him for it. And considering how bad a liar he was back in the first story seeing him lie his ass off like that to the BoS was pretty impressive.

And finally, Veronica joining forces with him after their rather icy confrontation was not expected. But, it was probably a better chance than whatever fucked up recompense the BoS wanted from her. They even managed to successfully hoodwink them, Arcade's dad would be proud. Though considering how the BoS handled Veronica trying to join the Followers in game there's probably going to be a very bad chain of events in that silo...
DmCrebel25 chapter 10 . 12/9/2019
Oh no, what'd Ulysses do? I assume it was him cause they were stagnant but I could be wrong. Still, seems like it would fit this impatient version of him.

Megan... it was always kinda obvious she'd run through the sympathy for her plight eventually. But if we say there was a path to that as a long winding road down into a pit, Megan looked over the edge away from it. Then went, "Fuckin' Yeet!" and nose dove off it. It's honestly impressive how quickly she did it. Kudos to you for making it believable as well with the shreds of her sanity we saw in the beginning of the chapter. Her desperation to hide the truth Ulysses may reveal in the prior chapters were a good preamble to it as well.

Arcade being our stable POV to seeing how far she's fallen was the perfect way to frame just how bad she got in Hopeville. The discovery of the graveyard really does put how bad the incident that led to the creation of the Divide was. Granted of course what he found with Megan was a different level of bad. And honestly there's absolutely no excuse for what she did, or I guess didn't do. Maybe Pemberton deserved a horrible death, but we don't know that and to let her suffer like Megan did is just... fucked. Threatening to kill her for what she may have known too? Jesus, girl, there's not pass for that.

Boy, it's just incredible how human you made these characters. I mean, I don't know many that would be willing to make any of their characters except a villain behave how yours do. Humanity is a broad spectrum of good and bad, and not everyone is on the good side. So for you to embrace not that and write them on every spot is just great. Whatever's next, I can only guess this is just the beginning of how bad it'll get.
DmCrebel25 chapter 9 . 12/8/2019
Megan is not doing well in keeping this under wraps... It's one thing to try and cover up whatever answers might be there. But maybe not shoot it and crush it in front of people. Because now Arcade's gonna be keeping an eye on her. And is no doubt suspicious of what's got her so concerned about this and what she's not telling him. Also that power armor is making her awfully overconfident, that or another part of her is coming out as she's used it more.

And Arcade may be considering staying with the Followers. Well, I doubt that it'll happen but still the temptation is certainly not going to add to cohesion with him and Megan. Especially given her desperation to hide whatever is waiting ahead of them from him. I can only imagine just how bad it'll be when light is shed on it.
DmCrebel25 chapter 8 . 12/7/2019
I don't know Meghan, I got a chuckle out of your comment after Ignacio gave his speech...

You know, maybe with the true believers like Ignacio and Usanagi the Followers would be on a good path. But that reminder that they have nuke plans made the NCR's feelings about them quite justified in a way. They now have the Lucky 38 along with all that knowledge. The potential for that to go horribly wrong is an awfully dangerous prospect. I mean one psycho with a god complex finally cracks in their ranks and they could end up bringing the world to its knees again. They already birthed Caesar, I don't want to think about what else might come from them. That's an awful lot to leave up to chance and goodwill.

I will say, I hope Megan doesn't really think Ulysses will go down so easily. I mean, he's likely already got something ready to counteract power armor. She's given him more than enough time to plan for everything. Not to mention whatever damage he may cause through words, cause he's quite good with those. Hell, he could probably have her begging him for mercy with just words.

PSA, Lily is still a super human who can run you down like a cheetah and rip your arms off. She just happens to also like knitting. I get the feeling Leo is gonna get out again, and this time do more substantial damage. And as a final note, Megan does seem to have gleaned some self awareness at this point. If those thoughts about her being a child in Goodsprings is anything to go by.

Anyway, onward Courier, the Divide is waiting...
DmCrebel25 chapter 7 . 12/2/2019
Oh, I see we're back to punting Megan while she's down. I *did feel like we were missing something. I mean, yeah, she had a hard time at the Madre, but she didn't really get absolutely emotionally demolished like she usually does. Little did I know it was coming when she got back.

Nice to see there are serious consequences from what happened in the end of the last story. It could have been so easy to make it a nice farewell with Megan and Arcade going off to the unknown and then into the sunset. But that's not how this works and you've shown just how deep the hate and fear of the Enclave is ingrained even forty years later. And Megan was even acquitted, so this isn't even confirmed. Oddly enough I think the people she admitted to it with handled it better than those who don't actually know for sure.

Doc Mitchell is and absolutely crushing blow to her. I mean the guy who saved her life, gave her a second chance, pretty much condemned her. And honestly I wonder if fiery anger wouldn't have been better than cold condemnation and venom. That's damn near Raul level of hurt, not quite obviously but still brutal. And we're not even in the Divide yet...
DmCrebel25 chapter 6 . 12/2/2019
That's... certainly not someone you'd want in the Divide. Especially given whatever truth Ulysses manages to get out between Megan trying to put ED-E on mute. I suspect if it will be very bad, and may give Veronica enough of a push to actively attack. And they'll have enough trying to kill them in that death trap. Not to mention the Followers who will likely be pretty close to dead weight when the bullets start flying.

I will say, the various loose ends here were tied off much quicker than I expected. Kinda made it feel a bit anticlimactic. But perhaps that's just me. Anyway, will say God having a little Golum moment plus disappearing does make me wonder if we'll see him again in the future. Given his much kinder portrayal here I could certainly see him helping Megan out in the future. And next we head for the Divide!
DmCrebel25 chapter 5 . 12/2/2019
Oh, we have a new development! Dean, Dean, sad to say your likability can not outweigh your awful morality and fragile ass ego. And now you strike like a snake yet again. Should have known you'd give him some solid agency. Actively attacking the protagonist, successfully I'll add, certainly adds to what he had lacked in the prior chapters. So nice work throwing a curveball again.

Like the last chapter we have quite a bit of character interaction. A bit of a taste for every characters POV here, and I think I've beaten the dead horse on the quality of your character work enough, so sadly I don't think I have much more to offer.
DmCrebel25 chapter 4 . 12/2/2019
Well, Megan does seem to have a bit in common with her new companions. Christine was actually the first thing that came to mind in the first story when Megan was shown to be illiterate after everything. So it's nice to see them quickly find some common ground, though I suspect Christine will not be spending much time around Megan. That'll be delegated to her new Nightkin friend. Speaking of, another deviation from the norm, he's far less hostile and egotistical than the game.

But he now has a parallel with her in his own Schizophrenic induced amnesia. Both doing terrible things they can't remember and trying to ignore it. It does make me wonder if we'll ever explore whether they still deserve some form of justice or comeuppance. Sure they may not remember it but... still depending on severity it's hard to just give them a pass. I get the feeling with that talk Arcade and Megan had way back in the beginning of the first story it'll be explored strongly at some point.

This chapter did once again really enforce that this is a much more character driven story than plot. Which works quite well for you with how good you've done these characters. Sure some aren't as strong as others, Dean has kept his personality but so far has been rather absent. But not every character needs time in the spotlight or we'd be here till kingdom come trying to fit everyone in. Sometimes you just need a questgiver.
DmCrebel25 chapter 3 . 12/1/2019
I mean... obviously he lied, come on Veronica. I will say here you've portrayed Elijah as more madly insane than a sociopath on a power trip cause he got his ass beat by the NCR. But hey, you've pulled off a different take before I suspect you'll do it again. Still got his personality down though if skewed in a different direction. And now Veronica is torn between her choice to offer Megan up and how much of a piece of work that makes her.

As for the rest it settles onto the rails of Dead Money to an extent for the most part. So it's hard to find things to say about that, the characters are still as strong as always, the quipping between these two... I don't know how to explain their relationship, but it is interesting to witness. And this change at the end does add a curve ball. Have to see how it plays out next.
DmCrebel25 chapter 2 . 12/1/2019
Oh Veronica, that's just rude. Though I gotta wonder about the fairness of this deal, after all, Christine is at least still physically capable while Megan is running at five push up capacity. But, this is Elijah and I doubt he had any intention of just letting this go without a hitch. Plus somehow Veronica ends up back in Megan's company so something changes.

Beginning reflections were nice, Megan's head is just an absolute fucking mess... Doublethink does certainly sound like the best way to describe her situation with going to the Divide. I wonder if her fear of revelation in the Divide is at odds with her ultimate goal of going east, or she wants to go east to find the good in her past and ignore the skeletons. See her family(whatever might be left of it) and just forget that she was Enclave and whatever sins she committed.

Now it's time to see the Sierra Madre proper next...
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