Reviews for Dream On, Roundface
Gaheller Saberhagen chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
Love badass Ochako trying to kick Bakugo's ass (and failing lol).
Makes sense that you can't get your head out off your other fic, because that was such a headcanon, so my advise is trying to write something so diferent that you have to think in another completely different headcanon, like... Idunno, the AU in that fantasy word that is almost canon... sort of... or a genderbender story. I mean THAT different, like "wow with this i'm not being able to use the other headcanon".
lol, now im having so much ideas for weird AU kacchakos and no time! :D
Shiranai Atsune chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
Awww, I kinda hoped this would be a multi-chapter...

You might want to change the story status...
conchito chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
Please don't loose the pation to writte about this two! Your work is so brilliant and really good! It is sad when you finish something you worked so hard on, but it's wonderful when you realize that that same love can make you do something even more awsome! Thanks for writting!
Clarissa Kirishima chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
Hello again! Im really glad that you are writing again! And if you are gona make this a multi-chap story I would definitely follow it ! And I know that its hard to move on from a story you work so hard to felt real, but I wanted you to know that you are great ! This piece of story was really good and I think you can make and awesome development. No matter what choose you take you got my support ;)
onerandomanimefangirl chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
Awesome- I made sure to follow you as an author too!

And you know what- My mind is running diamond rich with new plot ideas- and lets say I got a my hero academia plot I'm not sure I'd like to write, which you can certainly tweak. (sounds like a drugs deal lol)

If you're feeling like plot development is something you want to do, shoot me a pm anyway, I have some great starters for things like that.