Reviews for Through a Glass, Brightly
Guest chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
I feel guilty that my recent PM to you made you drop your school work and stay up all night writing this wonderful story which I just read at top notch speed . What a emotional story. I spent most of the first part of the story trying to think what kind of a mission could this possibly be. What was Troy's plan here? Tully's "head felt like an oven top"; I've always wondered how hot that metal helmet must have felt to TAR real actor as well.. I had real doubts about the story when Tully was questioning Moffitt as a positive member of the RP - the thought of a dream first hit me there but I wasn't completely convinced yet but was when Tully called Moffitt a"bad seed". I liked your descriptions in this story. "Troy looked like a lion torn between the sharing of a fresh kill and the excitement of the hunt". These dream stories are going to do me in. This one was especially good because it was from Tully's POV. I experienced "a plethora of unorganized emotions". And will read it again tonight. and several more times as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this awesome story
churchlady63 chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
Well this was a real treat! So very happy to see you again! I hate these kind of dreams when they happen to me, but they sure do make for good story lines. Thanks for writing!
AliasCWN chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
This was good. You had me guessing for a bit. Of all of yours I think I like this one best. Thanks for posting.
vintage1955 chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
Great story - starting off with unusual circumstances of a planned defection by Troy and Moffitt.
As Tully tries to make sense of it all, he is then wounded, at which time their situation becomes less of a dream and more concrete reality. Moffitt turns out to be loyal (once again) and a reliable member of the RP. It's a drifty story, nicely handling the realities of delirium in a wounded soldier and the true status of Sgt. Jack Moffitt, still a loyal member of the Rat Patrol. Thanks for the different twist in this story; makes us all, both story characters and FF readers wonder what the heck is really going on!
suzie2b chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
Interesting story! I kinda thought (hoped) early on that it was a dream. Good way to start my Friday. Thanks.